Lazy God Possession

Vol 2 Chapter 978: : Everyone gets up next

After the first group activity of Lazy God Phase I was over, everyone went back to their homes and went to each other to find their mothers.

Lu Lurong and others started working on the formation of the "Mechanical Fighting Alliance", but Chen Haocong returned to Changxi and continued to design his own rocket.

The first phase of Lazy God not only brought a lot of new students to harvest, but also for Chen Haocong.

He is undoubtedly more mature now than before he left.

The small company that Xiongxiongzi Technology and AVIC cooperated with was basically brought together by Mr. Wu, who sold his face.

When Chen Haocong left, because the process of designing the rocket was fast and the prospects were very good, everyone was enthusiastic, but this time after Chen Haocong returned, they found that everyone's energy was very poor. Even Liu Tianyun was lying on the table, lazy. at every turn.

I saw Chen Haocong come back, but just lazily raised his hand: "yo, come back. How happy is Paris?"

浩 Chen Haocong almost thought that he was in the wrong place. He went back and looked at the simple signboard at the door, and then looked back again, staring suddenly: "What's going on? What happened to everyone?"

"General Manager Chen is back." General Manager Wu stepped out of the office and beckoned to Chen Haocong, saying, "General Manager, come here."

When Mr. Chen Haocong entered the office, Mr. Wu closed the door, which lowered his voice and asked, "Mr. Chen, I ask you, is there any future for our company? If there is no future, I can take advantage of the time when everyone is out now. Long, arrange people back first. "

"Why is there no future?" Chen Haocong froze.

Mr. Wu smiled bitterly: "Mr. Chen, now the star bridge of the lazy **** Yafei is already under construction. What use is our little rocket? Can it be as low as the star bridge? And you have also seen the flight technology of General Manager Nan, and this flight technology has come out. Do you think there is a place for our little rockets? "

Chen Haocong now understands that everyone feels that their technology is useless.

浩 Chen Haocong couldn't help crying: "I said Angkor, why do you think so?"

"Why did I think so?" Wu Zonglian shook his head again and again, "You didn't see what the stocks of aviation and aerospace look like now."

Now in the entire capital market, I have everything I want. Some people think that as soon as this technology comes out, others may not be able to survive. Hurry up and do something else.

The aerospace market started with a wave of capital withdrawal and various stock prices plummeted.

But after the money left, they found that there was no place in the world to accommodate their stocks.

The entire aeronautics and aerospace industry is polarized. One pole is called Lazy God, and the other pole is called all other aerospace companies.

Lazy God Yafei's stock is not much, and it is hard to find. No one will sell it at this time.

With all sorts of gossip, various analysts kept blowing, and as a result, the entire aerospace market was chaotic, and many companies' operations were even affected.

"嗤 ..." Chen Haocong didn't care. "Those speculators, what do they know? In the future, these aviation and aerospace companies will have their own way of life, but those speculators, I am afraid they will undergo a major shuffle."

"They don't understand, you understand." President Wu looked at Chen Haocong. "General Chen, if you don't give everyone a reassurance, everyone is really going crazy."

"I see, let's have a short meeting," Chen Haocong said.

I discussed with President Wu for a few minutes, and Chen Haocong walked out of President Wu's room, clapping his hands and clapping, "Please pay attention, everyone, let's have a short meeting."

This small company is too small, and the office space is also temporarily borrowed. There is no conference room. Although it is a meeting, everyone stays in front of their own desk. Chen Haocong also finds a table and sits down casually. Raising the voice, "I know that you have thought a lot over the past two days, and you are also a little worried. Let me give you a brief explanation."

"First of all, the chance of throwing rocks on the earth will greatly reduce the cost of launching the earth into space, but you know that Qin is also profitable. Before the cost is recovered, the price will not be much lower. Everyone knows how good our rockets are. There is still plenty of room for profit. Secondly, the flight mode of the Silencer is very demanding. At present, no company may study it. Even if it is in the lazy department, it is also a reserve technology. It will be open to the outside world, so it will not be mainstream for at least the next three to five years. "

一 As soon as these two words came out, the atmosphere in the entire office suddenly improved a lot, everyone was relieved.

No one wants to just abandon their original job and become unemployed when they come to a new company that cooperates with Lazy God Department.

These days, they really feel warm and cold.

他们 When they came out two days ago, others heard that they had cooperated with Xiongzi Science and Technology. On the surface, they even said that they did not know whether they were reliable or not, so they had to be careful, but in private they were envious.

Every day, everyone began to sympathize with them again.

When I was in the head office, no matter how big the business was, and it was a state-owned enterprise, how could I not be hungry for a while.

But in this public-private partnership, companies with more private components, why don't you know, maybe they will be laid off immediately? After all, the iron rice bowl is still thinking.

现在 But now, as Chen Haocong's words come out, everyone is at least assured.

But what Chen Haocong wants is not just rest assured.

He stood up and raised his voice:

"And our rocket has an advantage that no individual company has, that is, it can be very small in size while maintaining a large thrust. Even with the earth boulder, our rocket is useful. The earth boulder can only send material out of the earth, but outside the earth, various flying objects still need to be bundled into the orbit to get into orbit. The previous two days, I and some seniors of the lazy **** system, and Mr. Qin, the lazy **** Yafei, discussed the launching problem of the earth boulder. The current design plan is to formulate a launch box standard similar to a container. In such a launch box, dozens, hundreds, or even thousands of them can be installed. Each of the flying objects needs to be sent into orbit separately. Such a box will probably require thousands of our small rockets, and I have reached an oral agreement with President Qin, which will write our rocket parameters into the earth The technical standard of rock throwers. "

Everyone was stunned.

It turned out that our company is not about to be finished, but is about to develop?

I was all engaged in technology. The reason for this was that Chen Haocong knew it.

Earth rock throwing machine is like a bus. When you travel by bus, you ca n’t just live at the bus station. You have to go back to each house and find your mother.

In this process, people can walk on their own, but satellites and space capsules do not run on their own. There must always be something to push, so rockets are still useful.

把 Will their rocket parameters be written into the earth standard of the earth boulder?

There is a saying that is better to make a product than to make a brand, and to make a brand is not as good as standard.

If a standard is established, all rocket manufacturers need to pass their acceptance and authorization before they can enter the matching set of earth rock throwing machines.

And to be honest, how good their small rocket parameters are, they know for themselves.

I want to reach the parameters of their current small rocket ... Oh, look at the world's helplessness against the small armor bench of Mech, and you know how far the technology gap is.

If the weird and magical methods of the Earth's stone thrower and Silence make them desperate, their small rockets can also make most other rocket manufacturers despair.

除此之外 "Besides ..." Chen Haocong asked, "Before I left, the chip that was given to you, let everyone study how to make a flight control, is everyone eyebrows?"

Speaking of this, the crowd suddenly burst into emotion: "General President Chen, what chip are you giving us? This thing is so magical! Uh ... we didn't study it as a flight controller, just take it down ... no, when The computing center ... "

A mobile phone-sized development board with a weird shape in the middle that looks like a small block of chips. Its computing power ... is super-computing!

Everyone was curious, ran a test program, and found that such a chip can squeeze into the super top500! And two or three, you can enter the top100!

Take this thing as a flight controller? That is too wasteful! Might as well take the film ~ ~ can play a lot of films at the same time!

Generally speaking, aerospace-level flight control systems use pfga, which is field programmable logic gate array, which is more expensive and more reliable, but its performance ...

In other words, it seems that the computing power of various high-end space shuttles and spacecraft is about the same as that of our computers ten years ago, and even about that of mobile phones ten years ago.

In order to make them play the performance of computers and mobile phones that are not inferior to today's, and to deal with complex launch environments, they must be programmed and optimized in depth to maximize their performance.

Most of the technical difficulties of the flight control system are optimized and excavated.

But what if it is a chip with far better performance than ordinary pfga? You can even be lazy enough to let the chip calculate how to deal with various situations in real time, without having to spend so much effort.

Several children's shoes in the chip and programming department, after getting it, they are going crazy, and then they start the life of crazy film ...

"This is the second-generation supercomputer chip of Qingda Lazy God. We call it Guangnao. It has not yet launched the market. I plan to popularize it in the aviation market first." Chen Haocong took the box he was carrying when he returned and turned it over. , Banged a lot of simple plastic foam-encapsulated development boards on the table, "Come here, everyone come to get one, let's take a film ..." (To be continued.)

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