Lazy God Possession

Vol 2 Chapter 1099: : Victory Conference

When Nan Ming saw everyone running faster than one, he quickly ordered: "Little fat, stop them!"

Zhao Gaofeng got up helplessly, blocking the exit: "Sorry everyone, I know that President Nan is crazy, but I must obey the order."

"Would you like to lead by example, take six days off?" Qin Yafei stared.

"Ah? Ah?" Zhao Gaofeng abruptly paused, and half a moment smiled bitterly: "General Qin asked you not to ask such difficult questions, OK?"

Zhao Gaofeng is a model worker, can't wait for 24 * 7!

It ’s easy to say that everyone finally rushed to the conference table again. Everyone looked at Nanming with a look of contempt and disgust, which meant that there were any crazy words and quick words, Liu Minzhong of the Institute of Biology and Medicine was quietly Phone: "Hey, send a few medical staff over here, I think President Nan is sick ..."

"I'm not sick!" Nan Ming cried quickly. "I said you listened to me!"

Nan Ming dropped a statistic on the table: "The last fiscal year has just passed. This is a statistic I just got. This year, all industries in our lazy department are profitable."

The financial year of many companies starts from the third and fourth quarters of the previous year and ends in the first and second quarters of this year. The earliest companies of the lazy gods also started the summer vacation last year. Now more than half a year, the lazy gods have ushered in their own. First fiscal year.

Can be summed up.

When everyone heard Nan Ming's words, they all nodded. With the trend of lazy gods, it was no wonder that they were not profitable.

"I calculated it based on this data. The average value created by each employee of the Lazy Gods Department is ... $ 2.20 million a year." Nan Ming knocked at the table: "Do you know what this number means? It means we are thrown away. The second apple is twelve times! "

Everyone looked at Nanming with a bored face, so what?

Shouldn't it be?

At this time, Qin Yafei stepped forward to review: "Dear colleagues, I'm sorry everyone, I'm holding back."

Lazy God Yafei has the most internal employees in the Lazy God Department. This data has been diluted, otherwise I am afraid that this data will be gorgeous many times.

After the lazy **** Yafei, Iron Egg also came forward to review: "Sorry, we have only recently started to make a profit, and we have been hindering before ..."

"Hey, hey! This is not a review conference, everyone!" Nan Ming is going crazy, "Our employees have created so much value for us. Should n’t we have more rights and get more benefits and holidays? ? "

"I think the welfare is pretty good." Qin Yafei scratched his head, "Everyone has been assigned to the dream house, now the entire company is happy to explode, the enthusiasm for work is so high ..."

"The salary is so high, guys now think they are working too little, sorry for the salary."

At home, what do you want to earn higher wages than most high-wage countries?

"There are a lot of holidays. National statutory holidays have been released. Everyone wants to work overtime ..."

Everyone you say me, keep talking.

Nan Ming quickly knocked on the table: "Stop! Don't you think that everyone's work is hard? Every day, 9 to 5 hours, only two days of holidays per week. If you suddenly don't want to get up in the morning, or suddenly want to go Africa or the United States stayed there for seven or eight days, but there is no vacation what to do! "

Nanming, one of you, the exploiting classes, did not understand the anger of the working masses at all.

"Is it hard work?" Everyone looked at each other.

"It's quite hard." Gradually, everyone felt that everyone was really hard.

People who are lazy are really fighting hard when they are fighting hard!

How many miracles did they create?

Can a team that cannot fight a hard battle create such a miracle?

Of course not!

"But happy!"

"Yeah, such a promising job! The young man in our company told me that he used to think he was wasting his life every day, and now he is changing the world every day!"

"The last time we went to the moon, our company's pride was already bursting, okay? Some people have been living in the office for several days, and they say they have to do something great! Why can others achieve something? Can't you? "

"Our company's airship pilots are unwilling to leave even after work, and are fully rooted in the airship." This is actually going around the world for free.

"My company's teachers have already made great wishes and said that they would open the first space store, and now they are studying the ultimate shear technology under weightlessness." Tiedan's eyes were filled with tears, how dreamy people what!

Everyone talked enthusiastically, looking at the most glorious happiness of working people!

All Nan Ming looked at was hairy.

Gosh! No wonder my power is so strong!

It turned out that I had fallen into the base camp of the party!

Nanming had no love at all.

"Cough, cough!" Seeing everyone discussing so happily, after all, some people still have to worry about Nanming.

Nan Ming's big housekeeper, Lao Ma, was absent, and Su Wenjie had to stand up and say, "Everyone, but I think Mr. Nan still makes sense."

"Kekekekeke ..." The enthusiastic people in the discussion, at this time, saw Nanming's unlovable expression, and suddenly realized that this was against his boss. Hurry to remedy, and responded: Ah yeah, only the president who cares so much about the suffering of employees is only the president. "

"Mr. Nan V587!"

"Mr. Nan is right!"

"Resolutely support General Nan's leadership!"

Nanming a forehead black line.

I'm not asking you to compliment me!

Do you think that compliment me this way, will I give up?

Fortunately, there are still experienced experts, and Qin Yafei also coughed a bit: "Cough, it is reasonable for Mr. Nan to make such a proposal. Our employees are really hard and they have created a lot of value for us.

He looked around and said, "General Manager Nan wants to benefit employees, and having such a leadership is our blessing!"

Everyone nodded: "Yes, yes!"

"I also think that our current system construction is not very good ~ ~ has not taken into account the needs of a few people."

Yeah, yeah, now it ’s evil to take the initiative not to work overtime. Do you want to take more vacations? That is definitely the need of a few people.

"Our lazy gods have always dared to lead the world and dare to lead the new trend."

"That's right." Everyone responded again and again. It's been mentioned that even one day of work a week ...

"So, I think we can implement flexible weekends," Qin Yafei said. "For example, take a half day off on Friday afternoon?"

"This idea is good, or you can adjust it on the weekend of 1-3 days? The two days are really a bit short. Many nights are very useful. If there is something, one more day is also very good. Just come back next week."

"Or 2323 every month?" Three days off a week and two days off a week.

"Give an extra long holiday every year, and accompany your child to play in the winter and summer vacation?"

"This will work ..."

"Then do it, try the long weekend first and see your feedback?"

"I think everyone must still choose to work overtime."


"In any case, the leadership's instructions must be completed. Let's start with the 2.5-day flexible weekend!" Qin Yafei finalized.

"Hey, hey!" Nan Ming was a little bit square. "What about working one day a week ..."

"That step is too big, it's easy to get involved ... er, Nan, let's discuss it later?" Qin Yafei laughed, "Of course we still have to resolutely implement Nan's instructions. Doesn't everyone pass the flexible working system? Today's meeting is a triumphant meeting, a meaningful meeting, a successful meeting, everyone applaud ... "

In the clapping of everyone, Qin Yafei winked at Liu Minzhong: "Lao Liu, hurry up and bring a doctor to show Mr. Nan, I think Mr. Nan may be really crazy ..."

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