Lawyer: The bully is not guilty? I will send him to death!

Chapter 3 What if it is the death penalty?

It's nothing more than a few school bullies playing tricks and threatening Brother Wang's son to hurt himself, so that they can get rid of the relationship.

You can't get any evidence of direct violence from the other party.

So neither the school nor the police want to make trouble, and directly make an outrageous conclusion that "he fell down by himself".

But most lawyers really don't know how to deal with this situation.

The gold medal lawyers of the red circle law firm have lost the case, which shows that it is still a bit complicated to deal with.

When Wang Dahai heard this, a glimmer of hope immediately flashed in his eyes.

He accepted it directly.

"Okay! I'll come right over"

In any case, this lawyer guessed such a complicated case at once, which shows that this lawyer is still capable!

Wang Dahai is ready to give it a try!

After speaking, he hung up the phone.

The live broadcast room became lively again, but everyone instantly realized a serious problem!

Lin Mo actually wants to sue Wang Dahai!

"Wait! Are you going to ask Lawyer Lin to sue?"

"Take the case now?!"

"Oh no! Lawyer Lin analyzed several legal issues correctly and thinks he's good enough!"

"Fuck! Uncle Dahai is so confused! Why go to Lin Mo when there are so many people to go to?!"

"Brother, Lawyer Lin, Uncle Dahai has suffered enough. Can you please show some mercy and let Uncle Dahai go? We won't take this case!"

Although Lin Mo's legal consultation showed good professionalism today.

But everyone knows that theoretical analysis and actual combat are not two different concepts!

But everyone has not forgotten Lin Mo's amazing record!

It's said that he is helping Uncle Dahai to sue, but is there a possibility that Lin Mo will also pit Uncle Dahai?

There are precedents, which makes the audience have to doubt.

Lin Mo saw the doubts of everyone in the live broadcast room and did not respond.

Instead, he looked through the slices released on the platform about Wang Dahai.

Wang Dahai is also from Jianghai and lives in a rural area in the suburbs.

Wang Dahai's own account was banned for spreading rumors, but many netizens saved it spontaneously and helped spread it.

In the video, a vicissitudes of life man wearing a construction site safety helmet, tearfully recounted the injuries suffered by his son.

It can be seen that Wang Dahai's family conditions are not very good, and can even be said to be poor.

The so-called gold medal lawyer he hired last time must have spent a lot of money.

So when he entered the live broadcast room for consultation, he asked if he needed money.

Poor weak man.

Lin Mo shook his head helplessly, and then said in the live broadcast room:

"My friends, today's live broadcast ends here. I'm going to collect relevant information. Wait for me to return triumphantly."

Seeing that Lin Mo was really preparing to sue, the audience was anxious.

"No! Lawyer Lin, please don't make trouble for Uncle Dahai!"

"I admire the anchor's courage, but I doubt the anchor's strength."

"It's over. Lawyer Lin took action, and Uncle Dahai, who was already weak, is even worse!"

Lin Mo saw these comments and felt helpless.

It can be seen that netizens are really worried. There is no way. The two cases played by the former main character are really shocking.

It is normal for netizens to worry.

"Okay, everyone just wait for my good news."

As he said that, Lin Mo closed the live broadcast room.

Lin Mo needs to learn more about the laws of this world, which is basically the same as the earth in his previous life.

At this time, Wang Dahai used a private account to send Lin Mo a document.

It was handled by the previous lawyer.

His son is named Wang Lele, a senior student of Jianghai No. 5 Middle School. His grades are among the best and he has a bright future.

He even skipped a grade because of his excellent grades and entered the senior year at the age of 16.

The three bullies are Tian Yingguang, Xu Zhiyi, and Qiu Tianlei, all of whom are senior students.

They are also three famous gangsters in Jianghai No. 5 Middle School.

They smoke and fight, skip classes, talk back to teachers, and tease girls. They do all kinds of evil.

It is inferred online that they have mature criminal experience and know how to use their underage status to avoid crime.

Because of Wang Lele's outstanding grades, the three hooligans targeted Wang Lele, saying that they wanted to bring down a good student. After school, they "invited" Wang Lele to play some exciting projects together.

As a result, since then, Wang Lele has been bruised every time he comes back, and it looks like a fall.

The three of them said that they were playing some exciting projects and Wang Lele fell by himself.

For the first time, Wang Lele dared to say that he was beaten by them.

Wang Dahai went to find the class teacher, and the principal even went out to mediate and muddy the water, and finally ended with the other party apologizing.

The three bullies did not suffer any substantial harm and became more rampant.

Until recently, Wang Lele's hand was "broken" again.

This time Wang Lele didn't say anything.

But Wang Dahai knew that his son was definitely bullied!

Wang Dahai was so angry that he called the police directly for "school bullying". After investigation, the police also determined that Wang Lele fell by himself, did not file a case, and threw the problem to the school for coordination.

The three of them looked fine, and became more arrogant, saying that they wanted to kill Wang Lele.

So Wang Dahai couldn't hold back any longer and took the three people to court.

He lost the case again, which further encouraged the other party's arrogance.

He had already threatened Wang Lele in school, saying that he would definitely kill him.

And Wang Lele only had half a year to take the college entrance examination, and his life would enter a new chapter.

If the three of them get excited, with their current level of arrogance, they are really likely to do something very bad to Wang Lele!

They must be stopped!

Seeing this, Lin Mo felt mixed emotions.

Lin Mo was heartbroken to see it, and it seemed that there was no perfect solution to campus bullying.

The bullied party always suffers, and people don't pay attention to it until a big problem arises.

How many children have grown up in such a shadow and ultimately ruined their promising futures.

In the last life, Lin Mo really seriously studied how to completely solve this problem.

I really developed a good method.

But as soon as the research results came out, he was killed by Chinese Iai.

But no waste, there is still room for use here!

Perhaps there is a destiny somewhere, and he accepts this case if he allows himself to travel through time.

"Campus bullying? Haha, I will let you bullies realize what the death penalty is!"

Lin Mo sneered.

There is no need to be merciful to such scum!

Moreover, this lawsuit is very hot and can become a battle for his own turnaround.

Lin Mo has not forgotten how bad his reputation is now!


In a dilapidated and dim bungalow, the room was filled with the smell of dampness and decay.

Wang Dahai sat on the chair, her face full of sadness finally showed a smile.

He got up and came to the bedroom window. There was a weak woman lying on the bed.

Wang Dahai said happily: "Hai Ju, there is a lawyer willing to help us!"

"Really...? That's...great." The woman on the bed tried her best to smile.

Then Wang Dahai walked to a desk. Sitting in front of the desk was a thin boy with a plaster on his left hand and a pen in his right hand, who was studying intently.

"Lele, don't worry, we can go back to school soon."

Wang Dahai touched Lele's head and said happily.

Wang Lele said nothing. At this innocent and carefree age, his face showed melancholy.

"By the way, what's the name of Dahai's lawyer?" Li Haiju asked while lying on the bed.

"Oh, his name is Lin Mo, and he asked me to go to his law firm to discuss it in detail."

"Lin Mo?" Li Haiju's expression changed, and she said with some confusion: "Is it called Lawyer Lin, the pioneer of legal popularization?"

"Yes, that's his name. I watched his live broadcast and he was quite professional."

"Well, Dahai, I heard that this lawyer is quite good, but his reputation is not... not very good." Li Haiju said hesitantly.

She had looked it up before.

"Huh? Is that so? I really haven't checked it carefully. Let me take a look."

So Wang Dahai began to search for Lin Mo's deeds. He just listened to what netizens said in the live broadcast room.

But now I checked and found out the detailed information.

You won’t know if you don’t check, but you’ll be shocked if you check.

Just give Wang Dahai a silent fuck...

The last lawyer spent his last 80,000 yuan in savings, which was the cost of his wife's treatment.

I spent it all just to get one breath, and if I want to invite Lin Mo again this time...

"This..." Wang Dahai didn't know what to do for a while.

"Then Dahai, are we still looking for him? If we continue to fight, we will sell the house in our hometown and maybe get tens of thousands of dollars."

Li Haiju said weakly.

Wang Dahai choked up and said, "Let me go and take a look first to see if he has any good ideas. If it doesn't work, even if we don't pursue the case, we can't get involved ourselves."

Wang Dahai sighed.

Half a day later.

Lin Mo had just finished his takeout, and now he had thousands of dollars in his card issued by the system, so he didn't have to go hungry at last.

At this time, the door of the law firm was pushed open, and a vicissitudes of life man walked in with a well-behaved young man.

"Hello, how can I help you?" Lin Mo asked habitually.

"Lawyer Lin, I'm Wang Dahai, the one who connected with you this morning."

"Oh, it turns out to be Mr. Wang, please sit down."


"This is Lele." Lin Mo looked at the gloomy young man in front of him.

It was summer, but he was wearing long sleeves, which seemed to be covering up the bruises on his body.

But the young man didn't say anything and just looked at Lin Mo quietly, without any expectation in his eyes.

"Uh-huh, Lawyer Lin, Lele doesn't like to talk anymore since this incident, don't be surprised." Wang Dahai said with a bitter smile.

"It's okay, please tell me the details." Lin Mo picked up the pen and prepared to record the key points, mainly to see if there were any details that he had not noticed.

Then Wang Dahai started talking.

An hour later, Lin Mo summarized it, and it was pretty much what he had guessed.

"This case is actually very simple. As long as it is proven that Wang Lele's injuries were caused by those three bullies, they can be sent to a juvenile detention center for a few years."

"Well, the lawyer who came to assist us said the same thing before." Wang Dahai nodded.

"It's useless, you can't prove it." At this moment, Wang Lele suddenly spoke, his expression still gloomy.

He looked like he didn't believe Lin Mo.

"Haha, I haven't finished speaking yet." Lin Mo smiled lightly, turned to Lele and said:

"Lele, I think these injuries were not caused by them, but by them forcing you to do dangerous projects, and then you fell yourself."

When Wang Lele heard this, the young man's gloomy eyes suddenly brightened up, and he looked at Lin Mo in shock.

" do you know!"

"Not only do I know this, I also know that if you don't do it, they will continue to interfere with your studies, and even harass the studies of your entire class, or harass the girl you like?"

After saying this, Wang Lele was no longer calm, and looked at Lin Mo with a puzzled look.

Wang Dahai also heard the clues and asked hurriedly: "Lele, is this true!"

Finally, Wang Lele nodded: "Yes, they threatened."

"Lele, why didn't you say it before?!" Wang Dahai looked angry.

"I've said it a long time ago, it's useless, Dad, don't fight with them, let's move away." Wang Lele looked angry.

The other party has a strong family background, and the all-round attack bullying himself, Wang Lele can no longer bear it.

"These damn bastards! I'm going to kill them!" Wang Dahai roared angrily.

"Brother Dahai, calm down." Lin Mo quickly pulled Wang Dahai and explained, "Just as Lele said, it's really useless."

"What! Is there no law in this world?" Wang Dahai was extremely angry.

Lin Mo also sighed, it was indeed the same as he guessed.

I have to say that these three little beasts do have some IQ, and they actually know how to instigate others to hurt themselves.

"Brother Dahai, the previous lawyers lost because they all proved that the other party intentionally hurt."

"It's a pity that the appraisal results are there, so they will definitely lose."

"What should we do? They also instigated and threatened! This...isn't this a crime!" Wang Dahai said angrily.

"This... there are few cases, and it is extremely difficult to prove. Even if it is proved, at most they will go to juvenile detention for one year, and they will continue to harm Lele once they come out."

"So I said, it is really useless to say it."

Hearing this, Wang Dahai collapsed in the chair, with a look of pain and helplessness on his face: "Hey, how can this world become like this."

At this time, Lin Mo smiled and said: "In fact, there is a way to solve all the troubles."

"Huh?" Wang Dahai looked up at Lin Mo: "Lawyer Lin, didn't you say it's useless? At most, they will go to juvenile detention for one year."

"Haha, what if it is the death penalty?" Lin Mo squinted at Wang Dahai and Wang Lele.

Suddenly, the two widened their eyes, revealing confusion and puzzlement in their eyes.

"These beasts should not have reached the standard for the death penalty." Wang Dahai said puzzledly.

"Haha." Lin Mo sneered: "It's a matter of time."

"So Brother Dahai, do you want to help your son create a good learning environment?"

"Yes, of course!" Wang Dahai said excitedly.

The Fifth Middle School is a key middle school, how can it be easy to transfer.

"Well, now as long as you cooperate with me, I will let the three bullies receive the punishment they deserve."

"This..." Wang Dahai hesitated, but soon he made up his mind: "Okay! Lawyer Lin, I will listen to you!"

Although he was a little hesitant, after all, the lawyer Lin in front of him had revealed Lele's core problem as soon as they met, and he was still capable.

Wang Dahai chose to believe it again.

Lin Mo nodded: "Okay, let's start now, and go to the digital market to customize two 4K high-definition cameras first."

Wang Dahai was a little confused and didn't know what to buy cameras for, but Wang Lele showed a thoughtful expression.

Soon, the cameras were bought.

"Brother Dahai, let's go to your house."


The group took a car to the urban village in the suburbs.

"Lawyer Lin, this is the condition of my family, sorry." Wang Dahai said a little embarrassedly and made a cup of tea for Lin Mo.

"It's okay, just have two rooms."

Lin Mo observed the room. The room was a little dim, and he had to buy another high-illumination lamp.

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