"What the hell? Is this the lawyer from Lin Mo Law Firm? What a nuclear-powered donkey!"

"Who says it's not the case? From the time the court opens at eight o'clock, we fight until the other party gets off work, without any rest! This is crazy!"

"Real talent! This is real talent! Of the 25 criminal cases, not one of them was lost! Although the difficulty is not high, this is amazing!"


Xia Ling was also frightened by Zhang Houcai's frantic work behavior.

She finally finished one game, and Zhang Houcai had already played three games...

"Boss! Lao Zhang is crazy!" Xia Ling was so frightened that she reported to Lin Mo.

Lin Mo was also a little surprised. He asked you to squeeze him, but he didn't let you squeeze him like this!

Fortunately, the task was completed in three days, and there was no risk of sudden death.

At this moment, Lin Mozheng was invited to the office by Prosecutor General Hong Quan. Hong Quan even personally made a pot of tea for Lin Mo...

"Hey, hey, Lawyer Lin, let me see this contract. If there are no problems, let's sign it."

Hong Quan's eyes were shining at this moment. He had never seen such a heaven-defying figure as Zhang Houcai!

With him, fighting simple criminal cases is like drinking water and eating, and can be solved in minutes!

If Zhang Houcai was a public prosecutor here, all simple criminal cases in the hospital could be solved by him.

Lin Mo narrowed his eyes: "Of course there is a problem. You have also seen Zhang Houcai's strength, Chief Prosecutor Hong. Are you looking down on him by offering 800,000 yuan to such a talented person?"

"This..." Hong Quan was stunned for a moment and looked at Lin Mo with wide eyes.

He didn't expect that someone would dare to make conditions to their prosecutor!

But... Hong Quan took a deep breath.

"One million. The condition is that Zhang Houcai will come as the prosecutor's lawyer for ten days a month. At the same time, when there are major cases, you and lawyer Qiu Ying will also take action."

Hong Quan immediately regressed.

"One million and two hundred thousand." Lin Mo directly raised the price.

"Pfft..." Hong Quan almost spit out blood.

The regret in my heart is that I only wanted 800,000 yuan before, but I didn’t sign because I didn’t trust it.

Now it has risen directly to 1.2 million!

At this time, Lin Mo said meaningfully: "Hong Jian, if your hospital cannot cooperate, then we will leave."

"Don't!" Hong Quan knew that with Lin Mo's law firm, any other prosecutor would sign.

If it's hard, just make it a little hard. The worst that can happen is that the air conditioner won't be turned on. We need to save money in various places.

Someone must relieve the pressure of this case!

"Sign! Sign the contract now!" Hong Quan said.

Lin Mo smiled and said in one sentence, the prosecutor of Pengcheng spent an extra 400,000 yuan on the law firm!

The signing process went smoothly and was also announced online.

This gave Shunhe Law Firm some added prestige, because law firms that can sign contracts with prosecutors are all well-known.

Signed the contract, transferred money, and soon, 1.2 million yuan was transferred to the law firm's account!

This time, it was not Lin Mo who earned the income alone, but the income earned by the entire law firm. This showed that the law firm was on the right track and began to earn high amounts of income.

With a total of four cases, my law firm has finally become a good new star law firm.

The reputation is finally achieved!

The next morning, on the way back to Jianghai, everyone finally relaxed physically and mentally and had a good sleep in the car.

And at the same time.

At 6.30 am, Jianghai No. 1 High School, a provincial key high school, is famous throughout Jianghai City for its extremely high admission rate.

It is even one of the top schools in Jiangdong Province.

But at 6:30, the students who got up from the bed were not as relaxed as Lin Mo and his group.

All of them were very tired and their expressions were very gloomy.

I washed up expressionlessly, then went downstairs and rushed to the playground for a run.

But on the long and crowded way downstairs and to the playground, everyone was silent and silent.

They all walked with their heads lowered, holding some portable notes in their hands, memorizing words, and memorizing the text silently.

Like a machine without emotions, completely devoid of the vitality of youth, exuding the aura of death.

Only the sound of silent footsteps indicates that everyone is still in action, not a machine.

Jiang Shuxuan is also one of the girls. She was originally pretty and would have looked good with long hair, but unfortunately, her hair was trimmed unevenly and turned into a mushroom head.

The whole person looks a little funny.

So when she walked, she buried her head very low, not wanting to be looked at by others.

When she passed by a sign with a banner and a countdown to the college entrance examination, her heart skipped a beat. A more serious problem than her hairstyle was waiting for her.

The banners read "If you can't learn to die, learn to die" "Improve one point and kill a thousand people!"

And she is about to take the college entrance examination next year!

At this time, a teacher on duty with a red armband suddenly shouted sternly: "Why are you walking so slowly! Walk faster! Go to the playground to endorse and endorse while running! Don't even think about being lazy on the road!"

"You know, if you are earlier, you can learn a few more knowledge points than others! Just a few points more than others! Your future will be more promising!"

Everyone couldn't help but speed up their pace after hearing this.

Arriving at the playground, Jiang Shuxuan found her class, and then started running with her chest pressed against her back, which was very uncomfortable, but extremely regular.

Running like this makes it very difficult to breathe.

But it seems to have a very good effect on refreshing.

The teacher on the stage is still shouting loudly: "Running like this can improve your physical fitness! By the way, hold up the booklet and recite it while running, the effect will be better! Also, when you go to the cafeteria to eat and line up for dinner, don't forget to take the time to read the knowledge points!"

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