Lazy God Possession

Vol 2 Chapter 994: : Umbrella

Bear kid technology and lazy technology are not the same.

Chen Haocong they are not too exclusive of various reporters, so when this rocket was launched, reporters from all countries were not invited.

Before the launch, because of insufficient space in the command room or poor visibility, most of them were shooting on their own ships from a distance.

But at this time, I don't know how many reporters gathered around and shot at this huge rocket.

The concept of recyclable rockets is not uncommon.

Ma Yilong's rockets are recyclable.

During the launch of the rocket, the rocket's fuel only accounts for less than one percent of the cost, and most of the remaining costs are in the rocket itself.

Extremely expensive engines, high prices, flight control systems that are discarded in one use, and extremely demanding production and processing are very difficult, but they are only consumable rocket arrows.

These are the costs of the rocket.

But this cost can actually be avoided.

Just recycle the rocket after it's launched.

But ... just theoretically.

Because the rocket's instantaneous explosive power and thrust is too great.

After a few minutes of outbreak and super severe environmental test, the rocket itself is covered with various dark injuries. The cost of repair and repair is even higher than remanufacturing, and its reliability cannot be guaranteed.

Until Bear Kids Technology designed the "big head doll" rocket in front of him.

Thanks to the excellent performance of metal-hydrogen alloys, it can be used repeatedly like a fighter engine, and requires only one maintenance for hours or tens of hours of operation.

The launch of a rocket usually takes several minutes, and it has been completed in more than ten minutes.

Under this technology, the launch cost of the rocket is really only fuel cost and not expensive depreciation cost.

Most of the reporters interviewed at this time have some professional knowledge.

Even journalists without professional knowledge have a huge think tank or expert advisory team behind them.

During the launch, Bear Kid Technology showed amazing rocket thrust. During the launch process, it crossed a few different orbits very freely, flying far beyond the range of ordinary rockets.

At the time, they thought that Bear Kid Technology might have failed the launch.

Now it seems that of course it is not the launch failure, but the trick.

However, the process of twists and turns has shocked them far less than the shock brought about by the automatic recycling after the launch of the "big doll".

The layman looks lively, the layman looks at the doorway.

Crossing multiple orbits, just finding the launch timing and calculating the orbital change angle, many rockets can actually do it.

But ... can fuel be recovered after flying thousands of kilometers?

Only one rocket can do it now!

Big head doll!

I don't know how many rocket experts look up at this huge rocket. The look is not like looking at a newly recovered rocket, but at the angel descending from heaven.

If you think of the shape of this big doll, and the durex ad shown above ...

Maybe someone will call the police and catch these drooling rocket experts as abnormal.

Chen Wei also left the command room, stepped out, and stared at the rocket in front of him.

This thing was made by his son Chen Haocong?

It is too great and amazing-if there is no ambiguous fuchsia light and shadow on this rocket, and the ever-changing durex advertisements ...

Chen Haocong gave them more than ten minutes to indulge in the charm of durex.

Then he clapped his hands, awakening those journalists who frantically competed for the camera and the rocket experts who were not afraid of the high temperature and almost lay on the rocket.

"Okay, don't forget, today's leader is not this rocket!"

No one ignored him.

Only Cui Weisi saw Chen Wei and they all left the command room, quietly drilled out of the hiding corner, and drilled into the command room again, and said to the staff: "While everyone is no longer, quickly activate the second paragraph of advertising ... Uh……"

The staff member just entered the code, looked up, and saw Travis stuck his neck again with a big hand.

"Undo the code," Chen Weihu said with a face.

Staff silently revoked the code.

In the distant and empty universe, when everyone's attention is focused on this recyclable rocket.

A solitary satellite in space lit slowly, with a line above it: "ry, please you, please me ..."

Then less than five seconds after turning on, it gradually went out and turned into a thick and long stick across the universe.

This is probably the most lonely advertisement in history. Perhaps, only the alien on the ufo that flew by, saw it ...

"You can't do this. We've signed an agreement. Advertising can't ..." Cui Weisi struggled in vain, but how could he be Chen Wei's opponent.

With a bang, the water splashed and there was one person missing from the platform, but no one cared.

Chen Wei clapped his hands and watched as Cui Weisi was swimming towards a nearby boat. He nodded assuredly, clapped his hands, turned and walked back to the command room ~ ~ Li Huiyun followed up quietly, saying: Uncle, Brother Cong is so amazing! "

"Well." Chen Wei smiled proudly, this is his son!

"This thing flies out, and it can fly back, so amazing!" Li Huiyun said again.


"Uncle, what is durex?"

"... Shut up, children don't ask so much!"



When everyone finally regained their attention from the recyclable rocket, Chen Haocong then ordered: "Ready, launch the satellite 'sunshade'!"

The operator entered a series of codes, and then a huge satellite far from the earth, thousands of kilometers away, was finally activated.

The picture taken by the companion star is extraordinarily stable and clear. On the bright silver casing reflecting the sun's rays, it is like flowing black ripples.

Then the ripple gradually cracked and the entire satellite began to change shape.

First, the shell opened along the lines, and then from the inside of the satellite, more metal blocks appeared, spliced ​​together with the satellite shell.

It only took a few seconds. From the appearance, the diameter of the entire satellite almost doubled.

Then one side of the satellite looked like a sphere and stretched out.

This process is really like pulling out the handle of an umbrella.

After a few seconds, the ball in front swelled slowly.

Then the connecting sphere and the rear stalk cracked and turned into three fan-shaped objects.

Slowly flatten the silver ball in front and stretch it out.

It really seems to be holding up an umbrella.

"Oh, I see. This is a solar panel!" Someone suddenly realized.

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