Lawyer: The bully is not guilty? I will send him to death!

Chapter 118 I’m suing not only the school, but also my parents!

Perhaps because Lin Mo was present, Chen Guodong thought he had a lawyer as his backer, so the lion opened his mouth and directly asked for 2 million.

At this time, it was time for students to take a break, and many students gathered over.

After discovering that Lin Mo was present, a storm arose.

You must know that after the school bully case, Lin Mo's popularity among the student community was very high.

When the students found out that the lawyer at the scene was Lin Mo, they were completely upset. Many students came over to see Lin Mo, not even obeying the teacher's rules.

"Lawyer Lin! I like you so much, can you sign your name for me?"

"Lawyer Lin! Are you here to sue the school this time?"

"Lawyer Lin, let me tell you quietly, in fact, the school and the parents all wear the same pants, and they are the ones who oppressed Chen Anmin, including our students!"

"Yes, Lawyer Lin, can you help us?"


The scene was filled with cheers, and Lin Mo quietly asked Xia Ling to take pictures of the excited students.

This situation continued until the supervisors and security guards took action, driving the students back as if to suppress a riot.

The students could only look at Lin Mo on the railing upstairs.

Lin Mo sighed, and then waved his arms towards the students.

Then Lin Mo asked:

"Have you finished filming?"

"The shooting is finished." Xia Ling nodded.

"Okay, let's go."

Lin Mo turned around to leave, and Xia Ling followed.

Chen Guodong only reacted at this moment. When he saw Lin Mo was about to leave, he shouted directly: "Hey? Lawyer, why did you run away?"

He quickly followed, and at this time Wang Suo, the dean of students, also walked down.

"Parent Chen Anmin, where is the lawyer you called?" Wang Suo looked arrogant and didn't seem to be afraid of the lawyer at all.

"Humph, ahead."

Chen Guodong has broken up with Wang Suo, and he now believes that Wang Suo caused his child to jump off the building.

After saying that, Chen Guodong followed Lin Mo. Wang Suo frowned and followed.

Lin Mo ignored the two of them and strode towards the door.

He quickly walked out of the school gate, and reporters who saw the situation immediately surrounded him.

Lin Mo, Chen Guodong, Wang Suo and the others were surrounded.

All the microphones were stretched out in front of Lin Mo.

This time, Lin Mo calmly said for the first time: "Keep order, I can accept the interview."

Soon the scene became quiet and everyone began to be interviewed.

"Lawyer Lin, are you going to help Chen Anmin and Jiang Shuxuan sue the school?"

As soon as the question came out, everyone looked at Lin Mo.

The scene at the scene was also broadcast through live broadcast, and even the news of Lin Mo appearing at the door of Jianghai Yigao had already been listed on the hot search.

Many netizens have already flocked to various live broadcast rooms.

Everyone was waiting for Lin Mo's response.

At this time, Chen Guodong on the side responded quickly: "Yes, lawyer Lin Mo is going to help us sue the school and help us seek justice."

As soon as these words came out, there was an uproar, and the discussion began to sound, and major netizens on the Internet were also discussing it.

Because many lawyers have discussed the impossibility of prosecution before.

As soon as these words came out, Wang Suo on the side also laughed, suing the school? What kind of lawyer do you think you are, and who do you think you are?

However, at the moment when everyone was discussing heatedly, Lin Mo said: "As this parent said, I really want to help Jiang Shuxuan and Chen Anmin sue the school, but!"

Lin Mo paused for a moment, and the whole place fell silent. Everyone looked at Lin Mo again.

Lin Mo continued: "However, it was not only the school but also their parents who forced Chen Anmin and Jiang Shuxuan to commit suicide.

So this time, I was entrusted by Jiang Shuying’s sister to sue Jiang Shuxuan’s parents, Chen Anmin’s parents, and Jianghai No. 1 High School. "

As soon as these words came out, there was an uproar!

Everyone originally thought that Lin Mo would only sue Jiang Hai Yigao and complain about Jiang Shuxuan and Chen Anmin, but they didn't expect that he would also sue their parents!

The reporters at the scene were all excited, not to mention the netizens.

"I'll go! Not only do you want to sue the school, but you also want to sue the parents of the two top students!"

"Don't tell me, I major in psychology. According to our analysis and investigation, some parents who can send their children to Jianghai No. 1 High School to receive this kind of hellish teaching don't care about their children's physical and mental health, and are even oppressive. Phenomenal.”

"Yes, in saying that, we have ignored the role of parents in this. Don't forget that Jiang Shuxuan committed suicide at home!"

"That's right! When Chen Anmin danced, his classmates said that his parents forced him to apologize to the school dean."

"Hey, I don't know what the real situation is. Let's see how Lawyer Lin fights this time."


The most shocked person in the audience was Chen Guodong. He looked at Lin Mo in confusion. Isn't this... the lawyer who came to help me sue the school for compensation? how....

"Lawyer Lin, you...what do you mean?" Chen Guodong asked in confusion.

Lin Mo ignored Chen Guodong, and at this time the reporter came to his senses and started a new round of questions.

"Then let me ask Lawyer Lin, do you think that Jiang Shuxuan and Chen Anmin's parents were one of the main reasons for their suicide in this case?"

The whole place fell silent again, and all attention was focused on Lin Mo.

Lin Mo nodded very affirmatively: "Yes, the influence of the original family is the greatest, and it may be the last straw that crushes the child. In this regard, Jiang Shuxuan's sister, Jiang Shuying, has the most say, and I am entrusted by her."

"Moreover, the oppression of the original family on children in today's society is getting more and more intense. I want to say a few words for the children."

When Lin Mo said the last sentence, his tone was a little low and he seemed very lost.

At this moment, many netizens and reporters also felt the same way.

Yes, sometimes the pressure from parents is really great, and they don't understand it...

However, a loud curse sounded:

"Lin Mo! You fart! I'm so good to Chen Anmin, working so hard to make money for him, and he jumped off the building to let me down!"

At this time, hearing Lin Mo's words, Chen Guodong was directly angry and started to curse, and even rushed up to beat Lin Mo.

He was stopped directly by Xia Ling, who pinched his waving fist and flicked it downward, causing Chen Guodong to scream in pain.

"Lin Mo! You dare to sue me! I am Chen Anmin's father! You are not qualified to sue me for my son!" Chen Guodong was still roaring.

And Lin Mo had already strode away from the scene.

There was no point in entanglement.

"See you in court." Lin Mo glanced at Chen Guodong and Wang Suo, who was sneering beside him, and said coldly.

After that, he strode away with Xia Ling.

When Xia Ling left, she glanced at the plaque at the school gate: "Humph, if the boss hadn't taught me about quality, I would have smashed the school gate for you!"

Originally, Xia Ling was very uncomfortable after hearing the deeds, and when she saw the situation inside the school, she hated this school even more!

At the same time, the hospital.

Jiang Ze and his wife were also watching the live broadcast. He was smiling at first. If a top lawyer like Lin Mo could help them sue Jianghai No. 1 High School.

Then they could put all the responsibility for their daughter's jumping off the building on Jianghai No. 1 High School.


After Lin Mo finished speaking, Jiang Ze and his wife didn't dare to imagine what they heard!

"What?! This lawyer Lin is not only going to sue the school, but also sue us?!" The two people, including Chen's mother who stayed behind, were all very shocked!

At this time, Jiang Shuying, who was sitting next to him, sneered: "Haha, do you think that my sister and brother Anmin jumped down without your responsibility?"

Jiang Shuying stood up and pointed at the three people and said angrily: "You are the first responsible person! You are the murderer! See you in court!"

After yelling, Jiang Shuying ran out.

Just when passing by the emergency room of Jiang Shuxuan and Chen Anmin, she stopped for a while and took a look inside.

Gritting her teeth: "Don't worry, sister, brother Anmin, lawyer Lin will make the decision for us!"

After that, she ran out and rushed to Shunhe Law Firm.

On Lin Mo's side, after returning to the law firm, he began to organize all the collected information with Xia Ling, including all the relevant information in Jiang Shuxuan and Chen Anmin's mobile phones.

After the sorting was completed, he went to the primary court of Jianghai to submit the information and prosecute!

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