Lazy Dungeon Master

Blacksmith Arrival

"Oh, Gozo! You called me well. How's Lop?

"Cantara! Well done for coming, oh, he's fine too."

Inside the cabin at the guild outpost, two Osama, the bearded dwarf, were hugging each other.

Gozo is a C-rank adventurer who defeated Iron Golem and recovered iron.

So, Cantara is a new blacksmith.

This dungeon, produced by the Devil's Sword and harvested by the Iron Golem, seems to be a pretty good property from a blacksmith, and Gozo called a blacksmith I know.

Note that Gozo had hunted two more iron golems since he first hunted the iron golem.

Thanks to this dungeon it seems determined that the iron golem is produced regularly.

So you could confidently get someone to know the blacksmith.

"So, Kama. This is Cantara. Do it well."

"Ahai.... Regards?

Nice to meet you, Lord Kama.

So, why am I in the presence of these two reunions? He also works as an adventurer. He was caught coming out of the dungeon with Nik wrapping his gear around for an appeal, and even brought to the guild.

"... so why am I here?

"Kama did the secretary for the 'Dancing Puppet Pavilion' owner, and you're practically number two, right?

"I've heard from Gozo that he's one of the top attackers in the Dungeon of Desire."

So you're saying I'm a power man in this dungeon exclusive? Well, he's actually a dungeon master. I didn't know you were the face of the table...

"That's why we build a blacksmith in Toko a little further away. I don't know when you can do it, but you can do it right away, Lord Kama. Oh, yeah. Let me take care of that sword you're lowering on your hips on your approaching mark, for free, of course."

"Is it free, then I'll ask for it"

I give every sheath a demon sword golem blade.

"... hmm?... Is this the Devil's Sword?

"You know what I mean?

"I'm a blacksmith. I dream of making my own demon sword one day, too. I heard in this dungeon that there will be demon swords, but it is a good precursor to worship demon swords quickly"

"Oh. As you can guess, that's the sword I got in this dungeon. Because of this, why don't you show me what I can do to take care of the Devil's Sword?"

"The Devil's Sword is no different from a normal sword. The fact that the body is made of water or fire is completely different... Hmm, this sword doesn't need any maintenance. You haven't used it at all, have you?

... Gu, I found out. That's the blacksmith. I wonder if it's the one who can interact with the sword, the golem.

"I'm a wizard. I don't need a sword."

"Really? It's a waste. But then I'll give it back.... What's this one over there?

"It's our avant-garde. Yeah, so can I have this sword taken care of instead?

"Whoa, let me handle this."

When I say it, Nik, who was holding back by his side, gives him his favorite golem knife.

"... hey, is this the Devil's Sword too? And it seems to be well used. Looks like a good user."

Kantara shows her teeth and laughs at Nik.

I don't know the actual age, but it's a bearded face and I don't feel like a favorite (like this). It looks like this and it's possible that Dwarf is just a good young man.

But when were you taking care of it or something, Nik? I wonder if the strawberries were teaching me.

"Then let's take care of this one. I don't have the equipment, so I can only do it lightly."

and remove the grinding wheel on the spot and brush the sword with chasm. Shake lightly, raise a blade and look from the side, and brush your sword with a grinding wheel again.... I repeated that several times.

Cantara nods contentedly with a close look at the sword.

"Okay, grinding (and) is enough now. Now for the finishing touches," Active "… all right. Like this."

"Hmm? Is that the 'activity' of life magic right now? Not the dirt magic [sharp]."

I've been taught by strawberries before that 'activity' should be a life magic that has the effect of invigorating the soil and slightly increasing crop yields.

[Sharp] is an inferior earthly magic that has the effect of increasing the first few cuts since it was applied.

So I think it would be [sharp] if I applied it as a finish.

"Oh. 'Activity' enlivens the earth... then even the sword will enliven you, won't it? Because it's dirt."

... I had no idea. Indeed, minerals are things in the soil, that is, on the earth. In other words, it's a kind of dirt.

I didn't expect you to take lag with the magic idea...... I'll do it.

"And the blacksmith who uses [Sharp] is second-rate, that's magic that deceives poorly maintained arms. We're also blacksmiths, so there's nothing you can't call me if you ask me, but I don't really like you. I think it's good magic if you really want firepower locally."

"I think Cantara's" activity "(here) sounds boring. I've never seen you do that in another blacksmith."

"You're rude, Gozo, this method is a finishing touch passed down to us from generation to generation. Right now, our sword has a better cut than any other blacksmith's, and it's gonna last longer, right?

"Ha-ha-ha, that's because your arm is good, even if it has a silly effect. I don't know much about swords. It's not like I'm gonna run and slaughter myself."

"Oh man, the sword is alive. If Gozo's a dwarf, he'll have mercy on his weapon..."

Speaking of which, magic changes its effects quite a bit in the image. Then it's better to think that if you think the sword is going to get better with 'Activity' then you're really going to get better.

Could it be healing magic if it touches the golem? Let's try again next time.

"Whoa, that's the end of the story, I'm sorry. Well, that's why I'd appreciate it if you had a blacksmith. There will be a lot of weapons from adventurers, but you can also make nails, utensils, things to use in your life."

Oh, well. When it comes to blacksmiths, I had the image of only doing weapon protection equipment in the image of the game, but in fact, you also make household goods in blacksmiths.

"Okay, I'll let you order if you need anything"

"Leave it to me.... but I can't talk about it without a blacksmith, or at least a furnace to use in a blacksmith. I'm going to make it easy, but think of it as taking a week or two."

Hmm. That'll take quite a while.

"What's the furnace made of?

"Yeah? It's brick with fire-resistant materials. Red Lizard scales and bones got massively cheap on my hands a while back, and I'm going to use them."

Whoa, fantasy. Right, you can make it with heat resistant bricks or something like that.

... Speaking of which, you had a ton of extra shells of undead eggs. Wouldn't it be better if we could stand the flames of the dragon?

I take out one egg shell and give it to Cantara.

"Then pay up front, let's do this. If it's heat resistant, you can use it."

"Is this an egg shell? From what I've seen...... yeah, that's a fire attribute. The egg shell of the monster in the fire attribute becomes a pretty good material. This would make the furnace decent too. Thank you. Take it."

"Oh, I'm gonna ask you to hold on to that instead.... Right, if Cantara makes the Devil's Sword, give me one."

"Come on, Cama, with one egg shell, isn't the Devil's Sword too boisterous?

"Hahaha, I don't mind. Lord Kama will take care of you from now on, and when we can make it, we will present it."

Cantara. That's a pretty good one to talk to.

I don't know how far you can go with one egg shell, but I definitely hope you achieve your goal of making your own demon sword.

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