Lawyer: The bully is not guilty? I will send him to death!

Chapter 55: Add a little more difficulty to Lin Mo!

"Is this true?!" Wang Hao's expression finally moved.

In order to make Wang Hao believe, Lin Mo said: "Xia Ling, let Lawyer Qiu speak."


The next moment, Qiu Ying's excited voice came from the phone: "Lawyer Lin, the video is real!"

"And Wang Hao, you must hold on, don't have other ideas!"

After that, Wang Hao was completely happy.

Lin Mo took back the phone: "Wasn't it taken away by Officer Sun?"

Lin Mo knew that this kind of key evidence would be handed over to the prosecution after the police seized it.

If it stays in his hands, it will be of great benefit, but it doesn't matter if it is handed over to the prosecution. He just needs a fair debate background.

At this time, Zhao Long's extremely angry voice came from the phone: "You sons of bitches! Qiu Ying, Lin Mo, I know it's you who did it! When I come out, I will definitely deal with you!"

"What nonsense! Take it away!"

There was a stun, and Zhao Long screamed.

Zhao Long was very upset at this time. He didn't expect that the police and Qiu Ying would come right after he arrived at his media company...

That Xia Ling knocked down five or six people by herself and even found his warehouse. All his resources were taken away!

At this time, Xia Ling's excited voice came from the phone, as if asking for credit: "No! It fell from Officer Sun's hands, and I picked it up! Boss, give me a bonus."

Lin Mo smiled. It was not Officer Sun who dropped it. It was deliberately given to us.

This Officer Sun is quite knowledgeable about the law.

This is great good news.

Because as the defense lawyer of the defendant, there is no need to submit evidence before the trial, so this video can be used as supplementary evidence to catch the other party's prosecutor off guard.

Lin Mo looked at Wang Hao: "How is it, Lawyer Qiu said that there is no problem."

"It's Lawyer Qiu!" Wang Hao was also happy when he heard Qiu Ying's voice, but soon he showed difficulties again.

"But...Lawyer Lin, isn't it too late? Three people are dead now. Even with this video, I will probably be convicted of self-defense homicide and sentenced to death."

Lin Mo smiled: "Don't worry about this. Keep a good attitude and don't have any crooked thoughts. Don't forget that Lawyer Qiu and we are still working hard for you. I came here because I was moved by her behavior."

Wang Hao raised his head and nodded with red eyes: "Yeah."

"Okay, let's stop the conversation."

"Eh? That's it? No instructions?" Wang Hao was a little confused. Generally, defense lawyers will not give instructions.

"No, just follow your first trial ideas, and leave the rest to me." Lin Mo said confidently.

Wang Hao nodded heavily, and began to recall what Qiu Ying taught her during the first trial.

Lin Mo left the detention center and returned to the law firm.

The three of them gathered together to watch the evidence. Qiu Ying and Xia Ling clenched their fists throughout the whole process.

It really proves that it was a counterattack by taking the knife. What Wang Hao said is right.

It's just that the whole humiliation process can be said to have lost humanity!

Zhao Wu and his two sons did not die unjustly!

At this time, Lin Mo suddenly thought of something: "Lawyer Qiu, are all the evidence provided by the prosecutor provided by the prosecution?"

As for why I asked this, it is because this parallel world is different from the previous life.

In the previous life of China, there was no such thing as a public prosecutor. The prosecution must be initiated by the prosecutor of the prosecution, that is, the prosecutor.

In this world, in order to save manpower and material resources, the prosecution will hire a strong lawyer as a public prosecutor to initiate the prosecution on behalf of the procuratorate.

In short, the prosecution hired a lawyer to fight a lawsuit for them.

In the previous life of the United States, there were many active public prosecutors in some states.

This has advantages and disadvantages. The advantage is that the prosecution can hire a particularly strong lawyer, and with the evidence provided by the prosecution, it can ensure the correctness of the judicial interpretation.

The disadvantage is that the rights of the public prosecutor cannot be suppressed, which will lead to judicial corruption.

Qiu Ying was stunned when she heard this, and then she took out a bunch of documents from the folder, which were all copies of evidence submitted by the prosecution during the first trial.

She really didn't notice this!

Lin Mo didn't forget that in the first trial, it was Wang Cong, the public prosecutor, who led Zhao Wu's brothers at the scene to present the evidence of "Wang Hao carrying a knife to commit murder" in court.

If this was provided by the prosecution, then it can be overturned in the second trial.

But if...

Sure enough, after Lin Mo looked through the evidence submitted by the prosecution, the prosecution did not submit evidence to prove "Wang Hao carrying a knife to commit murder", but only submitted relevant evidence that "the knife came from Wang Hao's mother's food truck".

"So, the evidence of Wang Hao carrying a knife to commit murder was proposed by Wang Cong, the public prosecutor?!"

After Lin Mo discovered this problem, he showed a playful smile.

"Is there any problem with this...?" Qiu Ying asked a little immaturely.

"Yes! It's a big problem! Now we have a video, and we can completely prove that Wang Cong and the Zhao family committed perjury..." Lin Mo smiled.

At this point, Qiu Ying's eyes widened in surprise. She had never thought of this before!

Xia Ling smiled sinisterly, her eyes gleaming as if she was expecting something.

At this time, it was already night.

In the Magic City, beside the Hongpu River, on the upper floor of Tangcheng Yipin Luxury Residence.

A man holding a glass of red wine stood on a large balcony overlooking the entire prosperous city, with a relaxed and comfortable expression.

He is Wang Cong, and he is very happy now. He just negotiated a new contract with the Zhao family and flew back to the Magic City.

The new contract stated that as long as the second trial sentenced Wang Hao to death and executed him immediately, he would be able to get a reward of 5 million yuan from the Zhao family.

"Lawyer Wang, let me toast you a glass and wish you win another lawsuit."

Behind him were several people who were also dressed exquisitely.

Bang, the expensive red wine was drunk.

The man continued, "But Lawyer Wang, the lawyer you are suing this time is the famous lawyer, Lin Mo, are you sure?"

Wang Cong smiled disdainfully: "Lin Mo? So what if he is powerful? Facing such a difficult lawsuit, he can only be trampled under my feet!"

"Then his traffic will be transferred to me, and then my future will be limitless, haha."

"Lawyer Wang is so elegant, but what if?" Someone else laughed.

"Haha, there is no what if, do you think I don't have a trump card?" Wang Cong sneered.

And at this moment, Wang Cong's cell phone rang, and the call was from the old lady of the Zhao family.

As soon as he answered the phone, a sad and angry cry came from the other side: "Lawyer Wang, my eldest son Zhao Long has also been arrested! You must help me kill Wang Hao!"

"Mrs. Zhao, don't worry, I still have absolute evidence. If you can afford it, you can increase your chances of winning!"

"Okay! I'll add another 2 million!"

"Okay, wait a moment."

After hanging up the phone, Wang Cong smiled, opened the chat box, and found a very influential media company.

Passed a document to him: "Send it out intact, give you 300,000, make it louder, and give it to this genius lawyer Lin Mo, increase the difficulty a little, haha."

"Lawyer Wang, generous!"

Soon, another shocking evidence of Wang Hao's murder case appeared on the Internet!

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