When Lin Mo saw it, his eyes widened for a moment.

Good guy, this Xiao Hui is not simple!

This guy actually worked as a madam and pimp when he was in college!

"Boss, this Xiao Hui was proficient in neon laws at the time. He organized prostitution and made a lot of money without being caught. The most important thing is that according to people who know the inside story, there were many domestic girls among them."

"More than ten years ago, China was not wealthy, so these female students joined his organization because they had no money to study abroad..."

After seeing this information, Lin Mo understood why Xiao Hui took the risk to help Jiang Yuming.

Jiang Yuming, a businessman, may be one of the partners, so he knows all the inside information about Xiao Hui.

The difference is that once he is found out, Xiao Hui works in China and cannot escape.

Jiang Yuming is a businessman and can run away at any time.

Moreover, more than ten years ago, he had the means to point all the evidence to Xiao Hui.

"Boss, they committed a crime abroad. How will they be punished?"

"It is subject to personal jurisdiction. The main reason is that he also organized some girls in the country, so he will be sentenced according to the laws of this country. No wonder Xiao Hui risked his life to help Jiang Yuming. His life depends on others."

Lin Mo could even guess it.

Jiang Yuming can definitely contact the girls who participated in the organization to testify against Xiao Hui.

"Then what use do we have this information for?"

"It's not of much use yet, but if we can prove that Xiao Hui, a member of the collegial panel, knows the family members of the parties concerned, then we have something to write about." Lin Mo squinted his eyes and smiled.

Xia Ling seemed to understand, but in the end she seemed to have thought of something.

His eyes lit up instantly, and he asked excitedly: "Boss, can we send the judge in too?!"

"Uh... there should be a chance."

"Wow! Finally! Have you finally reached this stage? It's so exciting!" Xia Ling waved her hands, extremely excited.

Lin Mo smiled helplessly, this girl just likes to have fun.

Time passed so quickly, three days disappeared in the blink of an eye.

Today is the day of court!

Lin Mo, Xia Ling, Liu Su and the victim's family members came to the door of the court together.

Also arriving at the same time were Jiang Yuming and his wife, and a stern-looking lawyer.

Lin Mo felt a murderous gaze staring at him, and he saw it was the lady next to Jiang Yuming.

If your guess is correct, it is Jiang Song's mother.

But Lin Mo was more concerned about the lawyer beside them.

Before the trial, Lin Mo also got to know this lawyer. It was he who participated in the second trial and put forward the outrageous theory that "the person has been thrown out and Jiang Song did not intend to kill."

This lawyer's name is Zhou Tuo, he is the head criminal defense lawyer of Jinhan Law Firm in Guan City, and he will soon become the junior partner of Jinhan Law Firm.

He is also one of the well-known criminal defense lawyers in the Greater Bay Area. It is reasonable for Jiang Yuming and his wife to seek him as their defense lawyer.

Putting aside morality, the arguments he put forward in the second trial aroused the judge's in-depth thinking, gave Xiao Hui a chance to show off, and indeed allowed Jiang Song to lower the penalty.

Is a strong opponent!

The two groups did not interact, but Wu Bin clenched his fists and gritted his teeth after seeing Jiang Yuming and his wife.

Like an enemy.

Lin Mo patted his shoulder: "Don't worry, leave everything to me."

"Well! Lawyer Lin, I really... really owe it to you!"

At this time, Jiang Yuming, his wife and Zhou Tuo avoided being interviewed by reporters and entered the court directly.

Lin Mo took the initiative to go to the reporters and accepted the interview.

"Excuse me, Lawyer Lin Mo. I saw some extreme remarks on the Internet that describe it like this: referees, players, organizers, witnesses, all units are their people, how can Lawyer Lin win?"

"Lawyer Lin, how do you feel about this kind of remarks?"

Lin Mo said with firm eyes: "I don't have any feelings. I always firmly believe that our legal system is a fair place. If they are not fair, I will let them know that I am fair!"

As soon as these words came out, the crowd fell silent.

Soon another lawyer asked: "Lawyer Lin Mo, what crime do you think is more appropriate for Jiang Song?"

Lin Mo also said without hesitation: "I think the death penalty is the most appropriate. Jiang Song's behavior is no different from killing two people. It belongs to the ranks of heinous crimes. The death penalty is reasonable and reasonable."

All the reporters were shocked when they heard what Lin Mo said so straightforwardly!

Under normal circumstances, no lawyer would say something so explicit and straightforward.

Some veteran reporters were also surprised. Lin Mo would never have said that in the past!

And Lin Mo's temperament today is completely different from before!

Before the reporter could continue asking questions, Lin Mo continued: "Don't worry, everyone, the criminals will be punished as they deserve, and those who shield the criminals will also be punished as they deserve!"

After saying that, Lin Mo strode towards the door of the court.

Xia Ling followed closely behind her, holding a document bag with a serious look on her face.

Some reporters wanted to stop Wu Bin and other family members of the victims, but Liu Su stopped them. She persuaded them gently:

"Everyone, please wait until the results of the trial come out before asking questions. Please consider the emotions of the family members."

The reporters also nodded and took the initiative to get out of the way.

In such tense moods, they also know how rude it is to disturb the families of the victims.

Inside the court.

Lin Mo, Xia Ling, and the other party's lawyer are already verifying their identities.

The culprit of this case, the murderer Jiang Song, also appeared in court.

She was a girl with a delicate face, but there was no trace of remorse on her face, only disgust and silence.

It seemed that she was not the one being judged, but she came to judge the court.

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