In the prosecutor's office, Xia Ling was lying on the table, fiddling with a pile of documents boredly, yawning from time to time.

"Boss, you've been watching all day and all night, can we take a break?"

Beside Xia Ling, Lin Mo was frantically flipping through the records of the two court trials, every word said by the prosecutor and every word said by Jiang Wu's defense lawyer.

All the factual basis, evidence and claims submitted by both parties have been reviewed.

"You can rest."

Lin Mo glanced at Xia Ling. This girl could bear it and stayed with him.


"Oh? You care about me so much?" Lin Mo smiled happily. There are not many employees who still care about their bosses so much.

Xia Ling waved her hands, shook her head and said:

"No, the main thing is that if you faint or die suddenly, boss, I can provide first aid immediately. Otherwise, who will pay me my salary and bonus in the future?"

"Huh?" Lin Mo's smile froze on his lips and he said speechlessly: "Xia Ling, if you fish all day and night, your bonus will be deducted and your performance will be deducted."

"Eh?! No! Boss, I'm joking."

No matter how Xia Ling prayed, the bonus deduction was still decided.

The little girl cried and fainted on the chair, and soon she let out a slight breathing sound.

Lin Mo, on the other hand, has almost sorted out the files.

The reasons why Hongyun lost two lawsuits were also analyzed.

The main reason why he lost was to prove that Jiang Wu was conscious when he became ill, so an extremely strict psychiatric identification process was born.

The result was that it was confirmed that Jiang Wu was indeed in the period of illness when he committed the crime.

The ruthless Judge Jiang made the verdict.

At this time, the door of the conference room was pushed open.

"Lawyer Lin, haven't you rested yet?" Hong Yun came over with two lunch boxes in his hand: "Come on, let's eat some first."

His assistant Yang Jian followed in, also carrying two lunch boxes.

Four lunch boxes were placed on the table.

After opening it, the aroma of the food filled the air. Lin Mo happened to be hungry, so he took it and ate it.

At this moment, Xia Ling, who was sleeping on the table, seemed to smell the fragrance. Maybe she was very hungry, so she closed her eyes, picked up a box lunch, and ate it with big mouthfuls.

But she seemed to be still immersed in sleep.

Hong Yun was dumbfounded by this scene: "Lawyer Lin, your assistant... this is..."

"Oh, this is a paralegal. As you know, paralegals are like beasts. They have very little rest time. If they can sleep and eat during the rest of their rest time, they can kill two birds with one stone.

Clearly, my assistant has maximized her time efficiency. "

Lin Mo said jokingly.

Hong Yun smiled.

But Yang Jian, who was also an assistant, took a breath of air when he saw Xia Ling's state. He obviously couldn't hear Lin Mo's joke: " the legal profession already so complicated? I have mastered the magical skills of eating and sleeping at the same time!”

Xia Ling's exaggerated appearance completely eliminated Yang Jian's idea of ​​running away to become a lawyer.

I have been reading files all night and day, with an assistant accompanying me, and now I am sleeping and eating.

As an assistant prosecutor, I resigned to become a lawyer. How could I win against these lunatics?

At this time, Xia Ling, who was a "cow and horse", immediately jumped down after eating and continued to sleep soundly.

Lin Mo shook his head.

Hongyun also focused on the right track: "Lawyer Lin, can you analyze my lawsuit?"

Lin Mo nodded, began to analyze, and said everything he had just thought about.

After hearing this, Hong Yun was not ashamed, but nodded seriously: "Yes, that's what I thought at the time, because Jiang Wu's purpose was too strong, just to kill a few acquaintances who they knew each other. ..."

"It's okay to do this, but you just meet a professional team."

Hongyun is not good at litigating, it can be said that he is very powerful. If it were not proved in the final appraisal process, Hongyun's argument would simply overwhelm the other party's defense lawyer.

"Let's go and visit the mental hospital where Jiang Wu is imprisoned."

If you want to start from the cause of free behavior, you must understand the law of Jiang Wu's madness.

Hongyun did not keep statistics on this point.

"Let's go." Hong Yun can be said to be very cooperative.

At the same time, Lin Mo's phone rang.

I picked it up and saw that it was Lin Feng calling.

"Lin Feng?"

"It's me, Lawyer Lin, it's like this..." Lin Feng's tone seemed a little anxious.

After Lin Feng talked about it, Lin Mo understood.

It turned out that almost half of the people in the community opposed going to the municipal building to protest because they were afraid of retaliation.

When talking about the latter part, Lin Feng's tone even choked up: "Some people say that my wife is dead. Of course, they can risk everything and risk their lives to fight. They still have family members and don't dare to go..."

Lin Feng said that he was very aggrieved.

Hearing this, Hong Yun on the side was also a little helpless.

It’s hard to be on the same page, and there are always people inside who are unwilling to take risks.

After listening to this, Lin Mo said calmly: "Unite all the forces you can. In addition to the people in your community, you can also find other people who have hatred against Xingfu Real Estate."

"For example, the construction companies and workers who are owed project payment by Xingfu Real Estate...etc. So the enemies of your enemies are your friends, and you can win over them."

After listening to this, Lin Feng's tone immediately became excited: "Lawyer Lin, I understand! I'll go now!"

After hanging up the phone, Hong Yun on the side was even more shocked. After a while, he said: "Lawyer Lin, I remember that when you were in the marriage fraud case, you mentioned the behavior of illegal organizations and encouraged Lin Feng to organize a team. Is it illegal?"

Lin Mo glanced at Hong Yun and just said lightly: "They are a rights protection organization, how can they be an illegal organization? Do you really want them to become an illegal organization?"

Hearing this, Hong Yun immediately shut up.

Damn it, if this group of people gets angry, even the Xingfu Real Estate Building will be taken away by him...

"Don't worry, it's just rights protection." Lin Mo emphasized again.

Hong Yun took a deep breath, and for some reason, sweat dripped down his forehead.

Then, the group set off for the mental hospital.

Originally, Xia Ling was supposed to have a good rest here. There was a temporary rest room nearby. When Lin Mo carried her over, the girl stuck to Lin Mo's back like an octopus.

There was no choice but to take her to the mental hospital.

Here, Lin Mo began to carefully record and study Jiang Wu's performance, the process of his illness, etc. through monitoring.

Xia Ling did a great job and made a contribution by accident.

Before, Lin Mo put her in a nearby ward to sleep, but she woke up, opened the door and went out for a walk.

As a result, she mistakenly entered the inpatient building and met a room full of mental patients, which scared her terribly.

As soon as she woke up, she was surrounded by mental patients. Who could bear this?

With Xia Ling's strength, no one stopped her. She was so scared that she even thought she was still in a dream, so she ran around.

As a result, she ran to the end of the first floor of the inpatient building, where Jiang Wu was imprisoned.

According to Xia Ling's later account, all the wards here have wooden doors, but this one has an iron door, so there must be something inside!

So Xia Ling kicked the heavy iron door to pieces without knowing the truth!

She kicked it ten times!

The iron door weighing 200 kilograms collapsed with a loud bang.

The situation behind the iron door appeared in front of Xia Ling, and it was Jiang Wu who was tied to the chair.

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