Lawyer: The bully is not guilty? I will send him to death!

Chapter 36 A genius idea, send the other party's lawyer in!

Facing questions from netizens.

Luo Daxiang nodded, his eyes full of surprise: "This time, Lawyer Lin has put on a big show for us. Judging from the current situation, as long as Lin Mo's subsequent legal interpretation is correct, it is very possible. Established!

However, if you want to establish the crime of organizing a cult and organizing the crime of fraud, you need a very detailed discussion, which takes into account your legal skills. Now is the time for lawyer Lin Mo to show his legal skills. ! "

After what Luo Daxiang said, everyone was looking forward to it!

"Then now it seems that we have to fight head-on!"

Some law students also said: "Lawyer Lin is really powerful. He has pulled himself out of the disadvantages of marriage law and brought the other party into his own field. I believe that Ning Hong would never have thought that Lawyer Lin would sue. She is guilty of organizing a cult!"

"Yes! I'm really looking forward to it!"

at the same time.

Central Supreme Court, Triumvirate.

Yu Bing pointed at the screen and said with a smile: "Look, how many of you have seen this guy's ability to collect evidence and the uniqueness of his ideas?"

The fat old man also shook his head and smiled: "Zhente is a genius. I never thought in ten thousand years that the three crimes of marriage, fraud, and cult could appear in one lawsuit."

The bearded judge nodded: "The idea is indeed strange, but the most important thing is the supplementary explanation that follows. Keep reading."

in court.

The presiding judge Zhang Jinghong looked at Lin Mo. Her eyes were no longer so severe at this time. She said: "Plaintiff's lawyer, do you have anything else to explain about the evidence you presented?"

Lin Mo nodded: "Yes."

Of course, an explanation is required. If there is no additional explanation and a detailed demonstration of the feasibility of establishing the two charges, it is entirely up to the presiding judge and the collegial panel to judge.

Lin Mo would not let go of this opportunity.

I saw Lin Mo pick up the document. At this moment, everyone's eyes were focused on Lin Mo. The crime was shocking, but whether it could be established or not would depend on Lin Mo's explanation.

Lin Mo said: "First of all, I will provide a supplementary explanation of the crime of organizing a cult."

"First of all, let me explain the legal definition of a cult: A cult refers to an illegal organization established by using religion, qigong or other false names. These organizations deceive and promote the leading elements, use and spread superstition to deceive and deceive others. Control, develop members, crisis society.”

"Then why did I say that Lawyer Ning Hong was charged with organizing a cult?"

"She just said that the video was just a pure offline lecture, but that is not the case. According to my investigation, people who participated in the offline lectures all joined the group chat she set up, and relevant identity cards were also issued in the group chat. Every member has her consent.”

With that said, Lin Mo took out the red card that symbolized super VIP.

"This is their organization's identity card, which is divided into white,, etc., so we can think from a legal perspective that this is an organization with a clear division of labor."

"This is a recording of the joining process. As for whether the voice belongs to Lawyer Ning Hong, we can conduct a technical appraisal."

Lin Mo then submitted a recording of Xia Ling meeting Ning Hong alone. The content of the video was "capital verification or something."

Lin Mo continued: "There is a process of joining the association, there are core figures, and there are offline activities. It can be concluded that this is a group organization formed by lawyer Ning Hong."

“The first step has been established, which is an organizing group.”

After a pause, Lin Mo continued: "Then why is this organization called a cult?"

"It's very simple. Let's analyze it one by one. The first one is to deify and promote the chief elements."

Lin Mo took over the right to play the video and played all the scenes in the video of the whole audience calling out to Ning Hong and going crazy for Ning Hong.

"We can see that everyone in the audience is calling Lawyer Ning Hong as the 'savior' and 'freedom fighter', and they also shouted such words as 'Only Lawyer Ning Hong can save us'. I will not mention the other series. Mentioned, same reason.

Here, the members of the organization are completely deifying and advocating for the leader, and Ning Hong is the leader of this organization. "

After speaking, Lin Mo took a sip of water and continued:

"Let's talk about the second article, doctrine."

"The teachings of this organization have been summarized in the video, which is to 'use the huge wealth obtained after fraudulent marriages to achieve financial freedom.' This is their teachings, but their teachings are completely negative. In the process of fraudulent marriages, Among them, normal love and marriage relationships were ignored, and the purpose was to use the law to seize the other half of the property.”

"The teachings of this organization have completely reached the level of harming society!"

At this point, Ning Hong's face turned pale and she started to sweat.

She never expected that Lin Mo would be so sophistical! This can all be united together!


Lin Mo didn't stop and continued: "Article 3: Use means to deceive and develop members to harm society."

"Lawyer Ning Hong attracted a large number of members by spreading the idea that divorce can divide a large amount of property, and then used legal loopholes to help members defraud their husbands of their property. This behavior, according to my investigation, has completely harmed society. level.”

Lin Mo then submitted the collected anger from netizens about the marriage fraud case.

"These are the fears from the hearts of netizens, and even caused panic among a large number of men. They dare not get married or contact women. They have suffered mental damage and caused widespread panic in society!"

"At the same time, several men and my client have suffered significant economic and mental losses!"

Lin Mo: "These three points completely meet the legal definition of a cult, so I think the organization is an illegal cult organization established by Lawyer Ning Hong!"

"Since the doctrine of the cult organization is to conduct marriage fraud, the crime of fraud can also be explained."

"So, I think Lawyer Ning Hong has met the conditions of constituting a fraud leader and a cult leader!"

"Judge, my statement is over."


Everyone was stunned!

Everyone understood what Lin Mo said!

It is to compare the actions of Ning Hong's organization with those of the cult, and prove that this organization is a cult!

This is really focusing on the other lawyer!

"Luo... Teacher Luo, is this okay?" Everyone immediately asked Luo Daxiang.

After Luo Daxiang pondered for a while, he nodded and said, "Yes! An organization is not defined as a cult because it is a cult, but it becomes a cult because it does cult things. Lawyer Lin's judicial interpretation is easy to understand and his views are clear. Combined with the video and online information, it fully demonstrates the possibility that the organization is a cult!

Next, it depends on how the judges of the collegial panel judge. Of course, if the other lawyers are guilty, the case will naturally win.

After speaking, Luo Daxiang nodded affirmatively and judged: "It seems that Lawyer Lin Mo's legal skills are not weak! Not only did he say it, but he also said it so easily, as if he wanted the audience to understand it. Awesome, awesome. ”

After hearing Mr. Luo’s comments, the majority of netizens breathed a sigh of relief!

At this time, Zhang Jinghong, the presiding judge, also nodded with the evidence.

This scene was captured by the majority of netizens, and everyone was happy, there is a play!

But Ning Hong collapsed!

Lin Mo’s arguments were well-organized, and even the presiding judge who was biased towards him nodded. She was sweating profusely at this moment, and her back was soaked with panic!

Damn it!

He has such a strong legal foundation!

Is this an argument that a normal lawyer can think of!

Who taught him to sue like this?

Lin Mo is a lunatic!

Ning Hong wanted to cry. This argument was too fucking speechless, but it could prove that he was the leader of a cult!

Go to hell, he became the leader of a cult by suing, who can he go to for justice!

Also, his offline classes are so strict, who sent these video files out!

She looked at the sweet-looking girl next to Lin Mo, and the more she looked, the more she looked like her.

“It’s her! That lady! Damn it! "

Ning Hong glared at Xia Ling, wanting to eat her alive!

It turned out to be an undercover sent by Lin Mo!

This damn guy!

She wanted to fight back!

But how to fight back?

Calm down!

Calm down.

If you don't calm down, I'm going to go in!

Ning Hong was sweating profusely, feeling extremely stressed.

The next moment, Ning Hong thought of something, and raised her hand in a panic: "Judge! This video was filmed illegally. According to the law, "evidence" obtained by secretly recording or filming has no legal effect!"

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