Layman System

Chapter 1042: Useful place

I don't know when Xiaohu and his older brother Dalong met or what they are like now. And I don't know if his brother will be particularly happy seeing him like this.

So he asked directly there.

"I said, Xiaohu, did you and your brother have not seen each other for a long time? I found out that your brother seems to be working on some other projects recently. It should be very busy, and I probably won't see each other."

Xiaohu raised his head curiously when he heard this. He wanted to know how he had a big brother and knew that he hadn't seen his brother for a long time.

I had never said this in front of my elder brother, so I became very curious.

He opened his mouth silently and asked if he had a big brother.

"Big brother, how did you know this? I really haven't seen my brother for a long time. I don't know what my brother is busy with recently. Anyway, he is very busy. At home, it seems that it has been a long time since I had a good sleep at home."

Zhou Dong understood it all at once when he heard it. It seemed that it really fits his guess, because he knew more or less about Dalong's recent engineering news.

So I also want to know these things is not difficult, think about how I was like this big dragon back then. Once busy, there is absolutely no chance of sleeping.

I live outside every day, but I don’t have much time at home anyway. Sometimes I don’t even have time to eat when I’m busy, so I’m really too busy.

Zhou Dong started talking with a smile.

"Okay, okay, don’t forget that there are a lot of people here, saying that your brother seems to have done a very big project recently, so he was very busy, and then I was like him at the beginning. I didn’t have time to go home at all when I was busy, I guessed it all at once."

When Xiaohu heard that this was the case, he was still his elder brother, and his reasoning ability was really strong, so he smiled and nodded his head.

"I said, elder brother, your reasoning ability is too strong. It seems that I will learn from you in the future. You can reason out so many things with this reasoning!"

When Zhou Dong looked at Xiaohu, he didn't know what to say in an instant. Why did he suddenly come up with this question, and Xiaohu asked directly there.

"I said Xiaohu, don't envy this and envy that. I feel that you are very good now. As long as you come here to work carefree every day, then how good, I feel that your life is ours The happiest brother, are you?"

Speaking of being happiest, I am really good. I don’t have anything else here. As long as I manage all the internal affairs well, I don’t need to go to the doctor to talk about it.

And I don't have this ability, so I can only be responsible for logistics support. These things are inevitable, so I am the easiest one here!

Xiaohu began to admit what he said there!

"Oh, brother, what you said is in my heart. Compared with those older brothers, it is indeed easier for me here. Oh, how do I say, with this, a life is quite comfortable. Sometimes I really think about it, and feel like I shouldn’t be like this?"

Zhou Dong was a little weird when he heard that. He quickly looked at Xiaohu in confusion, opened his mouth in silence, and asked him why he had such an idea.

"This is not right. Why do you suddenly have such an idea? I told you that this kind of thing can't be controlled by ordinary people. The reason why you can control it is because you are a talent in this field. Just do things here with peace of mind and you're done."

Xiaohu still had some doubts about these things there, but when he heard this sentence from his elder brother, he only had to accept it cheerfully. After all, his elder brother had already arranged everything.

As his little brother, as long as he unconditionally obeyed what he arranged, the rest had absolutely nothing to do with him.

Therefore, as long as you accomplish these relatively easy or more responsible things, it is not considered as making trouble for your elder brother.

After all, I also believe in myself if I have a big brother. If I can put such a big hospital in my hands, I must not let my big brother live up to his hopes.

So this must be done well, not to mention that the things in it are just some logistics and housekeeping, but it also involves some transactions.

Every day the hospital will have a large quantity of things, so I can only talk about this thing with others, add a few assistants, and then just do the business well.

And there are also a lot of words in it, such as counterfeit products, you have to keep your eyes open and take a good look, but don't be fooled like that.

After all, my own place is a special place, and it is completely different from other places. My own place is life-threatening, so I must be careful not to flicker.

So now I have also trained my eloquence. It is really difficult to deal with those businessmen. I now understand how difficult it is for my brother and elder brother!

But after thinking about it, I am happy enough to have such a life. I just have to go to get off work every day, and then check whether the medical equipment in the logistics or whether the medical equipment is enough.

These things of my own are basically finished, so there is no problem.

Just like this, the two of them talked, and they walked to the little tiger, the place where they finally sold things.

Zhou Dong slowly raised his head, and looked at the place where the goods were sold. He felt that it was really good, at least the flat surface was really big.

It can be said that it is the most high-end thing around this hospital. It seems that it really needs such a thing. Why didn't I think of this place when I built the hospital.

It seems that it is really to put useful people in useful places, so that they can play their greatest role, which I can understand!

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