Lazy God Possession

Vol 2 Chapter 1081: : Conspiracy of Lazy God?

For many people in lazy gods, this night is a sleepless night.

Whether it's the lucky ones and their families who got the Dream House, or the engineers who worked overnight.

But in addition, there are still a lot of people who have insomnia, and that is some real estate developers who participated in the meeting.

They stayed in a hotel near Qingyang University, and they could just see the flashes on the construction site not far away, see the long convoys, and the towers that were constantly towering and almost clouded.

With the economic growth, almost every country has had a glorious era of real estate developers.

In the middle of the last century, the overwhelming United States, the total real estate in Tokyo in one decade can buy Japan in the world, the South Koreans in the United States, and the tyrant China waving a banknote in the new century.

Although the bubbles of the first three types of real estate have already been pierced and experienced a rebirth of Nirvana, a group of wealthy people who started from real estate have been born in this world. Over time, they have become With the legendary o1dmoney, they became aristocrats across business and politics. Their influence has already taken root in the world and has become one of the hidden promoters and controllers in this world, hidden in the water. But nobody dares to ignore it.

Several people had a lot of thoughts in their hearts after meeting during the day. At this time, they saw the movements of the lazy gods, somehow at the same time, but they were uneasy at heart.

Lazy Gods ... What the **** are you doing?

For a long time, the lazy gods did not actually oppose the wealthiest people. On the contrary, they seemed to be willing to serve these people and make money from the people.

For example, the Lazy God Guild Hall is completely aimed at the high-end crowd. Many of the real estate developers participating in the meeting are actually Lazy God Guild Halls. There are also several people who have bought tickets for epic trips. Supporters, and for a long time, they have relied on the Dongfeng of the lazy **** system, have also defeated a lot of their opponents, got a new exhibition opportunity, and passed their old days.

But at this moment, they couldn't figure out what the lazy gods were going to do.

And if they do n’t understand, they will never sleep.

The energy of these realtors was very great. When they got serious, all kinds of news immediately gathered together and reached their desk.

Soon, they got a very bad news, Lazy God wants to enter the real estate on a large scale!

Real estate agents who heard the news were shocked.

Real estate agents have always been very comfortable.

When the technology industry was turned upside down by the lazy system, when various high-tech industries became "low-old" industries overnight, when the innovative industries in the world were being crushed by the lazy system, real estate agents But relying on the uniqueness and immovability of the land, covering his own land, cheerfully watching the economic recovery, rising house prices, watching various new construction methods make the cycle of real estate recovery costs shorter and shorter, watching Your own capital has appreciated and the stock price has soared.

With the repeated actions of the lazy gods, they have even created a lot of hot spots and hot spots for capital investment, which has made them more likely to add value.

Therefore, in addition to some of the real estate developers who have engineering business, many of them are **** supporters of lazy gods.

But Lazy God entered the real estate industry? This is not a good thing!

Take a look. At a glance, none of the industries that compete with the lazy gods end well.

Although the hotel rooms are very luxurious and the ventilation system is very good, many people suddenly feel breathless and want to talk to somewhere.

However, these rich people have long been used to where they live, and they have packed a whole floor of the hotel. It is not easy to find someone to talk to, besides their bland bodyguards.

They walked into the elevator and planned to go to the sightseeing floor on the 28th floor to relax or go out for a breath of fresh air.

Then he was surprised to see that someone had already been in the hall.

Seven or eight people, sitting on the sand in the corner of the hall, were surrounded by a pale old man.

"Mr. Burton, you are here!" Seeing this old man, even these wealthy real estate developers, had to respectfully say hello, and then complimented with a smile: "I saw it when I went to the moon some time ago Your heroic, your female companion is very beautiful ... "

These people laughed happily when Mr. Burton smiled happily.

Mr. Burton is actually not a real estate agent. He is actually a major shareholder of an investment bank and a genuine banker. It is just that a large part of the assets of the bank under his name is real estate, and as a real estate agent, I am afraid that the bank has the most dealings with it, whether it is loan financing or bankruptcy mortgage, it is inseparable from the bank.

It can be said that he knows and relies more on real estate than everyone else present.

Sitting on this sand, you can see the high tower outside through the floor-to-ceiling windows, and then the topic naturally comes to their own concerns about lazy gods.

"Should the lazy gods really want to enter the real estate industry on a large scale, then, wouldn't we be dead?" Several local tyrants were worried.

"The real estate industry is not like other industries, it mainly depends on how much land you have ..." There are still a few people who are slightly optimistic. "As far as I know, there is not much land in the hands of Lazy Gods ..."

Many of them are holding a lot of land of great value.

"But it's a lazy god!"

Although the real estate industry has its particularities, it can't stand the lazy gods too evil!

If you think about it, in fact, the lazy **** system still has a real estate gene. Lazy **** Yafei has its own real estate business, and the lazy **** club and redface also own a lot of real estate.

In addition, some time ago, one of the largest branches of the Lazy God Department was "Lazy God Life", which has a new strategy, "clothing, living, and taking care of everything."

Does this also indicate that Lazy God wants to enter real estate?

A group of people discussed fiercely, all of them being negative.

At this moment, the elevator door opened, and Nan Ming brought in a few people.

Seeing Nan Ming, Mr. Burton stood up and said hello with a smile: "Hello, Nan!"

A few real estate developers gathered around and asked excitedly: "Sir, are the lazy gods planning to enter the real estate?"

"No," Nan Ming stared, staring at the excited faces. "We just plan to try a new model, and by the way, build a dormitory for our employees. The core strategy of our lazy department is technology With services, no real estate. "

"Really?" But these real estate developers didn't believe it, and they kept on asking, staring at each other.

There is even a real estate agent who has given irrefutable evidence: "General Manager Nan, in the past two months, someone from the Lazy Gods has been frantically buying high-end properties in major cities. According to our investigation, this company called adxhZ It was invested by a lazy God executive. The company has at least thirty high-end real estate under its name, each of which is worth more than US $ 20 million ... "

"Uh ... will it?" Nan Meditation thought for a while, and it seemed that few people around him were buying houses crazy? "What is this executive?"


Nan Ming added a forehead with his hand, and was silent for a long time.

Is the house control of the bear kid technology who is crazy to pull ads to buy a house, "Never Ad Trevis"?

This guy has been thinking about buying a big house all day long, and before he knows it, this guy has a real estate of 600 million dollars? How much money does this guy make by relying on bottomless advertising? Sure enough, if you want money, you have no bottom line?

"This is just an executive of the Lazy Gods Department. We have reason to believe that the Lazy Gods Department is secretly acquiring various properties in secret, and we will definitely give evidence." The man held a stack of information in Nanming. Shaking in front. That means, do n’t deny it, just admit it! Your lazy gods are planning to enter the real estate!

Nanming was too lazy to explain this. He shrugged: "If you must think so, think so. Mr. Burton, good night." Nanming waved his hands and walked to another elevator, and Qin Yafei stayed on the top floor. , Nan Ming also discussed with him about construction.

Nanming really attaches great importance to Dream House. For a long time, nothing has made Nanming so motivated to personally supervise.

As soon as Nan Ming left his forefoot, many real estate agents in the back exploded.

Nan Ming's indifferent attitude made them feel even worse, and Crowvis's strong evidence made them believe that there must be more lazy God executives in the secret acquisition of real estate.

Lazy gods do not play, it is always a big game!

So what are they going to do?

Seeing Nanming's performance, there must be a conspiracy!

"We must all unite and resolutely resist the fight against lazy gods!" A real estate developer waved his arms, saying with some sadness: "When the lazy gods first entered the technology industry, we did not stand up; At that time, we did not stand up. Now Lazy God Department has finally entered the real estate, and no one will stand up for us anymore! What we can rely on ~ ~ is only ourselves! Brothers, let us bring together Come and fight against foreign enemies! "

"Mr. Burton, you are the most prestigious of us. I hope you can lead us to fight the malicious competition of the lazy gods together!" Said the real estate trader. "Let us form an anti-lazy **** alliance, and we cannot let the lazy gods take it away. Our last place to be! "

If he wasn't wearing a top-level custom suit with squinting eyes, I'm afraid he would still be regarded as a penniless poor man now.

"Hmm ... I'm old, my spirits are bad, good night everyone, I'm going back to sleep ..." Mr. Burton stretched himself as if he hadn't heard, and got into the private elevator next to him.

"Mr. Burton ... Mr. Burton ..." the man yelled, and now several real estate agents have also entered private elevators in all directions.

"The cowards!" The somewhat aggressive real estate agent sighed and turned to look at the remaining seven or eight people: "Let's guard the real glory of the real estate agent!"

Several people looked at each other, felt the same, or hesitated, but after all, their hands were held together.

So a new anti-lazy alliance was born.

"I suggest that while paying close attention to the trend of the lazy **** system, dig deep into this Travis, and he will definitely find more clues from him!" The crowd made the first plan.

"A sneeze, sneeze!" More than ten kilometers away, Travis was suddenly sneezing several times in his sleep.

(The update is late, sorry. After combing through the subsequent exhibitions, there are a lot of things to write, but now the lazy **** system is already very large. There are very few things that can threaten Nanming, and I do n’t want to mess about, writing the city as a fantasy , So it's getting harder and harder to make this book interesting ... There are still up to hundreds of thousands of words, and I don't want to end up in the end!) (To be continued.)

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