Lazy God Possession

Vol 2 Chapter 997: : Fiber (bi) Mao

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The engineer was not an astronomer, so he did not think in the direction of a "reflecting telescope".

Bringing the "clue" from Chen Haocong, a group of cia happily ran back to study, and wanted to find the green bandit through the "special band" that was unavailable, without thinking deeper.

In fact, with the exception of a few people flashing light, few people will realize that this is actually a reflection telescope.

Reflective telescopes are different from refracting telescopes. Refracting telescopes use lenses to refract light, while reflecting telescopes use mirrors to reflect light.

Because the reflecting telescope only needs to deal with one plane, while the refracting telescope needs to deal with at least two planes, we must also pay attention to the transparency and chromatic aberration of the lens. Most observatories use reflecting telescopes.

But reflecting telescopes also have some very fatal flaws.

Reflective telescopes often have off-axis aberrations, light waves interfere with each other to cause blurred images, serious ambient light interference, etc ...

However, these deviations can be corrected through technical means or modern image processing techniques.

As long as you have enough computing power.

But it also has some unavoidable disadvantages, that is, it is a very precise instrument.

Any vibration, or angular deviation, will cause a huge deformation of the image observed by the reflecting telescope, let alone imaging at that time, it is difficult to say whether it can work.

Therefore, even astronomers may not think that the huge thing above their heads is actually a refracting telescope.

After all, this thing was shaken during launch and then automatically opened without any manual adjustment.

Therefore, it cannot be a reflecting telescope, it is a solar panel, and it can only be a solar panel.

On the lazy bus, Chen Wei and Chen Haocong sat on the sofa of the main seat and looked around curiously.

"This is Uncle Ming's car. I borrowed it temporarily." Chen Haocong explained, and then he looked at the people next to Nazar, and said, "What you see today, please keep it secret."

"Uh ... OK." Nazar wondered, wasn't this a normal looking RV?

Because of the harsh environment in Russia, this kind of car is not too many on the streets of Russia, but he has also seen a lot of traveling north and south.

He inadvertently observed the environment inside the car, and lay on the window to observe the outside of the car.

The officials of cia have already left, but they are still left outside, and they seem to be monitoring Chen Haocong.

"Uncle Wei, drive." Chen Haocong said to Wei Zheng. After the car started, the two Agents Ci also drove a black SUV to follow.

"It's annoying. The sugar is just so good that you can't shake it!" Nazar said.

"Don't worry about them." Chen Wei was very calm, and it was abnormal for them not to follow. Since there was no way to stop them, accept it so lightly.

"Come here, take a look at our parasols!" Then Chen Haocong clapped his hands and said, "Beanworm, call up the 'parasols' control program."

A small balancing car robot squatting in the corner suddenly made a "waaaa ~" sound, and then snored. The window of the lazy bus gradually became translucent, and then the image of "sunshade" was displayed. And a set of constantly changing numbers.

"The parasol is on standby, and it is in normal condition." A soft female voice sounded.

This is the default voice of Lazy God AI AI, and Chen Haocong is already familiar with it.

"Environmental projection," Chen Haocong ordered again.

With his order, a light and shadow projected into the center of the lazy **** bus, which is a suspended earth, and outside the earth, there is a small white light spot, which emits a green light, pointing directly Earth.

This is where the parasol is now.

Judging from the map, the parasols are now above the Pacific Ocean.

"Digging!" Nazar was staring back, and suddenly found that his vision had become blurred. He was turning back wonderingly to ask what was going on, and he saw a huge earth floating beside his head, scared Alas, sat in the seat next to me.

Jiang Sanjia also snorted and said, "It's so cool! It seems that when we are away, the technology of Lazy God Technology has improved a lot!"

"Laser 3d projection, the technology is now quite mature." Chen Haocong explained.

Both Chen Wei and Jiang Sanjia have been more or less exposed to the technology of Lazy God Technology, but others are really aggressive.

Briefly introduced the projection, and then Chen Haocong was excited: "Let's try the parasol! Dad, you operate it, you are the administrator of the parasol system!"

Let me do it? It is not the first time that Chen Wei has used various magical technologies of the lazy gods to direct actions, but it is still a bit aggressive to face something that looks too tall like a parasol.

Chen Haocong stared at Chen Wei with a gaze, with a look of admiration.

Whether Nan Ming or Zhao Xiaopeng, or Qing Zhongyang, etc., are very impressed by the commanding ability of Chen Wei's on-site operations. He seems to be a fighter for team conflicts. He can instantly notice all kinds of details and process all kinds of information. .

But at that time, they had to use various surveillance cameras to integrate information ~ ~ But now ...

After listening briefly to Chen Haocong's introduction of the control method of this system, Chen Wei dubiously issued his first command: "sunshade, tracking the lazy **** bus."

With this command, the image of the earth in the center of the vehicle suddenly began to rotate, which was a bit slow at first. The green light from the umbrellas was like an ant crawling on the earth.

But in a few seconds, this speed was much faster. After about five minutes, the light from the parasol had reached the Kenyan coast of Africa.

"The lazy **** bus has been tracked and will reach the best viewing angle after 3 minutes 25 seconds."

There was a click, and beside the earth, an image was displayed, and the lazy bus was driving on the coastal road.

The picture is very clear, and the traffic and people around are very clear.

"Well, this is a photo shoot." Jiang Sanjia froze. He looked at the angle of the image, turned to open a window, and poked his head out.

The direction he was facing was just a sea.

Jiang Sanjia looked up, there was nothing in the blue sky and white clouds.

He waved, and he also waved in the picture.

Chen Wei stretched out his hands and gently pulled them with both hands. The screen suddenly zoomed in. Jiang Sanjia's big face appeared on the screen, even the pores seemed to be clearly visible.

Chen Haocong shouted: "Disgusting, Jiang Brother, it's time to cut your nose hair!"

At that moment, everyone in the car was scared.

This is ... an image of a satellite? How high is its resolution? Millimeter level?

Everyone turned to look out the window.

There is still a blue sky and white clouds outside the window, and the blue sea is tidal.

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