Wang Fuyao held his mobile phone and watched the video with only voice on the black screen, and he was furious.

The sound of the video was processed, and no source could be heard.

This video analyzed in detail the relationship between Xingfu Real Estate and the mentally ill murder case, and listed the incidents of Jiang Wu threatening forced demolition as a thug.

Moreover, the reasoning was very logical, and there were also many relevant demolished people who commented and told stories, so the credibility was very high.

Especially the fact that Xingfu Real Estate used murder to threaten forced demolition angered all netizens!

"I didn't expect that these two cases would have such a connection!"

"Oh my God! This is too dark. In order to save profits, they actually hired mentally ill people to threaten to kill!"

"I finally figured out why Jiang Wu killed all the industrial and commercial self-employed people in Shunfeng Vegetable Market. It turned out that it involved demolition!"

"This is too tragic! Being threatened to kill, even the compensation was halved, and the promised house was also unfinished. There is nothing more desperate than this! Can they give them justice?"


The Internet was overwhelmingly sympathetic to Lin Feng and his team, and at the same time madly condemned Xingfu Real Estate Company.

The public relations team of Xingfu Real Estate Company also reacted very quickly, and immediately brought out Wang Fuyao's previous speech in the municipal square to refute.

So the authorities are confused, and the majority of netizens who are outsiders directly counterattacked:

"Tsk, these are just some verbal agreements. When they are implemented, isn't it just a tactic of procrastination?"

"Yes, this kind of company is the worst. They say they can solve the problem, but they just don't solve it for you. When the storm is over, they will no longer care about you."

"You can't trust this Xingfu Real Estate. Are there any lawyers who can help these people now?"


Many people have relevant experience and don't believe Wang Fuyao's tricks at all.

As a result, the entire network is full of criticisms of Xingfu Real Estate.

When the stock market opened in the afternoon, Xingfu Real Estate's stocks fell wildly.

Wang Fuyao was very angry. A video could actually bring such a big rhythm in a short period of time!

"Can you investigate where this news came from?" Wang Fuyao asked the man with gold-rimmed glasses next to him.

The man with gold-rimmed glasses is named Ye Gu. He is the chief lawyer of the legal team of Xingfu Real Estate and a close confidant of Wang Fuyao.

The rise of a real estate company is accompanied by a lot of shady things, and these illegal activities are all handled by him.

So Wang Fuyao trusts him very much.

And Ye Gu smiled faintly: "Mr. Wang, don't worry, this video is all malicious speculation, and there is no substantial evidence. We can call the police and ask the Internet police to find out who the other party is, and then sue.

After winning the lawsuit, post it on the Internet, and then the public opinion will disappear."

Ye Gu is very good at handling public opinion lawsuits.

Wang Fuyao also snorted coldly: "Humph, who do you think did this?"

Ye Gu thought for a while: "It may be Lin Mo, but he seems to be focusing on the Jiang Wu case now, or it may be Lin Feng, because he organized the last rights protection protest."

"In this way, I will issue a statement in the name of the group first to stabilize public opinion first."

Ye Gu did not know Lin Mo. After all, Lin Mo was just a lawyer with a relatively good reputation in Jianghai recently. In his cognition, Jiang Wu's case alone was enough for him to be busy.

How could he have time to consider the overall situation and expose the forced demolition case?

This has nothing to do with his desire to try Jiang Wu. Can he be tried by proving that Jiang Wu is a thug?

From Ye Gu's point of view, Lin Mo only took money to do things, and it was his mission to help the Pengcheng prosecutors try Jiang Wu.

It is impossible to go to Xingfu Real Estate for something that has no benefits.

This has no benefits or rewards for him, it is all crisis, only a fool would do this.

But unfortunately, Lin Mo is Lin Mo, and Lin Mo cannot be regarded as a normal lawyer.

Lin Mo's real purpose is not to try Jiang Wu, but to try the source of all evil, your Xingfu Real Estate!

Here, Wang Fuyao nodded: "Okay, you do it now."

Stabilizing public opinion is the most important thing.

At the same time.

Lin Feng also saw this video. He was very negative at first and was going to call Lin Mo to ask what to do next.

But as soon as this video came out, he knew that it was definitely sent by Lin Mo.

He couldn't help but get excited.

And it was very effective. The companions who were originally negative also felt hopeful after seeing the popularity of this exposing video.

There were many whistleblowers in the past, but they could not make any waves at all. However, this exposing video really told everything that happened!

It let the majority of netizens know the real situation.

At this time, Xingfu Real Estate also released a video.

Ye Gu appeared on the screen and explained everything clearly and logically, and at the same time labeled the video released by Lin Mofang as a rumor.

And repeatedly guaranteed that all compensation and promises would be in place.

At the same time, the camera also filmed the scenes of hundreds of lawyers of Xingfu Real Estate at the end, trying to achieve the purpose of deterrence.

This cooled down the public opinion a little.

"Lin Feng, what should we do now?"

"The heat on the Internet has dropped again. It won't be left unresolved again."

"Damn it, if this problem can't be solved and the real murderer Wang Fuyao is not tried, I will kill him myself!"

Everyone was very angry.

The most desperate thing was the hundreds of lawyers of Xingfu Real Estate, who cut off everyone's thoughts of trying Xingfu Real Estate through the law.

So desperate that everyone had the idea of ​​going all out and destroying Wang Fuyao with their bodies.

Lin Feng was like this before.

And now, Lin Feng, who chose to believe in Lin Mo, didn't know what to do for a while.

Because the task Lin Mo gave him was to protest and defend rights, now the large team has been disbanded, and only hundreds of people are left with firm will.

So he called Lin Mo: "Lawyer Lin, the situation here is not good..."

Before he finished speaking, Lin Mo said first: "You have completed your task very beautifully! Next is the time for us to fight back. A lawyer will come to you later. You can cooperate to sue Xingfu Real Estate directly and get back the demolition benefits that belong to you."

"Huh?" Lin Feng was a little confused. Sue Xingfu Real Estate directly? !

At this time, Lin Mo continued, "And don't worry, I will also handle the murderer Jiang Wu's case at the same time."

At the same time!

Lin Feng took a deep breath. Could Lawyer Lin really control such a lawsuit?

At this time, the grandfather who lost his granddaughter held his mobile phone and said excitedly, "Everyone come and see! Lawyer Qiu Ying released a video saying that she will help us with the lawsuit! She will fight for our interests through the law!"

"What? Show me now!"

"No need to grab it, just open your phone and look at the hot search list. It is indeed Lawyer Qiu Ying!"

"Show me now."

Everyone got excited. Qiu Ying's reputation as a public interest lawyer is very good in the Jianghai Pengcheng area.

Yes, Qiu Ying also released a video at the instruction of Lin Mo. The purpose is very clear, aiming at Xingfu Real Estate!

"Hello everyone, I am lawyer Qiu Ying, currently a public interest litigation lawyer and partner of Shunhe Law Firm. When I heard about the Xingfu Real Estate incident, I will rush to the scene as soon as possible to discuss with the rights defenders. If it is true, I will assist all rights defenders in suing Xingfu Real Estate and help them get back their rights..."

Compared to Lin Mo, Qiu Ying is obviously more famous.

Below the video, there is a discussion about what kind of law firm Shunhe Law Firm is, and there is a discussion about Qiu Ying as a partner.

But unlike Lin Feng and his group, the majority of netizens are most worried about the object of Qiu Ying's lawsuit this time.

"Oh my god, if I remember correctly, this Shunhe Law Firm is the law firm of Lawyer Lin Mo."

"Yes, it seems that Lin Mo invited Qiu Ying to be a partner."

"No...then there are only two people in their law firm, it going to confront the giant Xingfu Real Estate head-on?!"

"Fuck? Brother, you are right, what the hell is this!"

"It's over, it seems that Lawyer Qiu Ying has learned bad things from Lin Mo and specializes in such difficult cases..."

"Wait? Lawyer Lin Mo also posted a video!"

At this time, many netizens discovered that Lin Mo also posted a video.

A video was posted on Lin Mo's video account, and the background of the recording was Pengcheng Procuratorate.

In front of the camera, Lin Mo said seriously:

"Hello everyone, I am Lin Mo. This time, I was entrusted by the Pengcheng Procuratorate to solve the murder case of Jiang Wu, a mentally ill person. I believe that the law is just and will give justice to the victim and his family. Moreover, I have obtained the key evidence this time and I have full confidence that the murderer will be tried!"

Lin Mo's words were very simple, but they shocked the netizens even more.

Because in the previous video that exposed the forced demolition of Xingfu Real Estate, it was clearly told that Jiang Wu, a mentally ill person, was the thug of Xingfu Real Estate.

He was also a member of Xingfu Real Estate.

Lin Mo's high-profile video release is tantamount to a disguised declaration of war against Xingfu Real Estate!

And everyone has not forgotten that lawyer Qiu Ying just released a statement declaring war on Xingfu Real Estate.

Lin Mo released a video right after that, and the meaning of this declaration of war is too strong!

"Fuck! Crazy! Completely crazy! Qiuying directly attacks Xingfu Real Estate, and Lin Mo removes Xingfu Real Estate's thugs. What is this for?"

"What? Don't you understand? Lawyer Lin plans to encircle and annihilate Xingfu Real Estate with two people."

"Damn, you say it's easy, is this encirclement and annihilation?! Let Qiuying fight Xingfu Real Estate alone, and Lin Mo fight the case that the procuratorate has lost twice. Which case can you tell me?!"

"Is this... the strength of Shunhe Law Firm?! Damn, it's too crazy!"

"A! Lawyer Lin, Lawyer Qiu, I will always support you!"

For a while, the news that Lin Mo and Qiuying were going to fight Xingfu Real Estate alone spread throughout the legal profession.

Some lawyers who paid more attention to or even admired Lin Mo saw this news and directly sprayed it.

"Fuck... How do we fight this?!"

"Oh my goodness, a demolition rights protection case, a murder case involving a mentally ill person... Any of these cases are terrifying, is the difficulty still increasing?!"

"As expected of an idol! I'm going to beat them! Damn, a bunch of trash, Lawyer Lin has to deal with you! And Lawyer Qiu."

"Everyone...everyone calm down. There are only two people in Lin's law firm, Qiu and him. This is like an ant swallowing an elephant. Moreover, the chief of Xingfu Real Estate's legal team is a guy named Ye Gu. He is not weak at all! He has maintained a 100% litigation winning rate since graduation! During his time at Xingfu Real Estate, he cooperated with Wang Fuyao to promote Xingfu Real Estate to the level of a listed company!"

"Hiss...I have also heard of this Ye Gu, a unique existence!"

"He has more than a hundred younger brothers. How can we, Lin and Qiu, fight this battle?!"

"Lawyer Lin, we won't do that. Although they are scumbags, we won't do them now. As the saying goes, if you keep the green mountains, you won't be afraid of running out of firewood. Now we should save our strength and fight again in the future. Lin, we must stay calm!"

The majority of fans and lawyers are so worried.


At Jianghai Jinhan Law Firm, Zhang Yan sat in the office in a depressed mood.

Since Ning Hong was sent to jail by Lin Mo last time, Jianghai Jinhan Law Firm has lost a lot of cases, and his status as a partner in Jinhan headquarters has also been downgraded according to the contract.

Having lost the absolute management rights over Jianghai Jinhan, the headquarters sent another senior partner to manage together.

Originally he was very unhappy today, but after seeing the latest news, he was so happy.

"Ahaha! Lin Mo, this big idiot, went to die by himself, and took Qiuying with him. It's really a waste of Qiuying's high reputation!"

Zhang Yan has always valued Qiuying's reputation and has been trying to win her over, but was snatched away by Lin Mo.

"If I fail this time, I will also win over Qiuying and open a public interest litigation department for her to improve the reputation of the law firm, so that my partner level can be raised back!" Zhang Yan thought happily.

In an instant, he was no longer depressed and his mood suddenly became bright.

At the same time.

At Yongyuan Law Firm, Huang Jiancheng was lying on the table like a dead fish. In the past few days since Zhang Houcai left, the law firm's non-litigation business has suffered a lot of losses.

Having lost almost 70% of the working capital in the law firm's account, the law firm is now in arrears of wages, and some lawyers have already threatened him.

If he still doesn't pay the wages, they will sue him.

The other four partners have begun to put pressure on him and want to expel him from the Central Group.

The law firm that was originally thriving was destroyed by Lin Mo.

However, when he saw today's news, he jumped up excitedly.

"Hahaha! Lin Mo, I think you are living too smoothly, and you are determined to die! This is a bargain for me!"

Huang Jiancheng directly opened a gambling website, where you can bet on anything, and there is even an option to bet on lawsuits.

It will take out the most popular domestic lawsuits and bet on the win or loss of both parties.

Sure enough, the case of Lin Mo and Qiu Ying has been posted on the website.

[Lin Mo, public prosecutor, mentally ill murder case, Lin Mo's odds of winning: 4.1, odds of losing: 1.5]

[Qiu Ying, public interest litigation lawyer, Xingfu Real Estate Rights Protection, odds of winning: 5.2, odds of losing: 1.3]

"Not bad, I can make a little money. As long as I bet all my assets on these two people, I can get back the lost cash flow and keep my position!"

Huang Jiancheng immediately contacted his wife: "Hey, wife, transfer all our money to me!"

"What? The money for my son Huang Xuan's treatment can't be transferred? It's okay, I will make a lot of money soon, and then I will find the best psychologist for my son!"

Huang Jiancheng took out all his assets, 20 million, and started a gamble that he thought he would win!

At the same time.

Central University of Political Science and Law, Professor Luo Daxiang's office.

Luo Daxiang had just finished dealing with some legal consulting matters, and then picked up his mobile phone to read today's news.

For a moment, his eyes widened.

"What's going on? Lin Mo, I just asked you to investigate a murder case involving a mentally ill person. How did you involve me in such a big case?!"

In the news, there was a forced demolition case, and Wang Fuyao hired a mentally ill thug. Luo Daxiang was shocked.

He knew that this was definitely what Lin Mo had investigated.

What shocked him the most and puzzled him the most was that Qiu Ying declared war on Xingfu Real Estate alone? !

Luo Daxiang knew Xingfu Real Estate. As a listed real estate company, the strength of the legal team was no worse than that of the first-tier domestic law firms.

There were even his students in it, especially the guy named Ye Gu, who also graduated from the Central Political and Legal Affairs Bureau, although he was not his student.

But his colleague's student was a legal genius, who was flawless in his work and had a very clear understanding of the loopholes in the legal provisions.

Even if Xingfu Real Estate had illegal and criminal activities, it would be absolutely flawless under this person's operation!

If it was just two people beating him alone, it would be fine, but now you tell me that you, Qiu Ying and Lin Mo, are going to beat him and his hundreds of brothers? !

Two people went to war with them?

Isn't this a bit insane?

Or maybe it's too big a step. You can just do it step by step.

Luo Daxiang immediately called Lin Mo. This matter is really a big deal!

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