Lawyer: The bully is not guilty? I will send him to death!

Chapter 21 The anti-bullying campaign officially begins, alarming the central government!

Ning Hong is very depressed now.

She never expected that Luo Daxiang would personally comment on Lin Mo's case and publicly deny "false accusation and frame-up."

Her face felt hot now, as if it was swollen.

Her video is full of comments mocking her.

"Hahaha, I'm still a lawyer from Red Circle. I can't even figure out the crime of false accusation and frame-up. Don't come out and embarrass me."

"Lawyer Lin Mo is using his legal knowledge to save people, and you are forcing others behind you."

"Brothers, keep your eyes open, women can watch, but don't bring a lawsuit against her!"

"Brothers, let's break up. She's just a trashy lawyer who earns traffic by doing side work. Don't give her traffic!"


Various comments instantly appeared in Ning Hong's video area.

She was sitting in her seat, holding her cell phone, and her whole body was in a state of explosion, her face turned red.


She slammed her iPhone on the seat and roared angrily.

These people actually said that she, an ace lawyer from a red circle firm, was a parallel import!

I am a newly promoted elite lawyer who has won three games in a row and my legal fees are as high as millions!

How can you losers be the ones to comment?

Frustrated, she immediately recorded a video: "If you continue to slander me, I will send a lawyer's letter to each of you!"

As a result, the comment section of this video directly made her blood pressure soar.

"The lawyer's letter warning is here! Hahaha!"

"Brothers, it's actually a lawyer's letter. We are so scared!"

"Lawyer Ning, we just told the facts. Are you anxious?"

"To be honest, Lawyer Lin Mo has never received a warning letter from a lawyer, and everyone just sued him directly."

"Yes, Lawyer Ning Hong, don't just shout, come on! Sue me!"


Seeing these comments, Ning Hong felt like her blood vessels were about to burst!

This is the first time in so many years that someone has questioned her level, and there are so many people at once!

Her reputation plummeted.

"What's wrong, Lawyer Ning?" Wang Lu walked over.

"I was raped online!"

Ning Hong said angrily, completely unaware that her previous strong criticism of Lin Mo was also an act of online violence against Lin Mo.

This is a classic double standard.

"It's all Lin Mo's fault! He has no skills and talks nonsense! He really thought he would be a top lawyer after winning a lawsuit!"

"I...I want to sue him!"

Ning Hong was extremely angry and contemptuous.

Although it was Luo Daxiang who denied her remarks, it did not prevent her from scolding Lin Mo.

Since she couldn't afford to offend Luo Daxiang at his level, she could only scold Lin Mo.

Lawyer Wang Hao also smiled lightly and did not interrupt, but said: "The partner of our Jianghai branch is looking for you because he has something to do with Lin Mo."

"Okay." Ning Hong stood up and walked angrily to an independent office.

Click and open the door, revealing a simple office with fresh air and lots of green plants.

An elegant middle-aged man in his 40s was at the desk.

He is the partner who was sent to Jianghai by the headquarters. .

A well-known lawyer with a maximum annual income of more than 20 million.

Specializing in civil cases.

"Zhang Lu, did you call me?"

"Yes." Zhang Yan motioned for Ning Hong to sit down and said very politely: "Do you know Lin Mo?"

"I know! He encouraged his fans to commit cyber violence against me, and I'm preparing materials to sue him!" Ning Hong said angrily.

Zhang Yan waved his hand: "You don't need to sue him, he came to the door himself."

"Huh?" Ning Hong was confused.

"Have you recently taken on the divorce case of that blind Internet celebrity?"

"This... yes, but it is all done within the legal scope." Ning Hong explained specifically, her eyes a little dodgey.

Zhang Yan smiled and took a sip of coffee: "I don't care what case you take, I'm looking for you this time because Lin Mo is your opponent."

"He just accepted the commission from that blind internet celebrity and became your opponent."

"Ah?!" Ning Hong was stunned for a moment, then smiled happily: "Haha, I know this guy's legal skills very well. I can kill him in court!"

Ning Hong grinned and clenched her hands into fists, eager to prove herself.

As long as she crushes Lin Mo, what can she say to those black men?

"I have also observed this Lin Mo, and he is indeed a surprise winner, but his legal literacy and defense skills are not shown very much.

Judging from his previous two court experiences, they were indeed not very good.

But I still want to remind you that this case is too hot and must be won. This will greatly increase the visibility of our law firm. "

The corners of Ning Hong's lips raised slightly: "Zhang Lu, I can't even think of a reason why I lost. This is the area of ​​marriage that I'm best at."

"Yes." Zhang Yan nodded: "I also believe in your strength. I just want to remind you, okay, go get ready."

Zhang Yan didn’t worry too much. Although losing would have a great impact on the law firm, he couldn’t think of a reason for losing!

As he spoke, he thought of his old classmate, now a well-known figure in Jianghai legal circles - Huang Jiancheng.

"Old Huang, Old Huang, you are unlucky. You wanted to pave the way for your son, but unexpectedly you got a big thunder, hahaha."

"How about calling Old Huang to watch the battle during the trial?"

Thinking about it, Zhang Yan couldn't hold back and laughed.

He was already imagining Huang Jiancheng eating shit.

The two were colleagues before, in Jinhan Law Firm. At that time, Huang Jiancheng was Zhang Yan's master and humiliated him a lot.

Zhang Yan has always wanted to take revenge.

He must be invited!

Time passed, and the day passed quietly.

But in campuses across the country, the first batch of bullies began their own counterattack!

On this day, the school bullies were very happy, and they more or less received 2,000 yuan of "protection fees"

On this day, the police stations in the campuses of various cities were also very busy, receiving various robbery cases.

And they were all robberies by teenagers, with huge amounts of money. They all had one thing in common, that these robbing students were all well-known local gangsters.

The experienced police officers were all over their heads!

This large-scale organized robbery was simply going to turn the world upside down!

And the most outrageous thing was that this group of gangsters didn't even know that they were robbing, and they were still shouting about the money given to them by others.

They were all like crazy, too outrageous.

The situation was too serious, and various regions reported the situation one after another.

The city leaders were also overwhelmed. There were dozens of juvenile robberies in half a day, and there was no way to report to the province.

The province was even more overwhelmed. Hundreds of juvenile robberies broke out in the province within one day. It was a serious incident and they could only continue to report to the province.

At this moment, the Central Public Security Department.

Deputy Minister and Director Feng Buping, Director Feng, was overwhelmed!

Looking at the materials in his hand, his brows were furrowed and his face was dark.

"What's going on? How come there are thousands of juvenile robberies in just one day!"

Feng Buping even felt a breath of terror.

At this time, another deputy minister also rushed to Feng Buping's office.

Anxiously asked: "Old Feng, have you received the latest news?"

"I received it, what's going on?"

"This... I don't know either. These cases almost happened overnight."

"Is it possible that there is an overseas force inciting these young people to commit crimes?" Feng Buping said solemnly.

As soon as this was said, the two big men instantly realized the seriousness of the problem.

"I'll go find the minister!"

Feng Buping said as he was about to get up.

At this time, the young secretary next to him looked a little scared, and then whispered: "That director, I think I know why."

"Oh? You?"

The two big guys looked at the young secretary.

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