Lawyer: The bully is not guilty? I will send him to death!

Chapter 150 Lawyer Lin, you can't win this case.

Lin Mo understands the current situation of the company. Unless Haiyi's big update can come up with an idea that is more brilliant than Penguin, there is still hope.

Ordinary update gameplay is doomed to fail compared with Penguin.

Of course, it is useless for you to update brilliant ideas. As soon as you update, Penguin will copy it directly, which will make you angry and you have no way to deal with it.

Another thing is to recruit people and bring the update volume to the same level as Penguin.

But with Haiyi's current economic situation, it is impossible to recruit people.

And the employees who are still working hard here are shareholders, protecting their own company.

Who will come to let other newly recruited employees work so hard overtime?

So, at present, "Haiyi Games" has fallen into a vicious circle.

"So you have no other way, so you come to me to sue Penguin?"

At present, the whole company gives Lin Mo a feeling of despair, decadence, helplessness and other negative emotions.

It has reached the brink of bankruptcy and dissolution of a team.

The college graduates who started their own businesses were finally taught a lesson by the old predecessors.

At this time, both of them nodded: "Yes, this is the last attempt. If we can win the lawsuit, we can get a large amount of compensation, the company can recover, and we can launch other game projects."

From what the two said, they no longer expected Dota Auto Chess to survive. They just wanted Penguin to compensate them so that the entire team could survive.

"Hold on, show me the detailed comparison chart you made first." Lin Mo said.

The two nodded and prepared to get the information. Wu Yi suddenly thought: "Lawyer Lin, in fact, everyone in our team is your fan. Do you want to call everyone up to say hello to you?"

Lin Mo waved his hand directly: "No, let everyone have a good rest."

Lin Mo has always hated this kind of formalism.

Currently, 90% of Lin Mo's fans are young people, because Lin Mo's lawsuits are basically related to young people. The last lawsuit against parents and schools attracted a lot of young fans.

At this time, some people who were working also noticed Lin Mo, and a hint of surprise appeared in their tired and lifeless eyes.

Everyone greeted Lin Mo, and Lin Mo responded with a smile.

For a moment, the company became active again in private.

"Wow, our boss really hired lawyer Lin Mo!"

"There is hope to win, after all, Penguin copied all our ideas, which is too bad."

"Hey, I hope to win. If I can't get the dividends, I can't pay the rent, and my family is waiting for money."

"Yeah... If it's lawyer Lin Mo, maybe there is hope. We can only wait."

Everyone was discussing. Although there was still a shadow hanging over their heads, Lin Mo's arrival gave everyone a glimmer of hope.

Lin Mo followed Wu Yi and Tian Hai through the employee area. There were not many employees in Haiyi, only about 20 people, and half of them were sleeping. It seemed that they were working in two shifts to compete with Penguin for the update progress.

Entered an independent office.

There are three desks here, which seems to be the office area for the three main creators.

In the middle, a long-haired man was typing away frantically. Under the thick glasses, he looked pale and exhausted.

His desk was different from others. There were five monitors and three keyboards on the desk. He was typing back and forth on the three keyboards.

The most eye-catching thing was that there was a bottle of "Quick Heart Pills" on the desk!

The trash can was full of Monster, Red Bull and other drinks.

"Lawyer Lin, he is our core technology - Chen Wu."

Wu Yi explained.

Now Lin Mo knew why Chen Wu could invest in technology and hold 18% of the shares without spending a penny.

Quick Heart Pills were available, and there were also various functional drinks. The intensity of the work was simply amazing!

"Brother Chen, Lawyer Lin is here. Can you send a detailed comparison chart of plagiarism?" Tian Hai walked over and said.

Chen Wu, who was typing furiously, looked up, then gave Lin Mo an expressionless look before saying:

"Okay, but don't expect it to be of much use. I think suing Penguin is the most useless behavior."

Wu Yi and Tian Hai were stunned when they heard this, and they didn't know what to say for a while.

Lin Mo asked: "Oh? Why do you say that, Brother Chen?"

Chen Wu said without raising his head:

"Lawyer Lin, I have followed your case. You are really good and a dialectical genius. I believe you can prove that Penguin did plagiarize us, but... don't be angry when I tell you."

"Tell me about it." Lin Mo likes to refer to other people's suggestions.

Questioning and opposing are not a problem. Only by listening to other people's suggestions can we make progress.

Chen Wu: "Then I won't be polite."

"Lawyer Lin, you may not know much about game plagiarism and infringement."

Lin Mo didn't say anything and gestured to continue.

Chen Wu is also straightforward, and explained directly: "We also thought about preserving evidence to sue Penguin before, because when they first copied us, they copied everything, just changed a layer of skin, so we thought we could win the lawsuit.

But we found that Penguin's update speed was too fast! In just one week, in addition to the most basic gameplay, they launched other gameplay! It is different from our Dota Auto Chess!

At this time, it is already too late to sue! The plagiarized parts have been modified in disguise, and they have also introduced a variety of new gameplay and characters.

If you want to convict them of plagiarism and infringement, you will be involved in a long legal battle! It's almost too hard for us to win! "

Lin Mo also nodded. It is true that Penguin is very experienced in this area.

In the early days, players were attracted to the game through complete plagiarism, and then a large number of people carried out crazy updates in a short period of time. The changes were beyond recognition and there were many gameplays. This not only retained players, but also avoided plagiarism in the legal sense.

No matter how you sue, you won't win, because he only attracted people through complete plagiarism in the early stage. In the later stage, except for the most basic gameplay, everything changed!

But plagiarism in the legal sense requires very strict judgment!

Therefore, all the prosecutors basically lost.

Well, I plagiarized you at the beginning. Isn’t that the most important plagiarism?

It's a pity that their games have been completely changed now!

If you want to continue to argue, it doesn't mean that you can't win, but the lawsuit requires a very long and careful comparison, each other's evidence, and then the judge makes a decision. This process may take several months, or even a year or two!

If this drags on, the companies being copied will be dead... and Penguin will win in disguise.

So the penguin's behavior is shameful.

"So, Brother Chen, do you think you can't win this game?"

"That's right! We can only fight to update now! We will fight Penguin until the end. I will risk my life and I will definitely update a mode that is more fun than theirs!"

Chen Wu said angrily as if he was ready to die.

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