Liu Su didn't have any objection and took Lin Mo back to the Spring and Autumn Law Firm.

At this time, there were still some people in the law firm.

Xia Ling saw that it was Hongwen who was shouting to take people away yesterday, and his expression turned cold instantly.

Liu Su's originally gentle face wrinkled when she saw them.

When Liu Su's three direct subordinates saw Liu Su coming back, they immediately ran over:

"Liu Lu, they are back again!"

"Hmph, why don't we kick them all out!"

The three said angrily.

After saying that, the three of them noticed Lin Mo and Xia Ling beside Liu Su.

This new face of Lin Mo made them pay more attention. It felt very familiar and they felt like they had seen him somewhere before.

Suddenly, someone recognized him:

"Lawyer Lin Mo! The most popular lawyer on the Internet recently!"

"It's a real person!"

The three people immediately gathered around and looked at Lin Mo.

Lin Mo also looked at the three people with a kind expression. These three people should be Liu Su's cronies.

After all, Liu Su had only been out for a year, and his foundation was unstable. It was normal to only have three close followers.

However, the way Lin Mo looked at the three of them was different. He looked at Zhang Houcai and Sun Quan the same way.

They are all talents, they all need to be poached!

By the way, as long as Liu Su goes there, these three people will naturally follow him!


"Hello, Lawyer Lin!"

The three of them still respect Lin Mo, because Lin Mo's record is real!

And they all speak for the disadvantaged party. In the legal profession, such lawyers are the most popular.

The next moment, Lin Mo felt a malicious look.

It came from a fat man in the law firm.

"Boss, he is Hongwen, the one who threatens Teacher Liu Su every day!"

Xia Ling said in a low voice as if she was making a snitch.

"Well, let's go in first. The victim's family will be here soon," Lin Mo said.

Liu Su also nodded and led several people into the law firm.

At this time, Hongwen came up again and stood in front of Liu Su: "Liu Lu, do you think calling Lin Mo here is just to bring in reinforcements? He is not a lawyer in Wanshi, so what use can it be?"

"I see, I still meet Mr. Sun's request..."

Hongwen knew Lin Mo, but what he said seemed to not take Lin Mo seriously at all.

At this time, Lin Mo walked in front of Liu Su, blocked the burning Hongwen, and said coldly:

"I don't know who you are, but I know that Lawyer Liu Su is now the top partner of Chunqiu Law Firm. If you dare to speak like this, who gave you the courage?

Do you think Lawyer Liu is easy to bully because he is gentle? "

With that said, Lin Mo approached Hongwen, his eyes very sharp.

The powerful momentum forced Hongwen to take several steps back.

"Why don't you get out? Wait for me to fix you?"

"You...Lin to break the law?" Hongwen didn't expect that Lin Mo, a lawyer, could say such rude words without any regard for the restrictions of the law.

"Haha, a good team shares the joys and sorrows together, rather than letting one person bear all the responsibilities."

"You, and you,"

Lin Mo pointed at Hongwen and the other 13 lawyers and said sternly: "Think about it, are you worthy of being Lawyer Liu Su's colleagues?"

"There are so many of you, don't you have any solution at all? You just want your top leader to sacrifice himself?"

"Are you still worthy of being human?!"

In Lin Mo's memory, Liu Su was very gentle, so gentle that it was terrifying.

Because of this, many people don't respect her.

This is what is said about fearing power rather than virtue.

Since it’s hard for Liu Su to say, let me do it!

At this time, Liu Su looked at Lin Mo next to him with a moved expression.

No one has ever spoken to her like this before!

She also didn't expect that the person who would stand up and speak for her would be her former naive student!

At this moment, Hongwen and the 13 lawyers were silent.

"Get out now, or I will sue them all! You all know me and have watched my court hearings. Don't worry, even if there is no other way, I will find a way to sue you."

Lin Mo glanced around and said coldly.

At this moment, Hongwen and other lawyers all had their hairs standing on end.

Lin Mo was a man who sent three lawyers to the court, even for mental illness, he couldn't escape the death penalty!

The next moment, a group of people were ready to run away in despair.

"Wait! Apologize to Lawyer Liu Su before you leave!"

With an angry shout, they all ran to Liu Su and bowed to apologize.

Only then did he dare to run away.

Afterwards, the law firm returned to silence.

"Okay, Teacher Liu, we can work as usual." Lin Mo said with a smile.


Liu Su inadvertently wiped away a tear from the corner of her eyes and responded softly.

Not long after, a man with a haggard face and a lost soul entered the law firm, supported by two old men who had gone through many vicissitudes of life.

"Liu...Lawyer Liu, is there any progress in the case?" the haggard man asked weakly.

There was hope in his weak tone.

He is the dead woman's husband and her daughter's father.

The two old men behind are the woman's parents.

At this moment, there was a glimmer of hope in the eyes of the three people, hoping to hear some good news from Liu Su.

The verdict of the second instance was a huge blow to them.

It was clearly intentional murder, but the sentence was reduced. Nothing is more painful for the victim's family than this!

The pain of losing their wife and daughter is already great enough.

Reducing the sentence is like rubbing salt into their wounds!

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