For Liu Su, this case is very important.

Because after the two founding partners left Chunqiu Law Firm with a group of core lawyers.

The reputation that Chunqiu Law Firm has accumulated in the field of civil litigation over the years has basically been destroyed.

Coupled with the publicity of rival law firms, within two months, the reputation that Chunqiu Law Firm had accumulated over decades has basically been in name only, and a large number of cases have been lost.

Everyone does not trust Liu Su, a partner who has only been practicing for a few years, to take on the responsibility.

So many business cooperation projects have also been terminated.

At present, there are 16 people left in the law firm, basically all of them are old lawyers, and there is another partner of a lower level.

With very few cases and low commission fees, everyone is particularly pessimistic.

Many lawyers have already started to submit resumes.

If Liu Su wants to maintain the operation of the law firm, regain reputation, and get cases and business cooperation again, then Liu Su must show amazing results in this position.

And the case in Liu Su's hand is particularly suitable.

After the second trial, the case was still very popular, and the residents of Dongguan City expressed their dissatisfaction with the verdict.

So Liu Su thought that if she could win the case in the retrial, she would be able to prove her own strength.

She could prove that she could take on the responsibility of the Spring and Autumn Law Firm.

But... her application for retrial was rejected by the High Court of Dongguan City...

She didn't even have a chance to make a move, which made her very frustrated.

She could only continue to study whether there were other ways.

There was a pile of information on Liu Su's desk, and her beautiful eyes wrinkled. Suddenly, she sniffed.

She raised her head from the heavy documents and looked around.

"Why is there a smell of fried chicken?"

Liu Su murmured, but she was not in the mood to care about this matter. The smell of fried chicken was fried chicken.

It might come from other companies through ventilation ducts or central air conditioning.

This kind of thing often happens in this old office building. The only disadvantage is that the rent is cheap.

At this time, above Liu Su's office, in the ventilation duct.

A person wearing a tight suit, wrapped himself up very tightly, his hair stood up, and immediately put the fried chicken that he had not finished eating into his pocket and sealed it tightly.

"Huh... It was a close call, I was almost discovered, if I was discovered, I would become a perverted voyeur."

As he said, he took out a notebook.

The notebook was densely recorded with information, almost all of which was about Liu Su.

"Well, it meets the boss's requirements very well, a lawyer specializing in the civil field, meets the plug-and-play requirements, and can lead the civil litigation of our law firm right away."

Yes, the voyeur in the ventilation duct is Xia Ling!

She was still chewing fried chicken in her mouth, mumbling vaguely.

These days, she has been looking for a lawyer who meets Lin Mo's requirements.

This kind of elite lawyer who can plug and play is indeed easy to find. Every famous law firm has it, but it's a pity that they are the backbone of major law firms, and there is no need to switch to Shunhe Law Firm.

Xia Ling also contacted several people, and they all clearly expressed their refusal.

Those who did not refuse also offered sky-high salaries.

For example, an elite lawyer from a first-tier law firm asked for a base salary of 50,000 yuan + 60% of the case share.

Xia Ling is not a fool, of course she can't hire such a person!

Xia Ling had no choice but to go to Sister Qiu Ying to ask for a list of the Ai Xin Law Firm at that time.

Xia Ling thought to herself: "Ai Xin Law Firm was poor and couldn't survive at that time, so now Shunhe Law Firm, which has inherited the mantle of Ai Xin Law Firm, should spend money to hire you back. There should be no problem."

As a result, when they contacted, there was indeed no problem, and everyone had the idea and interest to come back.

But unfortunately, everyone is no longer the passionate young man of the year.

They have been running their own law firm for several years, and their connections and case sources are all in that law firm.

If they want to change jobs, it will be another turbulence and instability, and almost all of them have started a family, and having a family means pursuing stability.

Even when Xia Ling repeatedly stated that the salary and benefits will not be low.

Everyone said that they would focus on stability now, and when their families are stable in the future, they can consider coming to Shunhe Law Firm.

When they said this, everyone was helpless.

In this regard, Xia Ling also understood that job-hopping is not as simple as it is said, so she did not continue to bother others.

So Xia Ling could only expand the search scope and stepped out of Jianghai City, Qianpeng City, Shencheng and other cities.

The city scale of Shencheng is much smaller than that of Jianghai, so the situation is the same as Jianghai. It is impossible to dig, and those who can dig almost all ask for sky-high prices.

Pengcheng did find a few, and after submitting them to Lin Mo, they were directly rejected by Lin Mo.

Xia Ling was so angry that she stomped her feet and complained to Zhang Houcai behind her back. Brother Houcai was so scared that he said he couldn't hear.

In the end, Xia Ling ate a lump of Lin Mo's mouth and covered her head.

Continue to embark on the journey of finding talents.

This time Xia Ling expanded her thinking and set her sights on a medium-sized city between several major cities-Dongguan City.

As expected, Xia Ling found not only one person, but also an entire law firm!

That’s right, it’s the Chunqiu Law Firm that is in turmoil.

All the staff specialize in civil litigation, and all of them are capable, but because of the previous internal turmoil and the departure of key personnel, the reputation has collapsed.

It’s a good opportunity to poach people!

Xia Ling was ready to do something big and poach all the remaining people from Chunqiu Law Firm!

Xia Ling contacted several lawyers privately, but they were all hesitant.

After asking, she found out that they were all waiting for the case in the hands of the top partner of the law firm.

That was the key to the comeback.

If they lost, everyone would leave.

For this reason, Xia Ling began to investigate the case and the lawyer who handled the case, Liu Su, out of curiosity.

After finding out Liu Su's information, Xia Ling was full of joy.

Because this Liu Su is so outstanding!

As soon as she debuted, she became a partner of Chunqiu Law Firm and encountered discussions and dissatisfaction from other lawyers in the law firm.

As a result, she won 22 civil lawsuits in a row within a year, shocking all the lawyers in the law firm and establishing her position as a partner.

So after the two founding partners left with their backbones, the remaining partner and other lawyers pushed Liu Su to the highest position.

The heaviest responsibility was placed on Liu Su.

"Liu Su is definitely what the boss needs, a plug-and-play talent! We must get her!"

So, it is understandable why Xia Ling appeared in the ventilation duct of Liu Su's office to peek.

She already knew Liu Su's strength, but she also needed to understand Liu Su's work attitude and attitude towards people.

After all, Xia Ling is also a partner, and every core employee of the law firm is very important!

Of course, the most important thing is that Xia Ling wants to see if she can eavesdrop on any key information.

This is the key information for poaching people!

At this time, Liu Su, who had been sitting for a long time, stood up, and her proud figure suddenly appeared in front of Xia Ling.

When Xia Ling saw this scene, her brain stopped thinking for a short time, and she stared at Liu Su's figure in a daze.

Then she looked down at her own.

"Bigger than...bigger than me..."

"Her waist is also so thin..."

"Her legs are long and straight..."

And the next moment, Liu Su stretched lazily, and her figure was fully displayed.

Xia Ling's eyes were straight!


Xia Ling smiled foolishly, and her nose bled uncontrollably.

"Wait! I'm a girl too! Why am I bleeding from my nose?!"

There's nothing I can do about it. For a hot body, sometimes people of the same sex are more hot than the opposite sex.

That might be envy from the bottom of my heart!

Xia Ling shook her head, and her little brain tried to think about work:

"Well...will it affect the boss's work if I dig a girl with such a good body..."

"Well, it shouldn't be. Sister Qiuying's body is also pretty good, but I didn't see the boss even look at her..."

And at this moment, the door of Liu Su's office was pushed open.

A man in a suit, tall but a little fat, strode in.

Xia Ling knew this man, he is another partner of Chunqiu Law Firm.

After seeing Liu Su, the fat man said directly and rudely:

"Liu Lu, the retrial application you submitted has been rejected, and the case has reached a stalemate. If you have no other choice, I think... I think you should accept Mr. Yang's advice and accompany him..."

"Shut up!"

He said angrily to the gentle Liu Su, and the fat man held back his last words.

Xia Ling pricked up her ears at this moment.

There's more news!

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