Lawyer: The bully is not guilty? I will send him to death!

Chapter 148 Sue Penguin! Nanshan Pizza Hut appears!

Lin Mo did not immediately answer Ye Rang's question.

Instead, he chose silence. Lin Mo wanted to give Wang Sheng some time to think.

At this time, Lin Mo's phone suddenly vibrated, and he glanced at a bunch of messages sent by Zhang Houcai.

A giant exclamation point was added to each one.

"Lin Lu, we have a big order and we need you to make the decision!"

"Lin Lu?!"

"Are you busy?"


When people are very anxious, they will send many messages in succession and even make voice pop-ups.

Only then did Zhang Hou know that Lin Mo was busy and there were no pop-up windows to harass him.

"What's going on?" Lin Mo replied.

"Lin Lu, there is a game start-up company that wants us to sue Penguin Company. Now we are waiting for your news at our law firm. They say that you must fight, and the commission fee will not be low. I have investigated similar types of lawsuits. The commission fee is not less than 600,000!”

"Sue Penguin?" Lin Mo raised his eyebrows. This is indeed a big job, not only a big job, but also a tough job!

There is also a gaming giant in this parallel world, namely Penguin Games, whose development path is exactly the same as that of Tencent on Earth.

The tricks he used were exactly the same, which made a lot of people dissatisfied.

If your guess is correct, it should be another infringement case.

Following Penguin's usual routine, Lin Mo thought for a moment:

"We can pick it up, I'll be back in a minute."

"Okay, they are in our company. They said they can wait for you to come back and they want to see you."

After ending the chat, Lin Mo looked at Ye Rang.

At this time, Ye Rang also looked at Lin Mo, while Chairman Wang Sheng on the side had already fallen into deep thought.

"Lawyer Lin, what do you think of my question?" Seeing that Lin Mo never answered, Ye Rang said with some dissatisfaction.

Lin Mo sneered.

When Ye Rang heard this, the corner of his mouth twitched.

Wang Sheng's eyes suddenly lit up, as if he had figured it out. He shook his head and denied Ye Yang's statement: "No! Xiaoye, I signed a contract with Lawyer Lin mainly for the young people traffic brought by their law firm. ! The legal strength of Shunhe Law Firm is second to none.”

Hearing this, Lin Mo showed a faint smile.

Fortunately, the chairman of this company is not stupid, but his reaction is a little slow.

"Mr. Wang, if these regulations are not removed, it will be difficult for Shunhe to sign this cooperation contract."

Lin Mo attaches great importance to autonomy, although it is only within Yongsheng Sports.

Wang Sheng pondered for a while and then said: "Well, Lawyer Lin, I am really grateful to you, so the 4 million signing fee remains the same as before, but you only need to provide legal support, there is no need to send anyone."

Wang Sheng also knew that Lin Mo didn't like the feeling of being controlled by others, but he was also unwilling to give up the traffic brought by cooperation with Shunhe Law Firm.

This was beyond Lin Mo's expectation. He didn't expect Wang Sheng to be so generous.

In fact, this cooperation has been downgraded. Originally, it was to send people to take over the legal affairs of Yongsheng Sports. Now it only needs to provide remote legal assistance.

It’s no different from other cooperation contracts you get for a fraction of the money.

But at this time, Ye Rang said anxiously: "Chairman, our company only has 8 million in cash in its account now. If 4 million is spent here, our... capital chain may be broken..."

When Wang Sheng heard this, his expression suddenly turned bad.

Lin Mo, on the other hand, squinted his eyes and looked at Ye Rang meaningfully.

Yongsheng Sports, a company valued at 2 billion, only has 8 million on its books.

Anyone who has been a chairman knows that it is not how much the company is valued that determines how much money the company can put in its books.

There are many companies with a market value of tens of billions, but the company still owes money.

But this amount of cash is indeed a bit dangerous for Yongsheng Sports.

No wonder Wang Sheng hurriedly sells his original brand in the flagship store to clear inventory.

But the most important point is not here.

The important point is, does a head of the legal department know so much about his company's financial situation?

This is very abnormal.

"Mr. Ye, what do you have to say?" Lin Mo thought for a while and asked.

"It's very simple. The signing fee is lowered. Although our company needs this traffic, 4 million a year is still too expensive. I think 2 million is about the same."

As soon as these words came out, Wang Sheng became angry.

"Ye Rang, am I the chairman, or are you the chairman?"

"This..." Ye Rang was speechless.

Then Wang Sheng turned to Lin Mo and said: "Lawyer Lin, just follow what I said, the signing fee is 4 million a year. The terms remain unchanged. It is up to you to decide whether to send a lawyer or not."

Then, the contract was pushed to Lin Mo.

Lin Mo thought for a while.

Wang Sheng's gratitude to him was genuine, but after being reminded by Ye Rang, he also wanted to retain the company's legal autonomy. At least in his eyes, Ye Rang was one of his own.

And I am always an outsider.

This is equivalent to Wang Shengli using 4 million to buy the young people's traffic brought by Shunhe.

As a businessman, Wang Sheng didn't listen to Ye Yang and lowered the signing fee when he only had 8 million in his account, which was already good.

After all, I don’t have any agreement with Yongsheng Sports, there is just friendship.

"Okay, that's it." Lin Mo took the contract with a smile, and said as he signed: "But Mr. Wang, we will still send people. As for whether you use them or not, it's up to you."

Since Wang Sheng is kind and righteous, then sending people to keep an eye on Ye Rang and help him eliminate a wave of internal scum is a return.

As for the timing of eliminating Ye Rang, the corrupt element, it will be chosen when Adinaike and Yongsheng Sports are together to attack Yongsheng Sports.

Lin Mo had Xia Ling investigate Ye Rang before. He has no record and graduated from an ordinary school.

Now he can't even understand Yongsheng's blatant breach of contract, which proves that he is a rookie.

The most important thing for Lin Mo's operation this time is to win the trust of Yongsheng Sports and increase the service fee.

Of course, Lin Mo himself will not go to these operations, and the candidates have been selected.

That is to let Zhang Quan, who is far away in the United States, be stationed in Yongsheng Sports.


Zhang Quan is unwilling to come back from the United States?

Then laugh, there are ways to make him come back.

Lin Mo quickly signed the contract and shook hands to reach a cooperation.

"Lawyer Lin, it's written in the contract that we pay the service fee quarterly, there should be no problem." Wang Sheng asked.

"No problem, everything is in accordance with the contract."

"Thank you."

Then Lin Mo left the private room on the pretext of having something to do. When he left, Ye Rang's face was very bad.

On the way back, Zhang Quan, who was far away in the United States, also replied.

"Brother Lin! Sorry, there is a time difference here. What do you want to talk to me about? Are you unable to make it in China? Direction, come to the United States to make it with me, I guarantee you will have a good life!"

Zhang Quan's tone was very heroic, as if he was doing well in the United States.

Lin Mo smiled. This guy seemed to have not received the news from China yet, and thought he was in the situation where he took Zhang Wei's copy.

"Then I really came here. If not, I will be rude to you." Lin Mo joked.


"Uh, haha, how can I lie to you? But it's really hard to get along in the United States. You may have a hard time in the early days."

As soon as these words came out, Lin Mo knew that Zhang Quan was not doing well in the United States.

Lin Mo stopped joking and replied directly to the point: "Old Zhang, don't pretend to be cool with me. Come back and work with me. I will give you a monthly salary of 30,000 yuan + commission."


Ten minutes later, Zhang Quan replied: "Hahaha, you got rich? I can consider 30,000 yuan."

Lin Mo: "No lie, come back and help me, I need you, 30,000 RMB."

Lin Mo was very confident that 30,000 yuan could bring Zhang Quan back. This guy is used to pretending.

If he really got along well in the United States, he would have pretended in the classmates group long ago, and he wouldn't be silent now, not even posting on WeChat Moments.

He is such a show-off person, he can't help it.

Sure enough, five minutes later, Zhang Quan replied: "Really?"

"Really, I'm very nice to let you take charge of a company."

"Uh...Okay, just think of it as me coming here to help you. When you settle down there, I'll go back to the United States." Zhang Quan's mouth is really hard.

After a while, Zhang Quan: "Tomorrow's air ticket, 30,000 monthly salary, are you really lying to me?"

"It's true."

"If you can't afford it, you kid will go to be a male model and pay me back." Zhang Quan still has some doubts. After all, in his mind, Lin Mo is still in the same embarrassing situation as before.

30,000, it's simply impossible to take it out.

"You'll know when you come." Lin Mo didn't say much.

At this time, in a shabby rental house in the United States, Zhang Quan's whole body was swollen.

This is due to the lack of fresh vegetables and the unhealthy body formed by eating cheap fried chicken in the United States.

In fact, he is living in a very embarrassing situation now. He never thought that he would be in such a situation when he came to the United States.

He went bankrupt from the tuition fees for his master's degree in law school...

He had thought about returning to China countless times, but when he went abroad two years ago, he had already blown up. If he went back now, his classmates would laugh at him.

So he was just holding on, working several jobs at the same time, eating the cheapest high-calorie, high-sugar fast food, and he was as fat and unhealthy as the poor people in the United States.

Just now, when Lin Mo said he would give him a monthly salary of 30,000, he had almost agreed, but he still joked for the sake of face.

At this time, his eyes were red.

"When I return to China this time, at least I can borrow Lin Mo's name, so I won't be so embarrassed when I go back!"

As a pretentious person who likes to save face, he needs a reason to escape back to China, and Lin Mo gave him a way out.

So he couldn't wait to book a flight for tomorrow.

Lin Mo soon returned to the law firm.

The moment he stepped into the door, he felt two hot eyes.

In the reception room of the law firm, two young men were looking at Lin Mo with hot eyes.

Zhang Houcai was about to stand up and introduce the two to Lin Mo, but the two stood up first and walked towards Lin Mo.

"Lawyer Lin, hello!"

"Lawyer Lin, we watched the entire trial process, especially the part about the parents treating their children, it really touched my heart!"

"Yes, and the illegal detention of Jianghai No. 1 High School, the argument is simply impeccable!"

The two young men said to Lin Mo excitedly, as if they had seen their idol.

Lin Mo smiled and shook hands with the two men. They looked young and seemed to be college students, but Zhang Houcai said it was a startup company, so they should be entrepreneurs who had just graduated from college.

Then they sat down and talked about the details and ideas of the trial, and then got to the point.

"Okay, two, since you are in my law firm, let's talk about the main topic. What difficulties have you encountered?"

The two looked at each other, returned to reality, and their faces darkened and sighed.

A slightly taller and fatter one said: "Lawyer Lin, it's like this. He and I took the small team we formed in college and founded a game company and released a game called Takara Auto Chess..."

Not long after, he finished telling all the situations.

In short, their game company released the game Takara Auto Chess, and created a new game mode, and it was very popular!

It was very popular in the game circle!

But once it became popular, a game company called Penguin came over.

Directly copied this game mode in their own game, named it "Cloud Summit"

And attracted a large number of game users, and at the same time used their large team of employees to continuously optimize the game, making the game experience better than the Takara Auto Chess team, and directly attracted many Takara Auto Chess players.

As a result, Takara Auto Chess players are losing a lot and revenue is cut in half!

"That's what happened. Penguin copied our game mode and put our company in trouble!"

Lin Mo: "So you want to sue Penguin for infringement and plagiarizing your game mode, right?"

The two looked at each other and nodded: "Yes!"

"Is there a comparison between the two games?"


The two immediately took out the videos they made, which they had put online a long time ago, hoping to overwhelm Penguin with public opinion offensive.

After watching the video comparison, Lin Mo found that the modes of these two games were almost exactly the same except for the different characters.

Lin Mo narrowed his eyes and remembered that Penguin on Earth also copied it, but it was not as blatant as this one here.

At this time, the two said again: "Lawyer Lin, we have to sue quickly, otherwise after they make a big update, the gameplay will change..."

Lin Mo nodded: "I understand what you mean. They are innovating based on your game mode, and then obviously plagiarizing the imprint message. This is not easy to constitute infringement, right?"

Both nodded.

Lin Mo understood that this is indeed the dilemma of small companies.

It was not easy to make a hit and gain a little popularity.

As a result, those big game companies directly plagiarized everything, and then relied on the technical strength of big companies to innovate on the basis of plagiarism.

In the end, it was more fun than the plagiarized works.

Causing the plagiarized works to die suddenly and small companies to go bankrupt...

This happened many times.


"Aren't you afraid? The other party is Penguin Company."

"Afraid? They made us unable to eat, let's fight them!" The two were so angry that they gritted their teeth!

The baby that they had finally given birth to was snatched away by others like this. Everyone would be resentful.

"In terms of legal affairs, do you know what their names are?"

The two shook their heads.

Lin Mo said solemnly: "It's called Nanshan Pizza Hut, because they have never lost a case in the court of Nanshan District!"

The two heard it, looked at each other, and then looked at Lin Mo: "So, Lawyer Lin, are you afraid?"

"No, I'm not afraid."

"Then your body seems to be shaking."

"This is excitement." Lin Mo said excitedly: "I took this case! I will help you fight!"

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