Lazy God Possession

Vol 2 Chapter 1092: : Emoji Emoji Pack

Dongbin, Linbin Town, Wanke Design Studio.

As soon as Chen Changfei walked into the designer, he was very welcoming.

"Ah, Chen Tuhao is here, salute!" Tang Wanli, the vice president of the studio, saluted first.

Then a group of people rushed up, crouching their backs, squeezing their shoulders, and pouring water: "Chen Tuhao, you've worked hard."

"Chen Tuhao, you are tired, and give you a lame leg."

"Chen Tuhao, are you thirsty, drink tea!"

"Chen Tuhao, are you hungry? This is the breakfast just delivered."

"Chen Tuhao, what do you think of Xiao's appearance? People are still little brother Huanghua ... vomit ..."

Chen Changfei almost laughed and cried, waving his arms to drive away the coquettling guys: "Go away, go! Go all busy, don't be blind here **** mess!"

"Domineering!" Tang Wan immediately raised his finger, then waved his hand: "Hurry on, don't you see the local tyrant getting angry? Be careful and don't have a red envelope!"

"Let's make it!" The crowd disappeared without a trace.

"What's wrong today?" Chen Changda played too late last night and couldn't get up and down today, so Chen Changfei was a little late this morning.

However, Wei Ke has been doing well in recent times, and obsessive-compulsive disorder has been significantly reduced, so they don't need to clean up the street anymore.

"Large tyrants, your pay is here."

"Reward, what remuneration?" Chen Changfei's heart suddenly jumped up in desperation.

Although he tried his best to calm down, Chen Changfei still felt like he couldn't breathe. This reward refers to it.

"Of course it is the design fee and consultant fee for the Lazy God Tower and Dream House." He paused, and then said, "Yes, there is also the design fee for Dream Tower."

"More ... how much?" Chen Changfei suddenly couldn't even speak.

A kid next to him stretched out his mobile phone, snapped one, snapped a few question marks on the picture, and put them in an emoticon bag, named: "Four Dogs Emoji Pack: Four Dogs Question Mark."

Everyone stared at his expression, and even Wei Ke came out of his design room to see the excitement.

"After deducting necessary fees and taxes, it is ... 627 million."

Chen Changfei's eyes were straight.

The crowd snapped expressions, named the expression "Four Dogs Emoji Pack: Four Dogs", whispered, and covered their mouths and laughed.


Chen Changfei rolled his eyes and wanted to faint. He did not faint, but woke up resolutely.

The crowd snapped again and shared the wonderful expression of Chen Changfei to the circle of friends.

Chen Changfei always felt that he was not a money-loving person, but in this world, it is absolutely impossible to have no money.

He still remembers how much trouble and pain he had encountered in the past for Chen Changda's enrollment and the purchase of a house.

He has seen too many examples of overnight riches, but I am afraid that such riches have not come so quickly.

With this money, how will his life change dramatically?

He shivered and said, "It's all ... mine?"

"What do you want!" Tang Wan shook his head. "The initial design was done by you, but President Wei also contributed, and scored for President Wei."

"That's for sure." Chen Changfei pressed his frustration in his heart, ignoring the many bear children who were clamoring.

Four dog brother expression pack: Lost inexplicable.

It ’s very uncomfortable to get lost again. Chen Changfei feels that he will not be so vulgar, but after all, he still has this mood, but he knows that the original design of the Lazy God Tower and Lazy God's House is actually his. The idea is his, but ... the subsequent design was mostly perfected by Wei Ke.

As a result, he saw the gap between himself and Wei Ke, and how much work still needs to be done to bridge it.

Perhaps there is such a distance between genius and mortal.

Mortals may have a flash of light, but in this world there is no shortage of whimsical geniuses, but geniuses can turn everything into magic, and turn whimsical ideas into real reality.

Without Wei Ke, there is absolutely no lazy **** tower and dream house now.

"Besides that, everyone in our design office has contributed."

"Yes, yes, that's of course!" Chen Changfei nodded again and again. At first, the whole studio was so crazy that he finally kicked out the design draft.

"Furthermore, I can do my best." Tang Wan patted his own chest. If it wasn't for the fact that he directly handed in the sketchbook, I'm afraid the inspiration would run away.

"Of course, of course!" The dripping grace of Yongquan was reported.

"Furthermore, the benefits of our studio are very good. To maintain such benefits also requires money. Our studio also needs to take part of the funds for the exhibition."

"Well, this should be it." Chen Changfei already wanted to open it. Although he was very sad, but I didn't have much left in the end.

But this is also normal. This is a socialized world. Every step has other people involved in it, and everyone has the cooperation. No one's success can be achieved alone.

Chen Changfei looked at Tang Wan quietly, and everyone was still patting.

Four dog brother expression pack: Mu expressionless.

"Well, after deducting these, you still have ... percent ..." Tang Wan stretched out a little finger, pondered it, and squeezed his thumb to the top of the little finger, moving it back and forth for a moment.

What percent? Is it only one percent or less? But if it is more than 600 million US dollars, one percent is also 6 million US dollars ... Isn't it enough?

"Well, about 45%." Tang Wandao.

"What?" Chen Changfei's eyes widened. "Then what did you use your little finger for!"

"Create a little pressure and drama!" Tang Wandao said.

"I fight with you!" Chen Changfei was furious and swooped up.

"Hey, hey! I'm your boss ... Do you really want to fight me? Do you think I'm a soldier ... I'm a kid, you're pretty good ... Look at me ..."

A group of unscrupulous employees took their mobile phones and patted them side by side, taking photos while commenting: "Huh ~ ~ This looks good."

"This pose is absolutely incredible!"

"This position is good and deep."

"Save all as emojis!"

After ten minutes, Chen Changfei was sitting back to his desk in a messy shirt, panting, and someone came up and snapped a picture, p indescribable various insignificant text.

Chen Changfei rolled his eyes and no longer wanted to say anything.

"Is it so distressed to have lost so much?" Tang Wan dressed up, walked in front of Chen Changfei with a smile, sitting on his desk with his buttocks, "come here, give you a chance to slaughter it again."

Chen Changfei was at a loss again.

"This expression is repeated." The person holding the mobile phone spit out. Is there no creative expression?

At this moment, the phone rang, and Tang Wan dragged the phone to Chen Changfei and said, "Well, please give us a certification.

Chen Changfei picked up the phone, listened for a moment, and said, "Please come over and see the design first."

After a moment, he opened the general map from the other party, opened it a few glances, and immediately frowned, saying: "You design is not good at all, you have to modify it. What, how much does it cost us to modify it?"

Chen Changfei estimated the value in his heart, and then saw Tang Wan waving his hand, comparing it on his neck, and an onomatopoeia in his mouth: "click!"

Does that mean you are harder?

Chen Changfei looked up. Now it is 8: 5 o'clock in the morning, he quoted: "then 85 o ..."

Then he saw Wei Ke's studio door open. Wei Ke leaned his head out and reached out and clicked on his neck again.

Chen Changfei suddenly smiled in a frenzied manner: "Then 85omi11ion."

The four dog brothers had this expression of madness, and then they spread throughout the lazy gods. (To be continued.)

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