Lawyer: The bully is not guilty? I will send him to death!

Chapter 163: The court opens, and Penguin Legal is defeated in one move?

The real night is very quiet, but the Internet is very lively.

This Internet craze was first attracted by the "Star of Dreams" promoted by Penguin, and the 1.4 billion publicity and promotion costs were extremely eye-catching.

What triggered the hot spots later was that many game companies came out to accuse "Star of Dreams".

It caused a large number of their game players to leave, and the company was on the verge of bankruptcy.

With the accumulation of traffic, the topic of game plagiarism also surged to the hot search list.

Most of the players were very dissatisfied with Penguin's plagiarism.

And Lin Mo's withdrawal of the lawsuit just happened to coincide with the popularity of this topic, so there were many people paying attention.

Even many people ran to Lin Mo's platform account to leave a message to ask why he withdrew the lawsuit.

They all wanted to see Lin Mo win Penguin and give the players of the plagiarized game a vent.

At this time, Lin Mo didn't look at his mobile phone at all, but stared at the information in his hand.

It was already 2 o'clock in the morning, but Lin Mo didn't feel sleepy at all.

Sun Quan also finished some things and was about to leave the law firm, but found that Lin Mo was still there, so he walked in.

"Old Lin, what's wrong? Why are you so serious? We are sure to win this case."

Lin Mo just said lightly: "I feel something is wrong."

Yes, Lin Mo just feels something is wrong. It's a kind of intuition. When this feeling arises, the case is extremely difficult to win.

So every time he encounters this situation, Lin Mo will think carefully.

"Why is it wrong?" Sun Quan was even more curious. With so many patents in hand, he could open champagne directly. What else is wrong?

"You can't kill Penguin in one second." Lin Mo said lightly.

"What?" Sun Quan thought he had heard it wrong: "What in one second? Old Lin, do you want to kill Penguin in one second in court?"

Lin Mo nodded.

Yes, this is what Lin Mo thought. Now that the advantage is so great, why can't we kill Penguin in one second?

"This... This is indeed a bit difficult. After all, their legal department has many talents. That Deputy Minister Xiong Fei is a top talent in intellectual property rights. It is still a bit difficult to kill him in one second."

The so-called kill in one second means to occupy an absolute advantage in the first round and block all angles of the opponent's debate.

Win the trial at a very fast speed.

As a lawyer in the field of intellectual property rights, Sun Quan had heard of Xiong Fei when he was in school.

It would be too difficult to kill such a legendary figure in seconds.

"It can be done in seconds, let me think about it." Lin Mo was very calm.

Sun Quan also became curious and sat down and waited. It didn't matter whether it could be done in seconds, but he just wanted to hear what tricks Lin Mo had.

"Everything is well prepared, but I always feel that something is missing, where is the loophole?"

Lin Mo's mind was running fast.

Suddenly, Lin Mo thought of something.

"The patent... is still in the hands of five companies."

"Huh? What do you mean?" Sun Quan was puzzled.

"Before, I negotiated with Zhang Xiao to delay time and complete all patent applications, but I forgot that they can now check the patents to know what I am going to do in advance."

"Uh..." Sun Quan popped up a question mark: "What if they know that we have applied for a large number of patents?"

This is already an established fact.

"Then there is no way to kill Penguin in one second." Lin Mo smiled.

"Fuck! Old Lin, are you so strict with yourself?"

Sun Quan was stunned. He thought Lin Mo was thinking about something, but he was really thinking about killing Penguin in one second...

Not my good buddy, we are lucky to win against Penguin...

"I already have a solution."

"Ah?!" Sun Quan was even more confused.

Lin Mo picked up a pen and scribbled for a while, then said: "Now create another new company and transfer all the patents to this new company. When Penguin comes to its senses and investigates us again, they will not find that our five companies in the open have a large number of patents, and they will not prepare in advance."

Sun Quan's eyes twitched: "Old Lin, you don't need to be so cautious..."

"It would be great if Penguin could be defeated so easily." Lin Mo said with a faint smile.

"Yeah, it's better to be careful."

"You go contact the founders of the five companies now and do as I say."


Sun Quan went to contact.

Lin Mo put down his pen and looked out the window. When he was on Earth, Lin Mo had never fought with Tengzi, but people on the street were saying how powerful Tengzi was.

In this world today, you have to be careful when fighting with Penguin.

After all, the Penguin Deputy Minister Xiong Fei that Sun Quan mentioned is indeed a tough guy.

Then, Lin Mo lowered his head again and sorted out which patents needed to be transferred to the new company.

The next day.

According to Lin Mo's request, the founders of five companies including Haiyi transferred all the patents on the list to this new company - Seal.

That's right, it's the seal that eats penguins as food.

And the founder of Seal Company is Xia Ling.....

At this moment, Xia Ling is signing patent authorizations with five companies including Haiyi.

At the same time.

In the highest-standard conference room of the Penguin Building.

At the top of the long table sat a round-faced man wearing glasses.

He is the founder, chairman of the board, and CEO of Penguin Company - Liu Huateng

"Legal Department, currently Ten Thousand Dreams Star is the company's main project. There can't be any mistakes. I don't care what method you use. You must win this lawsuit or get the other party to withdraw the lawsuit, preserve the reputation of this game, and at the same time improve the company's reputation." credibility.”

Liu Huateng said extremely seriously.

Faced with such a bad public opinion environment, Liu Huateng issued a death order.

"Director Liu, our Ministry of Justice attaches great importance to this lawsuit this time, so we sent Vice Minister Xiong Fei, who has the deepest understanding of intellectual property rights, to fight it."

An elegant middle-aged man said.

He is the head of Penguin’s legal department—Zheng Tao

As soon as these words came out, all the executives present showed a hint of surprise.

Since Penguin made its fortune, lawsuits have continued, but top executives in the legal department rarely go to court.

This time, the deputy minister Xiong Fei was sent to fight, which showed that the Ministry of Justice was serious.


Xiong Fei responded immediately.

Then he stood up and began to say: "Before the meeting, I have investigated the background of these five companies. Through legal summons, they sued us for infringement and unfair competition. From my point of view, they can only plagiarize art resources. article, because I also specifically checked the patents they own, and they are all trademarks and artistic design patents.

I guess this is the basis for them to sue us for infringement. I think it is not difficult to deal with it. Just leave it to me. "

After saying that, Xiong Fei sat down confidently.

Yes, as Lin Mo said, Xiong Fei is a very experienced lawyer. He directly investigated the patents owned by Haiyi, Tiancheng Deeds, Eternal... five companies.

It turns out that they are just some patents for the artistic appearance of trademarks.

Nothing to worry about at all!

In fact, all the patent transfers had been completed an hour ago, and Xiong Fei missed a key node.

After the meeting, Xiong Fei returned to the Legal Department and began to write an announcement to be released through Penguin’s official account.

At this time, a statement jointly issued by Haiyi and other five companies began to circulate on the Internet.

This announcement was compiled and released by Haiyi after all patent transfers were completed, and was signed by five companies in the "Anti-Infringement Alliance".

The announcement accused Penguin of unfair competition and the current predicament of five small startups.

At the same time, it was also hinted that Lin Mo withdrew the lawsuit because he cheated Penguin of a huge sum of money.

Of course, the most important thing is that the attorney appointed by the five companies to sue is Lin Mo!

The fans who saw it were very surprised to see Lin Mo presiding over the prosecution.

"Huh, I'm worried to death. I thought Lawyer Lin was really scared and withdrew the lawsuit. It turns out that he is suing Penguin here."

"Yes, I'm looking forward to Lawyer Lin's performance!"

"I heard that Lawyer Lin cheated Penguin. Originally, Penguin compensated a large amount of money after Lin Mo withdrew the lawsuit. As a result, Lawyer Lin did withdraw the lawsuit, but then sued Wanmengzhi again... .”

"Hahaha, this is the version I heard too. The only one who has been able to deceive Penguin over the years is Lawyer Lin."


However, because Haiyi’s official account has few fans, the speed of spreading and forwarding is relatively slow.

Wu Yi also told Lin Mo about this situation, so Lin Mo logged into his account.

As soon as the results were uploaded, private messages from the background came flooding in.

Lin Mo looked at any one of them, and all of them were asking him why he wanted to withdraw the lawsuit.

Gao Zan's comment was even more direct: "Lawyer Lin, we all believe in you and support you. If you lose, you lose. It doesn't matter. Just fight and it will be over! But you withdraw the lawsuit. I am really disappointed and disappointed." ....”

"Hey, don't question Lawyer Lin. I heard that he received compensation. You must know that even Lawyer Lin may not be sure of victory when facing Penguin. Taking the money and leaving is also a good choice."


No one scolded Lin Mo, everyone expressed regret.

Seeing the massive comments, Lin Mo felt a little ashamed. He didn't expect that so many people were paying attention to him.

So Lin Mo directly forwarded the video from Haiyi’s official account.

Lin Mo's number of fans at this time is already 2.99 million, which is still a large number of active fans.

As soon as the video was forwarded, a large number of people clicked in to watch it.

The first shocking point is that five game companies that are about to go bankrupt have recently joined forces to sue Penguin.

The second and most shocking point is that the five companies entrusted Lin Mo...

And the caption of the video forwarded by Lin Mo was: "I'm still here."

It directly detonated the fans who were in a state of despair before.

"Shit! I'm back! Lawyer Lin is back!"

"This is going to be a big deal! Five companies have actually joined forces to sue together!"

"I knew that Lawyer Lin Mo would not give up so easily!"

"Okay, I apologize for questioning Lawyer Lin before. I was either careless or Lawyer Lin played hard enough!"


The comment section immediately changed the direction of the trend and became filled with anticipation and enthusiasm.

Because of Lin Mo’s massive active fans, this announcement immediately became a hot search topic.

Everyone who paid attention to this topic was shocked.

Five companies on the verge of bankruptcy united to sue Penguin! Want to fight back!

The entrusted lawyer is still a recently popular lawyer, Lin Mo.

Netizens expressed that they are looking forward to Lin Mo's performance.

"This time, Lawyer Lin is not facing an old famous lawyer or a young famous lawyer, but the real powerful enemy Penguin."

"Let's see, who will Penguin send to fight?"

"It's another big show, but I still hope that Lawyer Lin will win. After all, the plagiarism of Penguin games is too bad. These young people finally started a business and created a game, but it was taken away by Penguin. It is really immoral." ”


At the same time, Xiong Fei, who was preparing an announcement in the Penguin Legal Department, also received the latest news from his secretary.

"Deputy Minister, their attorney is Lin Mo."

"Humph, I knew it was him."

Xiong Fei snorted coldly. He would never forget that Zhang Xiao was cheated out of 10 million yuan in compensation yesterday!

If this spreads out, their legal department will become a joke.

At this time, the door was also pushed open, and it was Zhang Xiao who came in in a panic.

"Deputy Minister... it's Lin Mo, it's Lin Mo. You must beat him to death and help me vent this bad breath!"

Zhang Xiao almost gritted his teeth. Every time he thought about being cheated out of 10 million by Lin Mo, he felt like his face was swollen.

I am a noble Penguin Lawyer. How dare you, Lin Mo, play tricks on me?

"Hmph, don't panic. Just go to work and be done with it. I'll take care of Lin Mo easily."

Xiong Fei snorted coldly.

In his eyes, Lin Mo is nothing more than mastering some artistic appearance patents and suing for unfair competition.

He was all too familiar with this.

Then, he published the prepared announcement through the Penguin official account.

Penguin’s official account has many followers, and within just a few minutes, this announcement was on the hot search list.

The announcement issued by Xiong Fei mainly discussed these criticisms that "Star of Ten Thousand Dreams" does not involve plagiarism, but only the integration and reference of gameplay.

At the same time, he believes that there are too many slanders and malicious attacks on Penguin on the Internet, and Penguin is now at a disadvantage.

At the same time, he believes that justice lies in the heart of the people and believes that the law will make the right decision.

Of course, if it is really determined that Penguin is plagiarized, Penguin will spare no effort to compensate these five small startups.

These are some official answers.

The most shocking one is undoubtedly the last one.

"To show our attention, our company sent Xiong Fei, the deputy minister of the legal department, to take charge of this case."

The briefest sentence caught everyone's attention.

Old people who follow Penguin legal cases know that a few years ago, it was this lawyer named Xiong Fei.

Help Penguin fight against all the invincible enemies in the world, win all infringement lawsuits, and protect Penguin.

It didn't appear in the next few years, but it was released today.

It's like a peerless master who came to the rescue because he encountered a problem.

Even more shocked was the lawyer circle.

"Ah? Penguin sent Xiong Fei to fight? How much attention does this take to Lin Mo?"

"I heard that Lin Mo has never litigated an intellectual property case before. He must not be very skilled. There is no need for Xiong Fei to take action."

"Come on, no matter who wins, we can see the genius lawyers of today versus the genius lawyers of five years ago."

"There's a good show to watch!"

Even Luo Daxiang noticed this case.

He knew Xiong Fei, a genius in the field of intellectual property rights. After being recruited by Penguin six years ago, he showed an even more genius.

It can be said that Lin Mo is a replica of Lin Mo, defeating all opponents with his weird argument!

Set a record of 20 consecutive victories.

The original version of Nanshan Pizza Hut was called him.

It’s just that in recent years, Penguin has grown bigger and bigger, and Xiong Fei has turned to management positions and trained many legal personnel, but has not shown up.

Now that Xiong Fei has been sent to the scene, it shows how seriously they take this case!

"Penguin...are you trying to kill Lin Mo?"

Thinking of this, Luo Daxiang also became interested and wanted to see the two geniuses collide in the field of intellectual property rights.

So Lin Mo VS Xiong Fei, today’s genius VS former genius, became a hot topic on the list.

When Xiong Fei saw this hot search, he just sneered.

He is 40 years old this year, more mature than a few years ago, and more experienced in the research of intellectual property rights.

"Lin Mo? Just a soldier."

As for Lin Mo, he received the information.

It was all about what a genius Xiong Fei was back then, and the entire Internet was bragging about Xiong Fei.

Many legal bloggers also praised Xiong Fei.

That praised Xiong Fei to the sky. It can be said that it was a huge momentum and attracted a lot of attention.

At the law firm, even Qiu Ying showed concern.

Sun Quan was immediately shocked: "Really sending Xiong Fei? They are really crazy. It's just a small infringement case, sending Xiong Fei is overkill..."

In fact, Sun Quan never thought that Penguin would send Xiong Fei to appear. When Xiong Fei, a deputy minister of this level, was sent out, he looked afraid of Penguin.

Because I was afraid, I had to send real elites to the scene.

As a result, I didn’t expect it to be sent out!

As a lawyer in the field of intellectual property rights, he understands how terrifying Xiong Fei's infringement case is.


The patents were transferred by Lin Mo in advance, so Xiong Fei probably didn't know about it.

Thinking of this, Sun Quan looked at Lin Mo in even more shock: "Old Lin, now I understand! Why are you so cautious? You are just guarding against Xiong Fei, right?"

"You transfer the patents in advance to prevent Xiong Fei from making plans in advance! Because a genius like him, knowing that we have a large number of patents, may have some tricks! But if you don't know... you may really kill him in one second!"

Only then did Sun Quan understand Lin Mo's intention that early morning!

Lin Mo really wanted to kill Xiong Fei in one second!

Thinking of this, Sun Quan also began to look forward to it.

If Xiong Fei, a genius intellectual property lawyer, was killed in one second, the scene...

Tsk tsk, this is too exciting!

Sun Quan didn't dare to think about it.

Three days passed quickly, and the day of the trial arrived.

These days, Lin Mo has heard Xiong Fei's stories so many times that he has calluses.

He is just a genius, it's a small problem.

At the entrance of the court in Nanshan District.

Lin Mo met the genius lawyer who had been lingering in his ears these days-Xiong Fei.

No handshake, no interview with reporters.

The two strode into the court with their assistants.

Accept identity information check.

"The court is now in session!"

With the judge's order, the gavel rang.

The case that the whole network is paying attention to has started!

Xiong Fei had a cold look on his face, staring at Lin Mo all the time, and started to exert pressure from the beginning.

Lin Mo had a faint smile on his face at this moment.


What genius.

I will beat you in two chapters!

"Plaintiff, please state your lawsuit request!"

The majestic voice of the judge sounded.

At this moment, the whole network's attention was on Lin Mo.

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