
Qiu Ying has not heard this word for a long time. Ever since her companions left one by one, she has been fighting alone.

It’s been a long time since I’ve experienced the mutual help from my peers.

Qiu Ying wiped away the tears from the corners of her eyes and put a smile on her face, but she still choked and said: "Thank you."

Lin Mo nodded, then looked at the old man:

"Mr. Qiu, Lawyer Qiu is my partner. It's not too much for us to litigate together."

The old man, Qiu He, is currently the helmsman of Jianghai International Group.

Jianghai International Group's business involves real estate, maritime transportation, entertainment industry and other industries. Its output value ranks Jianghai among the top 20 large commercial groups all year round, and has even entered the top 10 large commercial groups.

Qiu He narrowed his eyes and stared at Lin Mo. Without saying anything, he turned around and prepared to leave and said:

"It doesn't matter, as long as we can win the second trial, this law firm can stay."

"Then what's the criterion for winning?"

Lin Mo asked with a smile. As a lawyer, of course the questions must be rigorous.

Qiu He glanced at Lin Mo: "It's very simple. Public opinion approves it."

Lin Mo was surprised to hear this response.

In this way, the difficulty of this lawsuit will be reduced. After all, the general public opinion on the Internet is that Wang Hao should not be sentenced to death, but life imprisonment or fixed-term imprisonment is acceptable to everyone.

"Let's fight well." Qiu He sighed and prepared to leave with others.

But at this time, Lin Mo had no intention of letting go of the arrogant and domineering Qiu Shan.

"Mr. Qiu, Lawyer Qiu's own matter has been concluded. How will the account be settled if Qiu Shan smashed my partner's law firm and destroyed its finances?"

Hearing this, everyone was very surprised!

No one thought that Lin Mo would dare to make demands to Mr. Qiu. This was simply contrary to Tiangang!

Qiu Shan, who was being carried by several people, was furious when he heard this. He held his stomach and pointed at Lin Mo: "Lin Mo! Don't be too arrogant! I gave you a chance and you dare to slap me on the nose!"

"Dad, just smash their law firm!"

After saying that, he immediately vomited a large pool of blood.

Qiu He was very calm and ignored Qiu Shan. He slowly turned around and looked at Lin Mo with interest: "Boy, are you threatening me?"

Lin Mo grinned: "It's not a threat. If there is no good solution to this matter, I will tell the story about your young master making a scene in front of the law firm and his discriminatory remarks. It should have an impact on the group's business." Influence it.”

Qiu He: "Do you think my legal team and public relations team can help you accomplish this?"

"You can give it a try." Lin Mo was not afraid.

Dignity does not come from praying, but from struggle. Why should I be afraid of you when I have your evidence in my hand?

Finally Qiu He asked with a smile: "So how do you want to solve it?"

Lin Mo seemed to have already thought about it:

"It's very simple. If I win Wang Hao's lawsuit, the 700-square-meter law firm will rent us three years of rent free of charge."

Lin Mo pointed at the somewhat dilapidated law firm and said.

Although it is still a bit dilapidated, this piece of land has the best view and the widest area on the 27th floor, and the rent is also as high as 1 million a year.

This is the only location on the 27th floor where you can stand in front of the glass window and savor the prosperity of Jianghai CBD. Not only that, you also have a good river view. At the same time, you have a wide field of vision and feel comfortable while working. It is also a symbol of the strength of a lawyer.

If you want to develop higher-end legal business, the lawyer's environment also demonstrates your strength in another aspect.

In fact, you can move the law firm, but why should we move? Are you going to run away when you encounter Akiyama's arrogance?

Why can't you have sex for free? The more you Jianghai International see us unhappy, the more I want to stay in your heart!

It would be even better if it could be rent-free.

Smart people are all about profit. If you can save three million with Akiyama's stupid behavior and change to a top-notch office, why not do it?

Moreover, this place carries the memories of countless like-minded and idealistic lawyers back then, which is very memorable.

Even in his previous life, Lin Mo had never seen such a large-scale gathering of public interest lawyers.

Maybe this is a blessed land.

But Qiu He only thought about it for a few seconds. He glanced at Qiu Ying, and then said nonchalantly: "3 million? What if I give it to you if you win? In just a few minutes of talking to you, I earned 3 million." Back."

"And as long as you win, I will also change the president of Qiu Shan Property, and no one will make things difficult for you."

After finishing speaking, Qiu suddenly smiled for some reason, then waved his hand in a cool and unrestrained manner, and led the people to leave decisively.

For a while, it became empty again.

Lin Mo actually smiled and exempted three million in rent, which was great!

This idiot Akiyama needs to be replaced too.

Lin Mo knows that changing Qiu Shan is a high probability event. Qiu He's position as leader may be to test the strength of each descendant, and Qiu Shan's ability in the property management position today is really rubbish, and may have been lost in the subsequent succession battle. gained status.

It was Qiu Ying. Lin Mo glanced at her. When Mr. Qiu He came, he looked at Qiu Ying with an expression of helplessness.

If your guess is correct, the old man should have rented this place to Qiu Ying a few years ago.

I thought Qiu Ying would stop playing lawyer after a few years, but I didn't expect Qiu Ying to be serious.

Maybe the old man likes Qiuying, otherwise he wouldn't show up so quickly. He is the boss of the group. Even if he beat his son, he wouldn't show up so quickly. There is only one possibility.

He came for Qiuying.....

Maybe the business struggle has entered a white-hot stage, just like the ancient emperors used their daughters to marry enemy countries to resolve the battle.

He wants to use Qiuying's marriage to resolve the business struggle?

Lin Mo shook his head. The grievances of such large groups and families are too complicated to understand.

But from the perspective of human nature, which father doesn't like his youngest daughter? And this daughter has such a positive outlook and character.

At this time, Qiuying on the side didn't think so much, but also widened her eyes. Was the rent problem that she was worried about solved so easily?

"Okay, Xia Ling, deal with the smashed things."

"Lawyer Qiu, don't stand there. When will the second trial start?"

Lin Mo walked directly into the law firm, talking as he walked.

Xia Ling was very fast and immediately turned into a cleaner and started working.

Qiuying didn't waste any time and immediately got into work mode. She ran into her office and took out a bunch of materials:

"The second trial will be held in 10 days!" Qiuying ran out and said.

10 days is really short. Generally speaking, the second trial of criminal cases is within two months. I didn't expect that Wang Hao's murder case would only have 10 days.

This time left for the defense lawyer is really a bit short.

Lin Mo took the detailed file handed over by Qiu Ying, and after quickly browsing it, he asked:

"So, Lawyer Qiu, you want to defend Wang Hao's innocence through self-defense?"

"That's right." Qiu Ying nodded and asked humbly: "Does Lawyer Lin have any opinions?"

"Your argument is wrong. You shouldn't prove that Zhang Feng, the gangster boss, is a bad guy by proving his past crimes, and then infer that he used violence against Wang Hao to prove that Wang Hao was self-defense. This logic is wrong.

Then Lin Mo pointed to Qiu Ying's opponent, the serious prosecutor: "This prosecutor is also very powerful. He almost refuted and resolved all your arguments. You didn't even win the sympathy of the judge. The opponent is too strong, and the evidence is in his favor, so it is reasonable that you lost. "

"Then....then how should I argue? "Qiu Ying asked seriously.

She had seen how powerful the prosecutor was when she was in court.

Lin Mo: "If we look at the evidence we have now, we can be sure that Wang Hao was tied up after entering their territory. At this time, the behavior of Zhang Feng and others fully meets the constituent elements of the crime of illegal detention.

So after Wang Hao broke free from the rope, according to their evidence, even if Wang Hao took the initiative to bring a knife to stab people, there was illegal detention first.

So after his family was insulted and he stabbed Zhang Feng to death in anger, it was legitimate defense, because Zhang Feng and others were committing violent crimes, but because Wang Hao came with a knife on his own will, it depends on how the judge decides. I think if the argument is this way, the lightest sentence may be ten years in prison, and the heaviest is not the death penalty.

The public may be able to accept such a verdict. As long as public opinion accepts it, we will win over your father. Do you think there is anything wrong with this kind of fight? "

Qiu Ying pursed her lips and showed a disappointed expression, especially since Wang Hao might be sentenced to ten years.

Although she knew this was the best result, but... who wouldn't want to clear Wang Hao's name?

And when she talked to Wang Hao, Wang Hao insisted that the other party stabbed him with a knife, and he just picked up the knife to defend himself.

"Lawyer Qiu, you can tell me if you have any questions."

"Lawyer Lin... do you think this is enough?" Qiu Ying asked seriously.

Lin Mo: "It's enough to deal with your father and leave you and this law firm."

"Lawyer Lin, you know, this is not the result I want. "Qiu Ying was somewhat unwilling, but she would not blame Lin Mo, because Lin Mo proposed a way to reduce Wang Hao's sentence in a short period of time, and also helped her, which was already very good.

If other lawyers came, this thankless case would definitely be abandoned directly.

But Qiu Ying knew that she had to recognize the obstacles of reality. If Wang Hao could only be imprisoned for ten years, it would be a very good result.

Just when Qiu Ying was about to agree to Lin Mo.

Lin Mo smiled and said, "Then make a not guilty defense. I also think Wang Hao is self-defense."

"Huh?" Qiu Ying was stunned for a moment and looked at Lin Mo in shock.

She didn't expect Lin Mo's thinking to jump so fast.

This is the second trial, the last chance, and he actually dared to make a not guilty defense?!

At this time, Lin Mo stood up and said, "The most critical point of the not guilty defense is the situation on the scene. If it is really as Wang Hao said, we will win.

Now let's go and sign the entrustment contract with Wang Hao's sister and mother. "

Qiu Ying came back to her senses and nodded affirmatively.

After spending some time together, she knew that Lin Mo had a very solid legal background, so maybe it would work!

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