"Lawyer Lin! Thank you! Thank you!"

Wang Dahai rushed over from the auditorium, knelt directly in front of Lin Mo, and was about to kowtow with tears streaming down his face.

"Brother Wang! This is impossible!"

Lin Mo saw this and hurriedly held Wang Dahai's shoulders.

Unexpectedly, Wang Dahai was so excited that he had to knock.

"Lawyer Lin, please let me kowtow! Otherwise, I don't know how to thank you." Wang Dahai said anxiously with a tearful tone.

【bite! Wang Dahai’s emotions are being judged]

【Wang Dahai】

[Gratitude: 100 points (the score for breaking the upper limit is calculated as 150 points.)]

[Awe: 100 points]

[Excitement: 100 points]

[Joy: 100 points]

[Full marks on four positive emotions, reward 40,000 yuan! 】

[You have gained 4000 experience points]

[Settlement completed, this commissioned judgment: ★★★★(Perfect)]

[Earned 8,000 experience points, and still needs 12,000 experience points to upgrade the Legal Pioneer system. 】

Compared to Wang Lele, Wang Dahai was not only grateful for breaking the upper limit, but his admiration was replaced by awe.

Lin Mo expressed his understanding. Wang Lele is a young man and it is normal for him to have strong admiration ability.

But Wang Dahai's awe is hard-won. It is not easy to awe a middle-aged man who has been tortured by society.

Lin Mo smiled happily again, he had already felt Wang Dahai's emotions.

"Brother Wang, if you really kowtow to me, I will never see you again."

Wang Dahai insisted on kowtowing, but Lin Mo had no choice but to say this.

"Ah! Don't do that, I won't knock anymore." Wang Dahai stood up straight.

Lin Mo helped him up.

"By the way, Lawyer Lin, when the one million compensation is paid, let's split it half and half." Wang Dahai didn't know how to repay Lin Mo, so he directly proposed the distribution.

"Hahaha, this is compensation for your family. Leave it to Lele to buy some delicious food and treat Lele's mother."

Thinking of Lele's mother, Wang Dahai wanted to cry.

He never expected that the huge medical expenses would come from this.

Tears streamed down: "Lawyer Lin, I...I don't even know how to repay you."

At this time, Lin Mo smiled and said: "No, you have already repaid me."


Wang Dahai and Wang Lele, father and son, both scratched their heads. When did it happen?

"Because of your trust, you believe in me, and I will use your fame to stand up again. Don't worry, I will continue to have a steady stream of cases in the future," Lin Mo said with a smile.

Wang Lele seemed to understand, but Wang Dahai nodded gratefully: "Lawyer Lin, if there is anything I can help you with, please contact me at any time!"

"Okay, let's go out, Lele has to go back to school."


Lin Mo and Wang and his son walked out of Jianghai High Court together.

At this moment, the door of the High Court is already crowded, and countless reporters and media are waiting here.

Waiting for Lin Mo to appear.

But many reporters had awkward smiles on their faces.

Everyone has not forgotten that before the trial, everyone laughed at Lin Mo more or less.

Lin Mo, on the other hand, smiled easily: "They are all here, why are you standing there doing interviews?"

It is irrational to dwell on the hatred of the past. It is the right way to use the current resources to develop yourself.

Lin Mo has not forgotten that even if he wins this lawsuit, he is still just a low-level lawyer.

"Ahem, ask."

The reporters were stunned and gathered around Lin Mo in an orderly manner, their eyes full of respect.

This is a genius lawyer who punished school bullies!

"Lawyer Lin, may I ask why you were able to fight back so hard?"

"Oh, the main reason is that our Shunhe Law Firm is more powerful. If you want to file a lawsuit, please come to our Shunhe Law Firm. We are a professional team!" Lin Mo said with a big smile at the camera.


The reporter was stunned, what kind of answer was this.

Then the next reporter asked: "Lawyer Lin, was it your plan to rob and rob Tian Yingguang's house? Is your behavior legal?"

This question was very offensive, but Lin Mo still maintained a professional smile:

"Please rest assured that our Shunhe Law Firm will definitely handle the lawsuit within the scope of the law and help you professionally to the maximum extent!"

The reporter who asked the question was stunned. What kind of ridiculous answer is this?

Then came several tricky questions from reporters.

Lin Mo's answers all included "Shunhe Law Firm", and all of them were talking about the goodness of this law firm.

Now the reporters all realized, you are grinning like a GG here!

This scene was also broadcast live in major live broadcast rooms.

Netizens are all happy.

"Haha, I just said that Lin Mo is a genius. He is giving himself a GG even in the most energetic moments."

"Yeah, when other lawyers win a case, they want to raise their heads to the sky and brag about themselves. Why is Lawyer Lin grinning so big and giving himself a GG?"

"Hahaha, it made me laugh so hard. It's so funny."

"Not to mention, Lawyer Lin's pranks have deepened the impression on everyone, and his reputation has become even greater."

The lawyers who saw this scene were also made to laugh.

This Lin Mo is simply a marketing genius.

What are lawyers most afraid of?

It's because he has no reputation and can't get the source of the case.

If a lawyer is famous, he will have a steady stream of cases, and that means money!

After Lin Mo's combination of punches, it will be difficult for everyone not to remember him.

Yes, what kind of lawyer would give himself a GG when winning the MVP settlement screen?

Wang Tao was speechless when he saw this scene.

Luo Daxiang also smiled helplessly.

But at this moment, a sudden change occurred.

I saw a man with a fat head and big ears wearing a gold necklace rushing into the crowd.

With a pop, he knelt directly in front of Lin Mo.

"Lawyer Lin! Please be noble and let my son go!"

"You can ask for as much money as you want! My son cannot be put to death!"

The person who came was none other than Tanaka Ren. He thought he would win the lawsuit, but he didn't expect that his son would be sentenced to death.

Then he hurried over.

He was kowtowing violently at this moment, and blood marks appeared on the marble floor.

Everyone was shocked and immediately retreated.

Lin Mo just looked at the man who was performing coldly. Lin Mo had not forgotten the arrogant and arrogant expression on his face when he saw him, as well as his disparagement towards Wang, his son and himself.

Such people have absolutely no regrets!

In front of everyone, Lin Mo said coldly: "I've already given you a chance."

Tanaka Ren seemed not to hear and continued to kowtow.

"Kow, even if you die here, the law will not let your son go."

Lin Mo said coldly, and then looked at the Wangs and his son, who had complicated faces: "Let's go home and start a new life."

Lin Mo has been a gold medal lawyer for so many years, and he understands that an honest man like Wang Dahai is prone to compassion.

He couldn't beat a cunning businessman like Tanaka Hitoshi. If he was tricked into signing an understanding agreement, all his efforts would be in vain.

At this moment, a young female reporter beside him said: "Lawyer Lin, don't you have sympathy? Why don't you help him?"

Hearing this, Lin Mo sneered: "Haha, sympathy? Why didn't you say sympathy when Wang Lele was bullied?"

"When those beasts Tian Yingguang bullied others, why didn't they express sympathy?"

"So many people, so many teenagers, live in the shadow of school bullying, and this shadow will accompany them throughout their lives!"

"Do you know?"

"Haha, now you know how to kowtow? Go ahead, kowtow to everyone Tian Yingguang has bullied!"

"Do you think you are above the law and no one can rule you?"

"You naively think that the law can protect you from committing violence on campus?"

"Sorry, I have a hundred ways to cure you!"

Lin Mo said angrily.

Even in court, Lin Mo had never been so angry.

The whole place was silent. After hearing this, Tanaka Ren collapsed on the ground. He beat his chest and rolled on the ground in pain.

But in the end, the only response he received was Lin Mo's coercive and serious words:

"Remorse? Angry? Reflection?"

"No! Only the death penalty will make you campus abusers afraid! Cowardly!"

"That's the law!"

Lin Mo's words shocked all the reporters at the scene. They never thought that the young man who was grinning just now was so majestic and sacred at the moment.

This scene was also broadcast live.

Adding fuel to the already frenzied online public opinion!

Major lawyers, legal commentators, and even judges began to discuss Lin Mo's behavior in this lawsuit.

It's like a hundred schools of thought contending.

There are those who brag, those who agree, and those who oppose and belittle. There are all kinds of voices.

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