Lazy God Possession

Vol 2 Chapter 1028: : Sneaking to the moon?

The news that the lazy **** was about to land on the moon, when it began to circulate, it led to polar opposition.

Opponents or supporters, each holding their own words, are desperately arguing whether this is possible or not.

The reporters went into the camp madly and wanted more accurate information.

Everything ends in Chi Jiafeng's article.

"The Silent Landing on the Moon? Really. 》 Chi Jiafeng used such a self-questioning title to make the title of his article.

As we all know, Chi Jiafeng is an official reporter of the lazy gods. The news flowing from him has never made an error so far.

Anyway, the lazy department is the propaganda department at all, and it will never come out to respond, so Chi Jiafeng is often used as the lazy department's propaganda minister.

Then the internet went crazy.

"The lazy gods must think that the earth can no longer accommodate them! They are going to the moon to establish a base, and then counterattack the earth! Please take me away!"

"Hahaha, you are so naive, there is already a Nazi base in Germany on the moon, and now there is no place to go to the moon!"

"The movie story upstairs is also drunk, but I think we should find Transformers on the moon ..."

"The moon is actually a huge spaceship ..."

"Hahaha, naive, I tell you, after Armstrong went to the moon, the first sentence that I wanted to say was: The moon belongs to the United States! As a result, I saw Wu Gang staring at him coldly with an ax ..."

"Aren't all rabbits on the moon?"

As the topic got more and more crooked, countless people shouted: "I want to go to the moon too!"

Then someone asked sourly: "Only to the moon, is it worth so much money?"

Then the man was ridiculed mercilessly, and then beaten again.

Because after the ultimate goal of the "Moon" has been determined, the whole "Epic Journey" ferry ticket has another round of soaring at the end of the auction.

In this world, everything is clearly marked.

Including space tourism.

In the space tourism industry, the superpower Russia loves to serve you. As long as you have money, you can do it everywhere.

If you just want to get above the stratosphere for $ 100,000, you can take a circle on the MiG-29.

If you plan to go to low-Earth orbit, such as the International Space Station, the price is also very reasonable, and you will receive a full package of $ 20 million. So far, seven tourists have visited the International Space Station.

How's it going? Tickets for the first epic trip have not been expensive.

But ... if you want to go higher?

Sorry, even a superpower cannot help you.

So far, the only superpower in the United States with a commuter car has been unable to recruit drivers.

So ... how much is the moon landing worth?

In terms of distance, the International Space Station is about 350 kilometers from the ground. Russia will equip you with two bodyguards, including two-day accommodation, including breakfast and lunch, and the price is 20 million US dollars. It also comes with two types of men to sleep with.

The average distance between Earth and Moon is 384,401 kilometers, which is 1098 times the distance from the International Space Station.

In terms of distance ... costing more than 20 billion?

Mistakes. When the US landed on the moon, it took so much.

But if you look at it from another perspective, the US Apollo plan cost a total of 25 billion US dollars, but there are Apollo 11, Apollo 12, Apollo 14, Apollo 15, Apollo 16, and Apollo 17 A total of six people landed on the moon, and each launch was 3 people on the moon. That is, a total of 18 people landed on the moon. On average, each person spent 1.39 billion?

Calculating the inflation index and converting the purchasing power of the US dollar to the present, each person landing on the moon spent 7 billion US dollars.

(Muzao, not only Armstrong landed on the moon, but no one knows the moon landing ... and the moon landing on the 13th failed, no wonder Westerners think 13 is an unlucky number.)

In this case, 500 million US dollars is really too cheap, it is simply not as cheap as it sounds.

This price, of course, comes a dozen!

So when the auction was about to close the auction channel, it soared again.

Then, Chen Haocong received an unexpected call.

"Cyril, why would you call me?" Chen Haocong asked wonderingly, how could bear bears call him at this time? Shouldn't he now run his own bear bear hard game?

This game has been really hot lately.

"Cong!" Mao Xiong said in a crying voice over there: "I beg you, can you go to your dear uncle and let him close the auction channel in advance!"

"Why?" Chen Haocong wondered. "I'm paying attention to it now, and it's just going up right now. What a pity ..."

"It's just because the rally is so good!" Mao Xiong cried over there: "Zhuo Ya said before marrying that she wanted to travel once to say goodbye to her past ..."

"Then you take her to a long journey, to a farther place, Siberia, Antarctica, Greenland ..." Chen Haocong casually gave a few places he thought he would never go.

"I live in Siberia, dear Satoshi!" Mao Xiong cried.

"Uh, sorry ... that Greenland is good too."

"But Zhuoya said that her past is too heavy. If you don't get away, you can't get rid of it ... you can't marry me if you can't get rid of it, so it's better to go farther ...

"You want to go to the moon?" Chen Haocong asked suddenly.

"Yes, yes!"

"But you don't have enough money?"

"Yes, yes!"

Chen Haocong suddenly felt similar?

"Unfortunately, I don't have a ticket to sell to you this time." Chen Haocong was helpless, and the ticket he got last time was the one reserved by Nanming himself, and even now he has no spare.

"But you can let us sneak in!" Mao Xiong said.

"Don't you wonder, this time Uncle Ming hired my dad to be a security consultant ~ ~ Want to help others sneak under the eyes of his dad?

Chen Haocong felt that he had broken several legs.

"You know what people used to do with stowaways." Chen Haocong asked Mao Xiong, "It is said that they were all thrown off the boat."

Thrown into the cold and empty universe? Cyril shivered.

"So, dear Satoshi ... do you know anyone who wants to buy my game company shares?" Mao Xiong asked in a low mood a long time later.

Twenty minutes later, after selling the copyright of "bears must die" and the current equity of the game company to Chen Haocong, Mao Xiong raised the ticket money, and the last second before the auction channel closed, the last A ticket was grabbed.

Then he wept and said to Zhuo Ya, "Dear, I'm broke again."

"Well, but I love you!" It was Zhuoya's kiss that responded to him. (To be continued.) Enable new URL

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