Lawyer: The bully is not guilty? I will send him to death!

Chapter 161 The patent application was successful! The arrogant lawyer in the mediation court.

Wu Yi and Tian Hai never expected that they were so conservative.

Originally, they thought even asking for 10 million was too much.

But as soon as Lin Mo took action, the two of them discovered what it means to be fierce.

There is a mediation session before the trial, and the date is set to be after the 14th, according to Lin Mo's understanding.

Under normal circumstances, penguins will spend a long time adjusting here, almost seeing back and forth.

In this regard, there are two opinions from the outside world. One is that Penguin's legal philosophy is not to go to court if it can be avoided. If they find that they cannot win after repeated back and forth, they will directly choose to pay money and settle the matter.

This is also the origin of the name Nanshan Pizza Hut.

Because Penguin is sure of winning any case that can go to court, and if it is not sure, it has already given appropriate compensation during the mediation stage.

So they maintained a 100% winning rate in Nanshan District.

Another way to say it is that Penguin Legal Affairs deliberately delays the mediation to let you see hope, but in fact there is no hope.

The essence is to waste your time, and then the game project will make crazy updates to make money.

By the time the mediation fails and the case goes to court, the plagiarized game project has already made a lot of money.

By the time the court makes its decision, perhaps a year has passed.

After the judgment is made, the court will enforce it, shut down the game, and pay relevant compensation.

But at this time, the life cycle of this game has entered the end, and the most profitable moment has ended.

Even if you pay a sum of money to the game company that was copied, you will still make money.

Moreover, it is basically an infringement of art resources, and there will be no patent issues.

The compensation money is actually not much.

Plagiarists make a lot of money, and even if the small company that was copied wins the lawsuit, it can only leave the court crying with a small amount of compensation.

Of course, the Penguins never lost.

Other big game companies have lost, but they still make money on the whole using this delaying tactic.

Lin Mo didn't know which way Penguin would use to deal with him.

But it doesn't matter, this lawsuit is just a bait bomb released by Lin Mo. The real target is not just the game Top of the Clouds.

After finding such a good way, how can we be willing to do it without scraping a piece of meat from the penguin?

And the most important thing is now.

Can the Hex Mechanism be successfully applied for patent?

If it succeeds, then everything will be easy.

Inside Haiyi Company.

"You two, my channel is true!" Sun Quan emphasized.

The application for "Hex Game Mechanism" has been submitted, but according to the normal patent application process, it will take several months for the initial review and one year for the formal review.

Therefore, the review process must be accelerated.

As a lawyer in the field of intellectual property rights, Sun Quan contacted the school's tutors through his seniors, and contacted the staff of the Patent Office through his tutors.

Sure enough, there is a VIP preemptive review channel, so you don’t have to queue.

However, you need to pay an advance review fee of 10,000 yuan.

Now, Sun Quan is doing the work of Wu Yi and Tian Hai, asking them to reimburse the VIP fee of 10,000 yuan.

The two of them also understood that this matter could not be delayed, and they had to pay without saying a word.

Instead, Lin Mo said leisurely: "Now all expenses will be included in the compensation. We will pay it in advance."

The two were stunned for a moment, and were moved again.

Yes, as far as the company's current situation is concerned, it is already planning carefully, and its expenses are only enough for one month.

This ten thousand yuan is actually the money Haiyi uses to buy food and cook...

After taking it out, employees over 20 could only eat steamed buns.

So the two of them were extremely moved.

Lin Mo knew this situation. The so-called service meant providing the best.

Not only do you need to win the lawsuit, but you also need to leave a good reputation as a start-up company.

Ten thousand yuan was quickly deposited into the patent office.

Sure enough, an hour later, Haiyi quickly received the news that the patent was under review.

At this time, Sun Quan also received a message from a friend at the Patent Office: "It has entered the patent review stage, because it is an invention patent that requires a week at the earliest for verification."

Sun Quan looked at the crowd and explained: "If it is an appearance or a trademark, the review will be quick, but this is an invention patent and the process takes a long time."

Lin Mo nodded. There was nothing we could do about it. One week was already very short.

"Don't be idle this week. No matter what, first make a patent application for the original game mechanism in Cloud Top. If the Hex Mechanism is approved, then we will submit it all at once."

"Okay!" Sun Quan nodded.

So this week, Haiyi became busy again.

Both original gameplay mechanisms and plagiarized gameplay mechanisms of Top of the Clouds need to apply.

For example, the bonding game mechanism refers to the special effects produced by specific combinations of different chess pieces. Each bond has its own unique bonuses or abilities, which can significantly improve the combat effectiveness of the chess pieces or change the way the chess pieces fight.

There is also a draft system, equipment synthesis mechanism, fund acquisition mechanism, card drawing mechanism, battle mechanism, etc...

All require application, which is a huge project.

Your gameplay is not protected, so if I patent all the game mechanisms that make up your basic gameplay, your basic gameplay will not be able to run!

In order to get the patent application as soon as possible, only five people were left in the technology department.

This is also the reason why Lin Mo asked Haiyi to completely plagiarize The Top of the Cloud.

For plagiarism, there is no need for so many manpower. All the free programmers will come to write the patent document for me!

But soon, Lin Mo discovered another problem. Programmers were enough, but professional lawyers were not enough.

Apart from Lin Mo and Sun Quan, Xia Ling became a proficient player after learning the whole process, but it was still not enough.

At this moment, Zhang Hou had just finished a public prosecution at the Pengcheng Procuratorate and came back to report to Lin Mo.

"How come I forgot about your top-notch combat power?" Lin Mo looked at Zhang Houcai with a smile.

"Brother Houcai, haven't you been busy lately and your hands are itchy?"

Zhang Houcai was stunned and heard something behind Lin Mo's words: "Lin...Lin Lu...I must have itchy hands, right?"

"Okay, let me tell you the truth, Seawing needs manpower, how about you go over there and work overtime?"

After saying this, Lin Mo felt a bit like an evil capitalist who exploited his employees.

"Don't worry, this commission is indispensable. After you finish the job, you can pay the down payment in Jianghai."

There was no other way, Lin Mo could only comfort him like this.

Giving enough money would be a consolation to Zhang Houcai.

Zhang Houcai nodded, looked at the high-rise buildings outside the window of the law firm, and couldn't help but smile. He seemed to take a long breath and said:

"Lin Mo, don't feel like you are squeezing me. Without you, I might never have the chance to settle down in Jianghai and bring my parents over to enjoy their happiness."

"I'll do a good job!"

Lin Mo stood next to Zhang Houcai and said with a smile: "Speaking of which, Haiyi also has a Gan Emperor, who may be your close friend."

After Zhang Houcai received the order, he also rushed to Haiyi overnight.

Lin Mo felt a little emotional when he saw Zhang Houcai's back.

There are many people in the company who work hard and without complaint, but a good company will not treat them badly.

Lin Mo looked at the empty law firm: "It's time to expand the scale. Sun Quan can be a minister, and Zhang Houcai should be in charge of the non-litigation business department."

Zhang Houcai has already shown his strength, and the next step is to train him to be a leader.

Not only Zhang Houcai, Sun Quan, Qiu Ying, but also Xia Ling are the core of this entrepreneurial team. After the law firm grows, they will inevitably be the top management.

Leadership skills must be improved.

It’s just that everyone else is quite reliable, so let Xia Ling be the leader?

Lin Mo laughed as he thought about it. This was indeed a bit magical, but you could try it.

Part of the remaining business of the law firm was assigned to Lin Mo, and the other part was assigned to Qiu Ying.

Originally, Qiu Ying wanted to help Haiyi when she heard the news, but she was dissuaded by Lin Mo.

Qiu Ying currently has several public interest litigation cases on her hands, including workers who were owed wages by unscrupulous factories and farmers whose water sources were contaminated by nearby factories, causing a large number of illnesses...

The importance of these cases is obviously more important than that of Haiyi.

Winning a lawsuit can bring a lot of reputation to a law firm.

At this time, things were going on in Haiyi Company in full swing.

Chen Wu was a little irritated at first. There were too few lawyers. He didn't know how to write some patent-related matters. Sometimes, without anyone to help him, he was blinded at first glance and still made a mistake when he wrote it.

Very distressed.

At this time, Zhang Hou came to support.

When Chen Wu saw Zhang Houcai, it was like a fish seeing water. The horse galloped across the boundless wilderness. It was so exciting!

He can ask Zhang Houcai endlessly, and even Zhang Houcai can keep up with him even if he works overtime!

Zhang Houcai was also shocked. Chen Wu's overtime hours were no less than his own!

When the two liver emperors met, they were so surprised and completely crazy!

This scared everyone. A patent application was filed almost every two days...

Lin Mo was so frightened that he went straight to buy an AED first aid device. If these two people died suddenly on the scene, they would have to be rescued immediately!

After much talking, the two of them got 5 hours of sleep a day.

There's no way, these two guys are working overtime secretly...

Lin Mo could only sign a contract with a doctor from a private clinic to be stationed in Haiyi to ensure everyone's health.

A week passed quickly.

What was originally estimated to be a month's work was completed in one week.

It was all thanks to Chen Wu and Zhang Houcai. Under their influence, others also took the initiative to work overtime, and their work efficiency was maximized.

This is also the benefit of the shareholder system. Everyone is actually working for themselves.

Thick patent applications filled the entire office.

At this moment, the most critical thing comes.

Everyone surrounded Sun Quan, and his internal channels could get the news first.

The conference room was so quiet that you could even hear everyone's heart beating. Even Sun Quan was a little nervous.

Holding the phone and staring at the message box.


Remarks: A message was sent from a friend at the Patent Office:

"Lawyer Sun, your patent is an innovative invention for the auto-chess game and meets the conditions for patent application."

Sun Quan immediately widened his eyes and said happily:

"It's done! It's done! You can apply for a patent!"


Wu Yi and Tian Hai looked at each other and clasped their hands together, extremely excited.

Chen Wu also showed a satisfied smile. If Hextech's application was successful, then all the patent applications written in the past week would have the opportunity to be applied for patents!

"The company...our going to survive!" Chen Wu's lips were trembling.

Zhang Houcai nodded and said calmly: "I have learned a lot again, it's great."

As he said that, the two liver emperors looked at each other and smiled.

In fact, the conversation between the two this week was very formulaic, all about patents.

But for some reason, when the two looked at each other, they had a tacit understanding.

At this time, Xia Ling, who was standing next to Lin Mo, also jumped up excitedly: "Wuhu!"

"Boss, why aren't you excited?"

Xia Ling was excited for a long time, and seeing that Lin Mo was just smiling faintly, she asked curiously.

"Happy, of course I'm happy, but this is just the beginning."

"Three of you, after receiving the exact news from the Patent Office, submit all the patent applications directly."

Lin Mo said to Wu Yi, Tian Hai, and Chen Wu.

How could Lin Mo not be happy?

The success of Hextech's application means that this path is feasible!

Then, other small companies that have been copied can also use this to fight back!

As he said, Lin Mo opened the news.

In the past week, Lin Mo has been paying attention to news related to "Wanmengzhixing".

As expected, many game companies that have been copied have come out to accuse Penguin of infringement.

"Wanmengzhixing", this super stitched monster, has aroused the anger of the gaming circle.

But what is frustrating is that these accusations are all from some small game companies, which do not attract Penguin's attention at all.

Penguin's legal department has only one sentence: "If you think we have infringed, then you can go to court to sue us..."

These small game companies all survived by relying on a good game, but now they have all been integrated into "Wanmengzhixing" by Penguin.

The game traffic has dropped rapidly, the income has plummeted, and the situation of their company is almost the same as Haiyi.

This matter has slowly begun to ferment on the Internet, and more and more people are paying attention to it.

Everyone has great sympathy for these small game companies.

But Penguin was very stubborn and refused to give in, insisting on going to the court to solve the problem.

Soon, another week passed.

After the fast-track review channel of the Patent Office, 60% of the patents applied by Haiyi Company were approved and became official patents.

The remaining 40% are still under review.

At this time, the first pre-trial mediation of Nanshan Court arrived.

Lin Mo and Xia Ling appeared in front of the court in Nanshan District, Shenzhen.

Shenzhen is a city several times larger than Pengcheng, and the Nanshan District Court is even more daunting.

It seems ordinary, but many game companies have failed here!

In the mediation court, Lin Mo met Penguin's lawyer.

"Hello, my name is Zhang Xiao" Zhang Xiao looked at Lin Mo coldly, not polite at all.

Although he said hello, he didn't mean to extend his hand.

Lin Mo just nodded, and then both parties took their seats.

"We do not accept the 100 million yuan compensation proposed by your company. If you insist on paying 100 million yuan, I suggest that we go to court directly."

Even when facing Lin Mo, Zhang Xiao was very arrogant.

Because he now has all the evidence that Haiyi plagiarized their Cloud Top. If he goes to court, he doesn't know how to lose!

Dare to pay 100 million yuan?


Do you really think that Zhang Xiao is an idiot? If he pays 100 million yuan, there will be no place for him in the Penguin Legal Department!

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