Lawyer: The bully is not guilty? I will send him to death!

Chapter 88 The court session begins! Lin Mo is going to fight three lawsuits at the same time? !

Qiu Ying didn't say anything. She actually knew from the bottom of her heart that it was impossible for her to fight Xingfu Real Estate alone.

She had read the relevant information on the way here. Xingfu Real Estate had completely dismissed the threat of forced demolition. The reduction of compensation and the use of legal loopholes in the unfinished buildings were also reasonable and legal.

The chance was slim.

She couldn't help but pick up her phone and chat with Lin Mo. She knew that she mainly relied on Lin Mo in this lawsuit.

The three lawsuits that were launched at the same time, the real defense lawyer was actually all Lin Mo!

And her task was to drag the trial until Lin Mo got the key evidence to support.

With such difficulty and such a desperate script, Qiu Ying couldn't understand Lin Mo's brain circuit, but since she was here, she would definitely go all out.

Try her best to create a good output environment for Lin Mo. She believes that she still has this strength.

At the same time.

Xingfu Real Estate, busy legal department.

A team of hundreds of lawyers is busy. They are simulating several results of the trial according to Ye Gu's ideas.

Ye Gu and Wang Fuyao are standing and observing.

Ye Gu had a look of disdain and sneer on his face. He had such a large legal team, how could you fight Lin Mo?

"Mr. Wang, according to our information, Shunhe Law Firm has initiated three lawsuits."


"Yes, the first one is in the High Court, where Lin Mo, as the prosecutor of Pengcheng, sued Jiang Wu. This is the one they are most likely to win.

The Ministry of Law is simulating all the trial results. According to calculations, we can come up with 20 plans to block all of Lin Mo's arguments."

"The second one is in the Intermediate Court. Qiu Ying sued us Xingfu Real Estate for illegal compensation and breach of contract in building houses, and we need a large amount of compensation.

But don't worry about this one. All our procedures are reasonable and legal. Qiu Ying can't find any loopholes in such a short time. Even if there are loopholes, we simulated them and solved them. This one can't lose."

"The third one is led by a lawyer named Zhang Houcai, who sued the engineering demolition team and Jiang Wu's father-Jiang You and his family for violent demolition.

According to our calculations, Zhang Houcai has a 10% chance of winning."

"Why only 10%?" Wang Fuyao asked.

Ye Gu: "First, this Zhang Houcai was hired by Lin Mo from another law firm a few days ago to specialize in legal consulting business. He has never had a trial record, and he is not from a professional background. His level is extremely poor. We can kill him in seconds by sending any lawyer."

"Second, he may just be a cover sent by Lin Mo to attract our attention and disperse our forces."

"And the most important point is that these three lawsuits are opened at the same time. It is good news for our legal team, but it is an absolute disadvantage for their single-handed Shunhe Law Firm."

Wang Fuyao nodded: "Your analysis makes sense, so why did Lin Mo gather these few weak soldiers to sue us?"

This question really made Ye Gu stunned.

Yes, is this Lin Mo mentally ill?

If you want to judge Jiang Wu, just beat him well. He is just a thug who is not in the limelight. We don't care at all.

But now, you, Lin Mo, not only revealed a lot of explosive materials, but also launched a full-scale war against us, which attracted the attention of our legal team of hundreds of people.

This is not good for you, Lin Mo.

"Why did he do this? Is he really here to speak for the people? Want to punish our evil as justice?" Thinking of this, Ye Gu couldn't hold it anymore.

If you want to enforce justice, you must first understand the gap in strength.

At this time, Wang Fuyao snorted coldly: "They just want to make things bigger and then increase the popularity of their law firm. The power gap is huge. It doesn't matter if they lose. If they win, it will greatly increase their reputation.

Damn it, they have earned fame on my head, Wang Fuyao. Xiao Ye, Jiang Wu must be acquitted and let them return in defeat!"

Ye Gu nodded. This explanation is the most reasonable, and the case that is most likely to win is Jiang Wu's murder case.

"Then put all your energy on Jiang Wu! Block all of Lin Mo's arguments, and I will fight this case myself!"

Ye Gu's eyes were sharp. He wanted to kill Lin Mo, the so-called jumping clown, in court.

Time passed quickly.

As the time for the trial was getting closer and closer, the heat on the Internet was getting higher and higher.

Finally, on August 2, three trials started at the same time!

Outside the Pengcheng High Court, countless reporters had already gathered.

When Lin Mo got off the car, he looked to the other side. On that side, there was a group of people wearing formal suits, each of them solemn and dignified.

At first glance, they were lawyers, and there were more than 60 of them!

Lin Mo knew the leader, it was Ye Gu!

Ye Gu walked at the front of the crowd, wearing gold-rimmed glasses, holding his head high, and walking up the steps with high spirits.

The lawyers following behind him kept pace with him, but none of them surpassed him, and followed him obediently.

It was like the leader of a gang of evil forces going out. Such a pomp and circumstance stunned the reporters present for a few seconds. For a while, no one dared to go up to interview.

On Lin Mo's side, there were very few people.

There were only Hong Yun, Prosecutor Yang, and Xia Ling, who was close to Lin Mo and gnashed his teeth at the crowd of Ye Gu.

When going up the stairs, Ye Gu was waiting with a bunch of people.

When the two sides came into contact, the lawyers all shot their sharp eyes at him, full of pressure.

Except for Lin Mo, the three felt great pressure.

Lin Mo was happy. He didn't expect this guy to come to defend Jiang Wu. Then Qiu Ying's pressure would be much less.

"Hey, Lin Mo? Nice to meet you." Ye Gu raised his head and looked down at Lin Mo.

In fact, he was not as tall as Lin Mo, as if he was looking at people from the nose.

Xia Ling gritted her teeth and wanted to punch him away.

She was collecting intelligence and fully understood how many dirty things this guy had done.

"I didn't expect that Lawyer Ye would come to defend Jiang Wu. Why, did Jiang Wu specially hire you?" Lin Mo said easily.

"Haha, Lawyer Lin, can't I do public interest defense? I think Jiang Wu, a mentally ill person, was maliciously sued by you, which violated moral humanity, so what's wrong with helping him?" Ye Gu asked coldly.

Lin Mo shook his head, "There is indeed no problem, but you look very weak, Lawyer Ye."

"Who do you say is weak?" Ye Gu immediately glared at Lin Mo.

"If you are not weak, why did you bring so many people out to support the scene? Do you think it is a gang fight? Jiang Wu needs so many lawyers to save his life?"

Ye Gu's mouth twitched, and he stared at Lin Mo with cold eyes: "Lin Mo, I hope you can be so slick in court."

"Let's go!"

As he said, Ye Gu led a group of people inside.

The tense atmosphere between the two sides made the surrounding reporters dare not come up for interviews.

Lin Mo smiled: "Let's go in too. I'm more curious about where they will sit with so many people."

After entering the court, the audience seats were full, all of them were lawyers from Xingfu Real Estate.

"Old Hong, can they still play like this?" Lin Mo was speechless.

Hong Yun was also helpless: "The audience seats in the court can be applied in advance. They know the way, so they applied in advance, so they can sit in."

Lin Mo nodded.

At this time, Ye Gu, who was already sitting in the defense seat, glanced at Lin Mo.

He was very satisfied with his method. The seats were full of his own lawyers, and they could discuss the trial at any time and transmit information in real time through various means.

And it was also a great psychological pressure on the enemy lawyers!

Perfect tactics!

At this time, Xia Ling angrily said to a group of lawyers with raised eyebrows: "They are lawyers from big companies. In order to watch the free trial, a group of people secretly and maliciously applied for seats, squeezed other spectators away, just to come and watch the fun, I'm ashamed of your behavior!"

Xia Ling pouted at the group of people without any restraint.

In an instant, all the lawyers in the seats blushed.

Especially the malicious application for seats, which they did.

They still rushed to apply, fearing that there would be no seats.

This kind of inelegant thing damaged the image of their lawyers, so a group of people blushed and looked away awkwardly.

The situation of trying to coerce was resolved by Xia Ling's words.

Ye Gu frowned when he saw this situation.

Lin Mo also laughed. This girl is a bit funny.

"Okay, let's go to our seats."

Lin Mo pulled Lin Mo to the prosecutor's seat, and Hongyun Yang Prosecutor did not serve as a prosecutor this time, so he went to the audience seat.

At the same time.

The situation in Pengcheng Intermediate Court was exactly the same as here. There were a lot of lawyers over there, staring at Qiu Ying covetously.

Qiu Ying was not afraid at all. She held her head high and strode into the court.

These scenes were broadcast live on the Internet, and the majority of netizens were so angry!

"Isn't this bullying? How can you think you are so powerful just because you have more people?"

"Hit them if you dare! Why are you just standing there? If you dare to hit someone, I, Xia Ling, will beat you to death!"

"Yes, you are a bunch of idiots. You still want to put pressure on me by standing there. I, Xia Ling, will kick you to pieces!"

"You are laughing. You are engaging in violent activities. Xia Ling is worried that she has no place to deal with you."

"Xia Ling: The gold medal fighter requests to attack!"

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