Lazy God Possession

Vol 2 Chapter 1068: : This Vicious World of Fatal OCD (Part One)

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To the southeast of Dongbin, near the Dongbin campus of Qingyang University, there is a small town called Linbin Town.

This small town used to be one of the many fringe areas of the city, but with the acceleration of the urbanization process of Dongbin and the relocation of Qingyang University, the once quiet town quickly became hot and the land price was very high. Rise and rise again, the population of foreigners keeps increasing.

As long as you are diligent, relying on tens of thousands of college students nearby and various high-tech industries that have settled in, you will quickly get rich.

In the southeast corner of the town, near Qingyang University, there is a small square, which was originally an old man's homestead. Later, a small-scale commercial street appeared nearby, and it became hot, and the old man was not well. I was thinking of selling the homestead to leave some money for my children and then left.

Although this land is considered to be the best location nearby, it is a small town after all. No matter how popular it is, it is far less expensive than the city center. Many people discuss in private whether the elderly can sell it before they lose their breath.

But after all, some people became the head of this injustice. In April and May, three days before the old man let go, the homestead was finally sold out, and another seven or eight days later, a construction team drove to the town. The convoy blocked the homestead with cloth curtains. Two hours later, cloth curtains were removed, and a small building with a very unique shape appeared on the street corner.

The style of the small building is a little different from the surroundings. If this street is like a rough old trunk, then this small building is like a gorgeous silver flower blooming on the branch of the trunk.

No matter which direction you came from, many people noticed it from afar, this small building.

At the entrance of the small building, a sign hung, "Wanke Design Studio."

In the middle of a lot of steamed bread shops, barbecue shops, and grocery stores, there suddenly appeared such a "design studio" that looked quite tall. Although I don't know what the "wanke design studio" was designed for, but The crowd still respected.

This is a cultural thing.

Moreover, both the design style and the manufacturing method are very tall.

Who has ever seen a small building that is silent and built in two hours? This small building shouldn't have been moved from somewhere else.

It was still early in the year, and people in the town were not so knowledgeable and were curious about the studio.

Then they found that the "studio" sounded quite tall, but in fact the people here got along well.

In particular, there are two particularly diligent guys who are tall and strong. They come to the studio early in the morning to work hard. They are extremely enthusiastic and hardworking. On the first day, Zhang, who was standing early next door, saw the two of them. Set the table horizontally and vertically, Maza lined up in order of height, and thought that he had encountered the urban management who had left early.

Later, after a long time, the neighbors on the street got used to it. The two boys would turn the manholes on the street one by one before the day was dawning, and set them right. The small advertisements on the telephone poles will be cleaned up a little bit, and the misaligned or broken floor tiles on the sidewalk will be replaced one by one.

The neighbourhood neighbors wondered, and asked them, "What are you doing, guys? Aren't you a design studio? Come here so early every morning to do these things? Is it a volunteer?"

"Yeah, let's think we are volunteering." The two young men laughed and didn't explain. By the way, the three washing pots placed by the neighbor outside the door were gathered up according to their size.

Some neighbourhood neighbors think that these two people are a little weird, and some think that they have a problem in their heads, but some people outside them are happy to help them clean up. These two people are extremely fast and efficient, and sometimes they are too lazy to finish up at night. I took a look the next morning and it was already packed.

Every morning at five or six o'clock, the two people come to work, and sometimes they are alone. At about eight o'clock, the studio officially opens. Several young people come to work one after another. This studio seems to be an older person. None of them are in their early twenties, just looking out of society.

Every day at 7.55, there will be a young man who walks along the floor tiles. He never walks on the manhole cover to come to work. Some wandering across this short street, he looks forward. But often without focus, it always seems to be thinking about something.

The old Zhang next door noticed that every time he passed by his door, it was 7.59.

And when he walked into the door next door, it was not less than two seconds, and the hourly sound would come from the radio.

However, this morning, when Zhang was packing, suddenly a steel goblet fell under the table. He found him lying on his stomach for a while, but he brought a flashlight and planned to take a picture.

"Out of power? Really, I remember I just changed the battery ..." Lao Zhang looked around and simply pulled out the radio's battery and planned to put it in a flashlight.

Just then, he saw the young man walking by.

"Mr. Wei is early!" The two diligent young men who were always very diligent were already waiting at the door next door, and smiled when they saw the young man walking.

"Tang Wan, Chang Fei, you also ~ ~ The young man known as President Wei also smiled.

What kind of boss is this young? It's amazing!

Lao Zhang thought about it this way, and then he suddenly saw that the three people across were looking towards him together.

No, it should be said that he looked at his old radio.

Then three eyes fell on the battery in his hand at the same time.

"Uh ... wonderful!" The young man named Tang Wan suddenly changed his face and rushed to him: "Why pull out the battery?"

"Uh ..." Zhang wondered, my radio, what are you so excited about?

"It's okay. Today is in a good shape." President Wei smiled and waved, "I got an inspiration last night, and I think Nan would like it."

Although President Wei said so, the two apparently didn't feel much relaxed, but just stared at Lao Zhang fiercely, making Lao Zhang a little inexplicable.

Isn't it ... is the radio dead? Want you to control!

Wait, is my radio a valuable antique ...

Lao Zhang turned a variety of thoughts, and his heart was a little upset. When he turned around and cracked, he kicked three of the three basins outside.

The pot grunted and rolled to the ground.

Mr. Wei's fingers seemed to be twitching, and it seemed that he was forcibly restraining the impulse, and Tang Wan, who was already rushing over with jealous hands, straightened the basin.

"Nothing ... nothing, I can do it, I can do it!" President Wei quickly turned around and strode towards the designer.

Behind him, Tang Wan and Chang Fei looked at each other, both a little worried, not good, not good today!

This is the rhythm of death!

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