Flags were flying in the square outside the municipal building.

Countless people waved their fists and shouted: "Xingfu Real Estate, give me back my hard-earned money!"

"Wang Fuyao, I'll fuck you!" and other passionate slogans.

People in various uniforms stood around to prevent the rights defenders from doing anything out of line.

However, these official law and order maintenance personnel were relatively lax because they found that these rights defenders, apart from shouting slogans and scolding the chairman of Xingfu Real Estate, did not do anything out of line.

The middle-aged man who was the mayor was wiping the sweat from his forehead and persuading the protesting crowd.

From time to time, he angrily scolded the officials next to him: "What do you do, people from the Construction Bureau? Why don't you report such a big thing to me?!" (The Construction Bureau is the Housing and Urban-Rural Development Bureau in the parallel world)

After scolding, he did not forget to reflect during the break: "How did such a big force appear out of thin air? Why did these problems only come to light now?"

At this moment, standing next to the mayor, the two elite policemen Sun Yang and Sun Dong, who had contact with Lin Mo, raised their mouths slightly, but trembled at the same time.

They knew very well how this protest came about. It was the lawyer named Lin Mo who came up with the idea.

But the two of them also sympathized with the residents of the unfinished buildings and the people oppressed by Xingfu Real Estate, and did not say a word about Lin Mo.

They also knew that the leader of the protesting crowd was Lin Feng, but they did not report it.

The two who were very fierce in catching criminals on weekdays were like two idiots when facing the interrogation of their superiors. Not only that, they also secretly contacted teammates from all sides to send water and food to the protesting crowd.

At this moment, a Maybach drove into the square parking lot, and then a group of people trotted over.

Wang Fuyao of Xingfu Real Estate was in the center. He was dressed very inappropriately at the moment. His clothes were taut, his beard was not even shaved, and he had dark circles under his eyes, looking like he was working overtime.

He was panting as he ran over, and his expression was anxious: "Mayor, I'm late."

The mayor wanted to scold him, but when he saw Wang Fuyao's anxious and sloppy image, the idea of ​​scolding him disappeared, and he just said: "Finally here, hurry up, deal with the problem for me, compensate what should be compensated, maintain what should be maintained, otherwise I will investigate your Xingfu Real Estate!"

Wang Fuyao immediately pretended to be serious and responded generously: "Mayor, this is what we Xingfu Real Estate should do. We have the obligation to protect people's livelihood and assume social responsibilities!"

That look seemed to be a kind businessman with social responsibilities.

Then, Wang Fuyao also accepted an interview with official reporters. He also showed an angry attitude and repeatedly stated that such things that harmed the people were definitely not done by him.

There must be some misunderstanding, but he doesn't care. He is willing to compensate all the people involved.

He said the nice words so smoothly.

Zhang Yang and Sun Dong heard that their mouths twitched wildly and their fists clenched. If there were no laws, they would have wanted to beat him to death.

Black-hearted businessmen are like this. No matter what heinous things they have done, they don't feel guilty when they say things against their will, and they deceive themselves.

After finishing the interview, Wang Fuyao went directly to the front of the protest team.

"Wang Fuyao, I'll fuck you!"

"I hate your mother!"


Various shouts and curses were heard. Wang Fuyao is indeed a black-hearted businessman who has been deeply involved in the business world for many years. He has no feelings for such curses.

Seeing the cameras of reporters from all sides shining over, Wang Fuyao immediately put on a compassionate expression and began to speak:

"I have heard about everyone's experience. I think there should be some misunderstandings. I will object to solve everyone's problems..."

At this time, someone shouted below: "What about the unfinished building?!"

"Build it! The contractor ran away, and we Xingfu Real Estate will bear it."

"What about the overdue project payment!"

"Here! Everyone go to our Xingfu Real Estate company to solve the problem one by one. Defending rights and protesting here will delay solving the problem."

Seeing Wang Fuyao's sincere attitude and tone, everyone was stunned, even the organizer Lin Feng was stunned for a moment.

But he soon came to his senses. No, Wang Fuyao would never be so good!

Now it's all verbal agreements, and he hasn't made a formal commitment.

He is a businessman who would send psychopathic killers to threaten, how could he become so good all of a sudden?

There must be a trick!

But when Lin Feng wanted to remind everyone,

With Wang Fuyao's sincere feelings and his attitude of agreeing to solve the problem even with tears, plus Wang Fuyao said that those overbearing terms were made by his subordinates without his knowledge.

Now that he knows, he will definitely meet everyone's requirements!

With this, a large number of rights protection protesters who didn't know the truth and needed compensation were moved!

"Okay, since everyone has agreed to me, let's disband first. My company's employees will negotiate with everyone to solve the problem later!" Wang Fuyao said.

Sure enough, as soon as this was said, everyone dispersed and started to walk out to find the staff Wang Fuyao mentioned.

Outside the municipal square, many staff members wearing Xingfu Real Estate appeared to start receiving.

People rushed over, fearing that they would be late and their problems would not be solved.

As a result, the thousands of people protesting for rights protection immediately dispersed, and soon, people in each group began to quit.

When Lin Feng saw this situation, he knew that something was wrong!

He knew this method very well.

First, split up the people who were united together, so that everyone would lose the power of the team. Without the power of the team, the individual can be easily dealt with.

Then it was to threaten and defeat them one by one.

They might even really solve the problem for a few people, so that they could hang a group of people, give them hope, and prevent them from gathering to protest again.

At this point, the entire protest and rights protection group was disbanded and could not form a climate.

Don't blame the convinced people for being stupid, because everyone came to protest for the sake of gaining benefits. Now someone promised to give benefits, and they would be tempted.

This took advantage of the weaknesses of everyone's human nature.

The last time they protested against demolition, it was resolved in this way. First, they used Jiang Wu's threat of killing to attack the leader of the anti-demolition force, and then used money to lure the middle-level personnel.

Finally, a large number of grassroots people were left hanging. At this point, the entire team protesting the demolition was disbanded, defeated one by one, and had to sign the contract.

Seeing that the situation had become like this again, and this time it was even simpler than the last time, but Lin Feng had no ability to resist and could only watch the team being dismantled again.

There were less than a hundred people left by his side, and even those former comrades believed Wang Fuyao's lies.

There was no way, that was a promise to build a new resettlement building, if it was built, you would have your own house

This temptation was very tempting.

Some even complained about those who wanted to continue to protest, saying that they would disrupt the actions of Xingfu Real Estate, and the progress of building houses would slow down, etc....

Lin Feng was so angry that he didn't know what to do for a while.

At the same time.

In Pengcheng Procuratorate, Lin Mo was also watching the live broadcast on the scene.

Unlike Lin Feng's grief, Lin Mo smiled.

I didn't expect that Wang Fuyao was so arrogant that he dared to speak out instead of adopting a delaying tactic.

If he dares to speak, he can just make public the fact that he used Jiang Wu as a thug to carry out forced demolition.

No evidence is needed, as long as it is announced, many people will doubt it again.

Take advantage of this opportunity to attract Wang Fuyao's attention and implement his plan safely.

"Didn't you promise to compensate everyone? Let's see how you end it!"

Lin Mo directly contacted Qiu Ying in Jianghai.

This incident must be used to attract Wang Fuyao's attention.

It is not so easy to use severe punishment to force Jiang Wu's family to tell the truth.

Once Wang Fuyao knows that his target is Jiang Wu's family, not the trial of Jiang Wu himself, there will be some trouble.

For example, if the other party thinks that his main force is committed to the trial of Jiang Wu, not Jiang Wu's family, the policy issued by their legal team will definitely protect Jiang Wu.

At this time, he will catch their legal team off guard by suing Jiang Wu's family directly.

So it is necessary to distract Wang Fuyao's attention.

Qiuying had just solved the problem of Wang Hao's family. She sent the entire Zhao family to jail for being involved in organized crime and received a compensation of 800,000 yuan.

The barbecue restaurant was also opened under the auspices of Wang Hao. With the help of Lin Mo and Qiuying's fame, Wang Hao's barbecue restaurant did a good business. It was only five or six days after opening, and it was already recruiting waiters.

Their house was also being rebuilt.

Qiuying sat on the chair of the law firm, breathed a sigh of relief, stretched her waist, and showed a satisfied smile.

"I haven't felt so relaxed for a long time." Qiuying smiled.

At this time, Lin Mo called in.

"Lawyer Lin? What's wrong? Is everything going well in Pengcheng?" Qiuying asked.

"Qiulu, I have a task for you."

"Another task?" Qiuying is not a person who is afraid of being busy. She is also looking forward to the task given by Lin Mo: "What is it? Is it difficult?"

Lin Mo: "It's not difficult. You go to sue Pengcheng Xingfu Real Estate. It's best to make them bankrupt."

"Huh?!" Qiuying, who is usually very calm and heroic, couldn't help but widen her eyes.

Pengcheng Xingfu Real Estate, she knows it well. It is a behemoth with various branches. The legal team of the main company alone has 40 people!

And many of them are lawyers from the red circle, and the rest are almost all first-class lawyers.

"Sue Xingfu Real Estate? And make them bankrupt?"

"Just me?!"

Qiuying was stunned for a while.

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