Lazy God Possession

Vol 2 Chapter 1094: : Expertise in Digging

For the next few days, it was a nightmare for several developers of Dream Tower.

They first found a few strong commercial software companies and asked them to help open the "Dream Tower" adaptive control system.

To them, the Tower of Dreams is nothing more than a tower. How complicated can it be?

After getting a quotation from a commercial software company, they were stupid. There was no quotation from a commercial software company, which was less than 100 million US dollars!

What's more, the opening cycle is recorded in five years!

"The Dream Tower is a too complex system, and it can be said to be one of the most complex and sophisticated systems we have ever seen. Even this kind of quotation is difficult to complete. If we want to sign an agreement, we cannot accept any form. "This is the time limit for an engineer," an Oracle engineer said to the developers. "If you can't accept this condition, even if you are willing to pay $ 100 million, please forgive us for not being able to complete this task."

Seeing these people don't understand, the engineer said: "The quote of 100 million US dollars is indeed too exaggerated, but if we want to write the control system of this tower, we must mobilize the most elite forces, learn from scratch or even re-tell a language Control the dream tower. The difficulty of developing such a control system is enough to be comparable to the development of a mainstream business software. Considering our wasted human and material resources and marginal costs, 100 million US dollars is not a lot. "

Think about it, if Microsoft or Oracle could have developed a brand new system, but they invested this investment and manpower and material resources into the dream tower and delayed the development of the new system, how much money would they lose? This is called the marginal cost.

Although I still don't understand why a tower is so complicated and it takes five years for the best talents, the developers finally obediently took out $ 700 million and gave it to the "Lazy God Code".

The "lazy **** code" friends worked particularly well. After less than half an hour, the modified code was in the hands of the developer.

Developers don't know what to say, just order something like that, $ 700 million?

With the control program of the Dream Tower, developers can finally experiment and design a new Dream House.

When the villa-type Dream House was finally free to move back and forth on the Dream Tower, several developers were almost crying.

The dream house was linked to the dream tower, and it ran experimentally for less than an hour, and the developers encountered another problem.

Power is off.

The engineers came to cry and said, "Boss, this dream tower is too power-hungry. Our transmission lines are completely unaffordable. The grid side said that the energy consumption of the dream tower has affected the power supply in the city, so it cut off us. The line ... "

The businessmen were stunned and could only find someone to consult. This time, the engineer who answered him was the lazy **** Yafei: "Oh, our dream house is entirely made of metal hydrogen and special printing materials. Strong, but very light, I think you are processed by a third-party processing plant. The material they use is steel. The density is too high. Many places in the Dream Tower use magnetic adsorption. The weight increases and the energy consumption is also exponential. increase."

"What then?"

The engineers spread their hands, saying that they could not help.

The developers of the Dream Tower could only make a difficult decision in the end, paying the 850 million design fee of Wanke Design Office, and finally succeeded in getting it right, and obtained the certification of "Dream House", all of which were produced by Lazy God Yafei , But Lazy God Yafei's asking price for these villa-type dream homes is really very high.

Businessmen can only pinch their noses.

But then, they have an important problem. Although their dream house can be connected to the dream tower, it cannot be controlled seamlessly. The dream house and the dream tower are connected as a whole. The house is the house and the tower is The towers are not connected into an intelligent whole.

Businessmen went to consult the "lazy **** code" and got the answer: "Our program just controls the dream tower, but the intelligence of the dream house is completely completed by the intelligent platform of the lazy **** system. The lazy **** system Intelligent platforms are currently lacking in resources and I am afraid that they cannot afford more services ... Well, I suggest you consult the lazy iron general. "

The thick and thick iron said that the service of lazy life is very stressful and there are not many resources. If you must enjoy it ... pay the service fee.

"How much?" Kaishang was numb.

At this time, it was exactly 11 o'clock in the evening, Iron Egg crooked his head and said, "Then 115o ..."

"Mi11ion?" Already learned from the business side.

"What do you say?" Iron Egg asked back.

"it is good."

"Every year." Honest people cut people harder.

Lying down!

Hanging up the phone, the merchants began to meditate in their hearts: "I have 300 million, 300 million ..."

So far, the 1.5 billion construction cost of Dream Tower, the 700 million control program of Lazy God Code, the 850 million design and authorization cost of Wanke Design Office, plus the 1.15 billion "lazy life" service fee ...

$ 4.2 billion has already been spent.

Businessmen can only paralyze themselves like this: "I can make 300 million yuan in the Dream Tower, and I still have more than 25 billion yuan to make ... calm down, calm down!"

But this is far from all.

There was no turning back when they opened the bow, and since they put in their first $ 1.5 billion, there has been no turning back.

After getting the right to use the lazy life, they bought another one from the "lazy gods" as the control center of the "dream tower", because the original dream tower always runs slowly, like an old lady ...

After spending another amount of money ~ ~ After solving all kinds of sudden problems, the businessmen of the Dream Tower are now, even according to the most optimistic expectations, they can only make a small profit at most For a sum, the big profits and special gains I had previously thought are completely impossible.

When the businessmen met Qin Yafei again in the United States to deal with some of the affairs of the earth boulder, they could not wait to give him his old punch.

Think about it, Qin Yafei so kindly helped them create the tower of dreams, did you already think of today?

This dream tower, Lazy God Yafei, was basically manufactured at a cost price, but the follow-up "Dream House" has to take their production line, and the asking price is not low at all.

Then, after a series of assembly line operations, almost all of the opener's underwear was earned.

This business model, the thief they also played before, why is it their turn, so uncomfortable?

Businessmen cried and said, "General Qin, you really can dig!"

Qin Yafei was not ashamed, and smiled, "I'm in the construction industry. Digging pits is also our specialty."

Looking at Qin Yafei, who was light and windy, the businessmen wanted to cry without tears, and they realized that they had found the wrong partner. In front of this man, they robbed the Earth throwing stone plan from the United States, and then Promoted it all over the world, and truly turned it into a feasible solution, almost creating a big man who rushed to the sea of ​​stars.

Such people will not make money, is it possible?

"Hit us, there shouldn't be any more ..." The merchants looked at Qin Yafei with entreaty, wanting a word of assurance from him.

"Just rest assured, we are lazy. There is no pit, but there are more pits. The pit days are still growing. If you pit, you will get used to it." Qin Yafei answered sincerely. (To be continued.)

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