Lazy God Possession

Vol 2 Chapter 982: : Meng Meng Da Bang Bear

Looking at the young informant in front of me, the whole car was a little stunned. The commander's informant turned out to be such a teenager?

They all looked suspicious, looking at the juvenile boy who looked very stunned, and then looking at Chen Wei, such a young informant? Can he really believe it?

As a teenager who seems to be under the legal drinking age, how can he be related to the world's number one wanted criminal?

There is also only Jiang Sanjia. Because he has been with Chen Wei for a long time, it is relatively clear what Ah Yun's identity is and what relationship he has with Chen Wei.

Then he saw that Chen Wei reached out and rubbed Li Huiyun's head, as if the parents saw their child: "It's dark."

A Yun grinned and laughed embarrassedly: "The African sun is big!"

"Did you, the child, tell you not to do this kind of thing again?" Chen Wei sighed again.

A Yun just smiled and said nothing.

"Well, tell us about the situation now." Chen Wei said.

"Okay, about a month ago, a former subordinate of mine said that there was one more purchase channel from central Africa, so I went to investigate it, but I didn't expect to find some green bandits." Introduced to Chen Wei The situation seemed to make Li Huiyun very happy, and his tone was a little bit agitated. "Then I continued to follow up a bit, and only found the trace of Karbu ..."

Although everyone was puzzled, Chen Wei had already been convinced, so they kept listening quietly.

But Nazar, who just joined, felt extremely ridiculous.

Karbu is the number one terrorist in the world. His tracks are mysterious and unpredictable. Not only are the best policemen in the world led by Chen Wei to hunt him down, almost all intelligence organizations in the world, bounty hunters, are hunting down. he.

Because the current reward for Karbu has reached hundreds of millions of dollars.

As long as you can get a little reliable news from Karbu, you can exchange it for dozens of millions of dollars.

But even so, no one was able to catch Calb.

Because Calb has the most powerful and craziest warriors in the world, and also has weird abilities, and because he hides in the world's most desolate and primitive continent, leaving many technologies useless.

And such a cunning, horrible and evil bandit would be caught by a young man who seems to be an adult?

When Karbu was linked with terrorist organizations and terrorist attacks, he had become a street crossing rat shouted by everyone in the world, even some green bandits who had been opened and closed by the United States at this time. They were arrested secretly. It is said that they also lost a lot of manpower during the arrest.

In the process, the skunk factory that tolerates and uses the power of terrorists to develop technology has also faced accusations from many parties, and it took a lot of effort to cover up the scandal.

"I said, kid, don't you even know who Karbu is?" Listening to A Yun's understatement, Zar is upset. If you can catch Karbu as a bear child, then we need to be our real criminal investigators. What else can an expert do?

Li Huiyun turned to look at Nazar, his eyes narrowed.

At that moment, Li Huiyun, who was smiling so thickly, was gone. It seemed that his appearance was just his disguise.

What appeared to Nazar now was not a boy, but a cheetah with sharp claws.

No, or a bear, a bear who was alone in the jungle and injured.

From this perspective, Nazar saw that the young man's face had the luster and delicateness unique to young people, but there was a long scar on one side of his cheek. This scar seemed to be treated, and it could not be seen at all. However, anyone who sees this scar will realize that the person who caused the scar is afraid of a very sharp weapon.

At this time, his hand was grabbed on the handrail next to him. It was slender and powerful, but there were violent bursts of young muscles that young people should not have. It seemed that a terrifying explosive power could erupt every second.

Even more terrible was his eyes, which seemed cold and unemotional.

This is not a gentle and harmless boy, but a cold and ruthless killer!

But where did the warm teenager just come from?

Looking at Nazar, Li Huiyun smiled suddenly: "I remember you."

Nazar suddenly hesitated, Li Huiyun said, "December 17, Siberia."

Nazar's pupils suddenly narrowed, and his eyes suddenly turned blood red: "It's you! Who are you!"

Li Huiyun shrugged. The cold and fierce feeling just disappeared, and a bear became a panda, maybe that's how it felt.

The wickedness is abominable, and Li Huiyun no longer cares about Nazar, this guy, who does not even know who he is, and what qualifications are there to talk to himself?

Nazar reached out and touched his gun at the waist. Jiang Sanjia hurriedly held him.

"Asshole, I killed you! I want to kill you!"

Chen Wei turned to look at Nazar, and said coldly: "Nazaar, Ayun has always been my best undercover. No matter what happens to you, Ayun is to perform the task, and no matter what you lose Man, I'm sure it was not killed by him. "

"Nonsense, you don't know anything! You don't even know!" Nazar snarled.

"I only know that if Ayun wants to kill you, you will never survive." Chen Wei said.

Seeing that Zar was still struggling frantically, Chen Wei shook his head and looked at Li Huiyun, hoping that he could say a few words to explain.

"Your two dead companions are basically black police, that is, they provide cover for that route. I will save you a life, but for the time being there is no evidence that you are also a bad person, and to be honest, even if you are a bad person and me It ’s okay, I just pass by. ”Li Huiyun shrugged.“ Also, during Siberia ~ ~ your people like to call me a bang bear. ”

"Hmm ..." Jiang Sanjia couldn't help laughing when he heard the name, "Ayun, you nickname ..."

It sounds a bit inexplicable.

"Cough." Seeing that Nazar struggled harder when he heard the name, and heard Chen Wei's cough, Jiang Sanjia quickly said: "Sorry, sorry."

"Poisonous sunspots, decapitated guys, poisonous wolves, Bahezhari ... Which of these names do you like, Brother Jiang?" Li Huiyun looked at Jiang Sanjia with a smile.

Suddenly, Nazar stopped struggling and stared at the boy in front of him.

Throughout the compartment, the temperature suddenly dropped, and it seemed to instantly change from Africa to Antarctica.

It seems that every name was once prominent, but it seems that every name is a teenager in front of it?

"Actually, they are right. I can find Karbu by chance, because there is nothing here in Africa, but there is no money." (To be continued.)

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