Lawyer: The bully is not guilty? I will send him to death!

Chapter 159 The first step is to completely copy Penguin!

This guy....

Chen Wu's first words made Lin Mo speechless and looked at Wu Yi, Tian Hai and the others.

The meaning is very clear, this guy didn't sleep?

Wu Yi and Tian Hai were also confused: "Old Chen, aren't you asleep?"

Unexpectedly, Chen Wu shook his head excitedly: "Can I sleep in this situation? So I studied patent law all night and found that it is difficult, really difficult..."

At this point, Wu Yi and Tian Hai stopped talking and glanced at Lin Mo sadly.

"I'm just here to resolve this matter. Call someone."

Wu Yi and Tian Hai nodded and went out to greet the employees.

A few minutes later, employees from the entire company entered the office one after another, all with tired faces.

In the updated battle with the penguins, everyone was under mental and physical pressure.

However, when everyone saw Lin Mo, a hint of joy flashed in their eyes.

As young people, they naturally knew Lin Mo, but they were too exhausted both physically and mentally to show strong emotions.

"Lin Lu, everyone is here."

Lin Mo nodded and looked around. There were 26 people present. Although their eyes were tired, they all looked at him with expectant eyes.

Lin Mo stood up: "I won't introduce myself and go directly to the topic."

"I think Mr. Wu and Mr. Tian have told everyone about the current situation. If we want to fight back against Penguin, we can only use the patent law."

Everyone nodded.

After Lin Mo left yesterday, Wu Yi and Tian Hai announced the news to the entire company and signed a confidentiality agreement.

"So does anyone have a problem with this approach?"

Lin Mo looked at all the employees present and asked.

Lin Mo knew that Chen Wu had objections, but still wanted to find out how many people in the company had tried it.

Sure enough, at this moment, a plump boy wearing thick glasses and with oily hair sticking to his scalp stood up:

"Lin Lu, I am the director of the technical department and the designer who is in touch with the core gameplay. After receiving your method yesterday, I studied it all night long.

Judging from the current situation, it is difficult to apply for a patent for the gameplay of Auto Chess, because Auto Chess is derived from the game DOTA. Neither Technical Director Chen Wu nor I can confirm that the core gameplay of Auto Chess is suitable for DOTA. It is an invention and innovation, so... it is difficult.

If this is the only way, we...can't defeat the Penguins. "

After he finished speaking, everyone looked at Lin Mo with even hotter eyes.

I hope Lin Mo can use more powerful methods.

Lin Mo nodded straightforwardly: "Yes, I have studied this issue all night, and I agree with Mr. Chen and the Minister of Technology."

As soon as he said this, Lin Mo's tone was very calm.

But the atmosphere in the office became obviously gloomy. Although everyone was still looking at Lin Mo expectantly, panic appeared on their faces.

Even Wu Yi and Tian Hai looked at each other, nervousness and worry appearing on their faces. They didn't say anything, but they clenched their fists.

At this time, Lin Mo smiled.

This smile made everyone feel at a loss.

What are you laughing at?

Then, Lin Mo picked up the marker and started drawing on the whiteboard. While drawing, he said:

"Domestic and foreign laws believe that the gameplay of a game is a design concept, and the design concept is not protected. However! Everyone has overlooked one point.

The basic gameplay of the game, auto chess, and battle royale are not protected, but in order to make these basic gameplay more fun, the game system developed is an innovative invention! "

When it comes to this, everyone seems to understand it. It is a very abstract concept just by listening.

And as Lin Mo drew the illustration on the whiteboard, everyone understood!

Lin Mo first drew the top of the clouds.

Then, the original "Hex Rune System", "Bond BUFF System", "Draft Mechanism" and other small functions that increase the fun of the game were circled.

"These program functions that serve the gameplay can be applied for patents."

Having said this, everyone in the office immediately entered a state of contemplation.

The former technology minister scratched his hair, while Chen Wu was stunned.

Wu Yi and Tian Hai seemed to understand somewhat and said bluntly: "Lin Lu, is there a more simplified explanation?"

Seeing that everyone still couldn't understand quickly, Lin Mo called Xia Ling who was standing aside: "Xia Ling, please explain it to everyone using the beer duck theory."

After hearing this, Xia Ling nodded excitedly, stood in the center, and explained softly.

After a few minutes, everyone in the office looked enlightened.

They couldn't help but whisper.

The technology minister just clapped his hands and stood up, saying excitedly: "That's right! Why didn't I think that since Auto Chess is a gameplay, then the functions developed based on this gameplay are inventions!"

Chen Wu finally showed joy at this moment, tilted his head and nodded: "It can be done! It can be done!"

Wu Yi and Tian Hai were stunned. Compared to technology, they cared more about the fact that this girl robbed Penguin, didn't she? !

If you say that the gameplay of transporting penguins is incorporated into your own game, this is plagiarism.

But registering the other party's core gameplay function as your own patent, what is the difference between this and robbery?


There is a difference!

Applying for a patent means that I have robbed your stuff. If you still dare to take it back, then you are breaking the law...

Many employees were as shocked as the two of them.

Because this idea directly breaks through their three views.

Since the birth of the Internet, only Penguin has relied on large-scale plagiarism of other people's games and sued others.

And now, a lawyer tells you to directly steal Penguin’s job!

The two of them exclaimed in their hearts: "Lawyer Lin is really awesome!"

But the next moment, the two of them thought of something and asked with some concern: "Lin...Lawyer this legal?"

Everyone looked at Lin Mo again. This method was indeed a bit outrageous.

Lin Mo laughed after hearing this:

"Is it legal? You actually told Penguin that it's legal? They just transferred your game play without saying a word, making you unable to pay your wages and facing bankruptcy. Has Penguin told everyone that it's legal?"

"He can rob us, can't we rob him?"

As soon as these words came out, it shocked the thinking of all employees.

In the eyes of experts, Penguin is a huge mountain, and a falling stone can kill someone. Gradually, everyone loses the desire to fight.

Even a guy like Chen Wu, who worked so hard, only wanted to defeat Penguin in the updated gameplay, rather than directly grabbing Penguin's things.

It can be seen that this mentality is deeply ingrained.

So now, even if he is the penguin and the sky, he will pierce him!

"Everyone, let Penguin experience the pain of being plagiarized."

"If we don't give him pain, they will never think about it!"

Lin Mo looked at everyone and said the last words.

There was silence in the office for a moment, and everyone's faces began to tremble, and their eyes burned with excitement, as if a fire was igniting in the office.

There are all young people here, who would be willing to be underfoot all the time?

Wu Yi stood up directly:

"Lin Lu, let's fight with Penguin! You tell us, we'll do it!"

Then, Tian Hai, Chen Wu, and other employees stood up.

Now, there is no fear, only an urge to rob the penguin.

Lin Mo nodded with a smile and looked at Chen Wu: "Okay, first step, Mr. Chen, you ask everyone to make a major update to Tower Blade Auto Chess and copy it completely from Top of the Cloud. It is best if they in-game All the key functions are copied.”

"Huh?" Chen Wu's eyes widened. Is the first step to do such a thing?

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