At night, the Penguin Games building in Nanshan District of Shenzhen is still brightly lit.

The legal department is divided into several areas, and each area is marked with the name of the project it is responsible for.

In the area with the project "Cloud Top", the legal department is holding a meeting.

"The technical department has been working overtime for several months to update. At present, all the infringements of art resources have been modified. As for the gameplay, we have also assisted the technical department in innovation, and there will be no infringements." The team leader reported to the legal minister.

The minister is a Mediterranean man. He is well-dressed, his suit is spotless, and he wears gold-rimmed glasses.

He nodded: "Well, very good"

"Since the Cloud Top project has stabilized, the project only needs two people, and the others will all transfer to the Wanmeng Star project."

"Yes!" The team leader nodded.

"By the way, didn't Haiyi invite that Lin Mo? What do you think of this?" The Mediterranean minister asked.

His name is Xiong Fei, one of the vice ministers of the Ministry of Law. He is 41 years old and has been engaged in intellectual property rights-related legal affairs for 20 years. He is a senior expert in this field.

If Haiyi hired a lawyer, it would not attract his attention.

Even if Lin Mo is a popular lawyer recently, he would not pay attention to it.

Mainly, he and Huang Jiancheng are from the same generation, so he paid attention to the lawsuit between Lin Mo and Huang Jiancheng.

He also indirectly met Lin Mo, got to know Lin Mo, and found that Lin Mo is a tough guy.

And this tough guy accepted Haiyi's commission, so he asked specifically.

At this time, the legal affairs as the team leader laughed twice easily: "Deputy Minister, don't worry, this case, even if you come, you can't win."

"What?" Xiong Fei glared at him.

"Oh! I... I mean, this case is very difficult. Even a senior intellectual property lawyer like you can't prevail. Then this Lin Mo is just a delivery."

"Hmph, don't compare Lin Mo to me. We are not of the same class. What's the point of comparing? Remember to send your team to the Wanmeng Star project team."

Xiong Fei snorted coldly, stood up and strode away.

The team leader and other legal affairs were left alone in embarrassment.

After Xiong Fei left, several legal officers started to complain:

"Damn it, the plagiarism of Cloud Summit is easy to solve, we can even guarantee that Lin Molai can't beat us, but this Wanmeng Star game has too many borrowed elements!"

"Yeah, the group of rigid programmers in the technical department only know how to copy and let us screen, the workload is too heavy!"

"No way, this is the most important project of the company at present, I heard that the publicity and promotion costs have spent a lot of money."

"By the way, I heard that the bonus performance in the past doubled."


Wanmeng Star, the project currently promoted by Penguin, is a game that combines all the popular gameplay modes on the market, suitable for computers and mobile phones.

The picture is realistic, and the main feature is a family fun.

It is a super project that Penguin came up with based on past experience.

In the past, it was popular to borrow so many gameplays, so if I make a game with all the gameplays, wouldn't it be a direct hit? !

So this project was launched.

In order to integrate all the popular gameplays and catch up with the release date, Penguin's programmers moved them like crazy, and even many art resources were moved one-to-one.

The legal staff of this project lived directly in the technical department to urge the modification of all places that would infringe.

At the same time.

Jianghai International Building, more than 100 kilometers away from Shenzhen City, was also brightly lit.

The lights in Shunhe Law Firm were not turned off.

Lin Mo was immersed in research, eagerly searching for information.

From time to time, you can hear the discussion of Xia Ling and Zhang Houcai in the next office. The two have to deal with the cooperation contracts of 30 companies. For the benefit of the law firm, the two discussed in great detail, and sometimes asked Qiu Ying who was working overtime in another office.

The result is that Lin Mo, Zhang Houcai, Xia Ling, and Qiu Ying seem to have forgotten the time and have no concept of leaving get off work.

Lin Mo has grasped the main contradiction.

If you want to protect Haiyi's "Tower Knife Auto Chess", you have to apply for the core gameplay of this game as an invention patent.

Then, Penguin's imitation of Dota Auto Chess's "Cloud Summit" is a patent infringement, and the Patent Law and Anti-Unfair Competition Law can be used to protect "Dota Auto Chess".

Now, the most difficult point is how to apply for a patent for the gameplay mode of this auto chess.

Dota Auto Chess was invented based on the MOBA game Dota. From the essence, it can be shaped into an innovative invention of the game Dota.

However, Lin Mo searched a lot of information and asked Wu Yi, Chen Wu and others, which was very difficult.

According to the Patent Law, no matter how it is argued, the mode of auto chess cannot be an innovative invention of the MOBA game Dota.

Lin Mo pondered, the sky outside brightened, and even the sun shone into the table through the French window.

A thick layer of draft paper was already stacked beside Lin Mo, with some drawings and text introductions similar to the design on it.

It was designed by Lin Mo that night, trying to shape auto chess into an innovative invention.

Unfortunately, basically no patent application can be passed.

When Lin Mo looked up, he found that it was already daybreak, but Lin Mo did not feel tired at all.

This is a natural talent of Lin Mo. He can think for a long time without getting tired, and he recovers quickly.

In short, he is very energetic.

"It is really difficult to package the gameplay into a patent."

Lin Mo lay back in his chair.

When he was on Earth, Lin Mo also knew a lot of top lawyers in this field. Without exception, they all worked in various top game companies, and even made more money than Lin Mo!

"This job is really professional and interesting."

Lin Mo smiled.

The difficulty means that exploration can be carried out, and exploration is equivalent to an adventure and also a progress.

It was rare to arouse Lin Mo's excitement.

Thinking about it, Lin Mo opened the patent website and wanted to check whether Penguin had applied for a patent for this gameplay.

After checking, he found that there was no relevant patent.

"So, their legal department with hundreds of people couldn't handle this?"

What surprised Lin Mo the most was that the patent application submitted by Penguin was actually two years ago.

It is called "Method and system for realizing multi-person voice interaction in terminal games"

In layman's terms, the built-in voice plug-in of the game League of Heroes was applied for as a patent by them.

If you want to use the plug-in to communicate with teammates in the game, then it is an infringement of Penguin's patent.

But in order to circumvent this, many games use the code to build a voice communication function instead of a plug-in.

From this point, we can see how fierce the patent battle in the game industry is.


"Why didn't Penguin apply for a patent two years ago?"

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