Lawyer: The bully is not guilty? I will send him to death!

Chapter 48 Do the poor also deserve fairness?

Qiu Ying in front of him looked very haggard, and with a sad face, she looked very bad.

"You are..."

The staff immediately said: "Lawyer Qiu, they are here to see the office space."

"My lease will expire in 15 days."

Qiu Ying has a refreshing short hair and a delicate face. Maybe because of fatigue, her voice is relatively soft.

It is completely inconsistent with the tough image of arguing in court.

The staff seemed a little embarrassed: "That...Lawyer Qiu, you have not paid the rent, and it seems that you can't pay the rent for next year. We are also following the president's wishes..."

When mentioning the rent, Qiu Ying was stunned, then sighed, and then looked at Lin Mo: "Hello, it seems that you are also a lawyer."

Lin Mo nodded.

"Since you are here, I am more familiar with this place. I will take you around and introduce it."

Qiu Ying was not angry because of the words of the property staff, but offered to introduce it.

The property staff heard it and stepped aside.

Qiuying began to introduce the layout of the company. There are two floors here, with a total area of ​​more than 700 square meters, but now it is in a dilapidated state everywhere, and most of the tables are even covered with dust.

"Don't look at this place as broken, it was also very prosperous in the past."

"Back then?"

At this time, Qiuying seemed to recall the past, and finally had a smile on her face: "Back then, a group of idealistic lawyers gathered here and opened this loving law firm, specializing in litigation for the poor..."

Qiuying recalled the past and slowly told their past stories.

Lin Mo was also moved. In the legal profession, there are indeed many such idealistic lawyers.

I didn't expect that this law firm was established by them, but according to Qiuying's description, everyone's enthusiasm was very high at the beginning of the establishment of the law firm, and they fought many beautiful lawsuits to uphold justice.

But gradually, idealism will encounter the pressure of reality, and huge economic and mental pressures will hit this group of idealistic young lawyers.

High cost of living, exhausting all efforts but without any financial return, even losing the lawsuit and being sued by the client.

The spiritual pleasure brought by helping others cannot eliminate the huge pressure in reality.

The result is that lawyers continue to give up and leave, go to other law firms, and start to sue for money.

Gradually, Qiu Ying was the only one left in the entire law firm who was struggling to persist.

"It's ridiculous, I'm the only one left, why do I still rent this law firm? But every time I come back here, I can recall the days when I fought side by side with them."

Qiu Ying shed a tear, but she wiped it off quickly and continued: "Thank you for listening to me. In fact, I just want to tell you that there was a group of idealists here. If you want to rent, don't forget them."

Lin Mo nodded, a group of noble people.

"However, there are still 15 days. If I am destined to lose this place, I want a perfect ending here," Qiu Ying said with a sob.

"Do you want to overturn Wang Hao's murder case and put an end to this?"

After meeting Qiu Ying, Lin Mo also roughly understood her. She is indeed an idealist.

"You..." Qiu Ying looked at Lin Mo.

At this time, a group of people in black suits appeared at the door of the law firm.

The leader was a big and strong man wearing a gold chain and sunglasses, and looked very difficult to mess with.

The younger brother who brought Lin Mo here just now immediately came forward: "President."

The man in sunglasses waved his hand:

He was seen shouting at Qiu Ying very rudely: "Little sister! Dad asked you to close the law firm and go back to marry Zheng Group honestly, why haven't you closed it yet!"

Then he glanced at the lawsuits in the history of the law firm where idealists upheld justice for the poor. After seeing it, he said in a low voice with disdain: "Tsk, you still spend so much energy to sue the poor, little sister, I think you are confused! What is there to save these poor people, a group of cattle and horses who are only fit to work, and you are still shouting for fairness?!"

"And I think you are stupid too. You have fought so many lawsuits and spent so much effort, but in the end you can't even pay the rent of the law firm. Is this called upholding justice? You should think about your own future first, little sister."

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