Lazy God Possession

Vol 2 Chapter 10102: : 1 must be false

After a few days of frantic inspections, the entire lazy system was afraid of Nan Ming. Several people found Zhao Feng and complained to him, and then asked, "What has happened to President Nan recently? He suddenly became diligent, We are not used to it! "

Today, Zhao Gaofeng was on the Silence. He looked up and down. He seemed to be checking what he hadn't answered yet. The Lu Xingcheng who was accompanying him to check it was already connected. He grinned and said, "Actually, Nan was in the first two days When sunbathing on the deck of Silence, I accidentally fell into the sea ... "

The crowd stared, "What? Really? Why so careless? Okay!"

"Then a grandfather with a white beard came out of the sea, holding a Nan president in one hand and asked me,‘ boy, are you the diligent Nan president or the very responsible Nan president?

Lu Xingcheng sighed and patted his thigh: "Unfortunately, I was too honest at the time, tell him that I am a lazy and irresponsible president ..."

Lu Xingcheng shook his head and stood still, regretful: "Then, he said that you are very honest with the teenager, and I will reward you for your diligence and responsibility."

"Ah?" The listener was taken aback: "So, now is our fake President Nan?"

"Yes, it must be the fake President Nan." Lu Xingcheng wiped his tears. "I'm afraid that Mr. Nan is now sleeping in the sea ..."

Lu Xingcheng sang well and still shook his head and wiped his tears there. Suddenly everyone showed a deep expression, especially Zhao Feng, who shook his head deeply and said, "Lu brother, you really You shouldn't say something bad about Mr. Nan in the background. Do you think we will all believe you? "

"I don't believe you if you say anything to Lu! Our Nan always is so brilliant and diligent and responsible!" There was a man beside him loyal.

"Uh ... Is Nan always behind me?" Lu Xingcheng paused suddenly, but he felt it was impossible at once. He pushed Zhao Feng, who was beside him: "You even scared me, little fat, in your bedroom. Well, how can it be behind me? Isn't it? "

"Yes, Mr. Nan is really sleeping, Mr. Nan is behind you." There was a voice from Nanming behind Lu Xingcheng. "But there is a loophole you just said, the white-bearded old man , Not to give you a diligent, and a responsible. So I am diligent or responsible? "

"Of course you are the diligent and responsible President Nan!" Lu Xingcheng hurriedly wanted to make a flatter.

But it's too late.

Nan Ming had no interest in listening to his compliment at all. When he waved his hand, Zhao Fengfeng and Song Shengbo, who had been staring at each other for a long time, had stopped him left and right, pushing him out of the ship's side.

"Ahhhhh! I can't swim!" Lu Xingcheng screamed and was pushed off the deck.

can not swim? Your naval officer can't swim yet? Who believes!

Nan Ming lay on the ship's railing for a while and wondered, "Where's that old grandfather? Why didn't he show up? I want a captain who is more reliable!"

"I, I, I!" Song Shengbo quickly recommended himself, "General Nan, I'm reliable!"

Nan Ming rolled his eyes. Is it true that you are the first officer who is thinking about usurping the throne all day?

Nan Ming blinked, looking at the captain below him who was the world ’s first deadly captain, and the chief officer who always wanted to usurp, sighing: "It seems that Brother Shi is the most reliable when he wants to come and go, he When will you retire? "

How can the captain and chief officer conquer the sea of ​​stars!

At this moment, Shi Buqing, who was snorkeling somewhere at the bottom of the ocean, suddenly sneezed: "A sneeze ... who is thinking about me?"

"Well, the entire lazy system seems to be the only one who is very reliable." Nan Ming Xiaoser shook his head. How can he enlarge a lazy system? No one knows how to share his concerns and help him solve his problem of authority?

Go on like this, but it ’s going to die!

After a round of torture with each other, Nan Ming feels joyfully that he has done so much, and his lazy authority will leaps and bounds, break through the void, and become a god.

Then he summoned his authority, and he was dumb at first glance.

Lazy permissions are still about the same size as before, or lazy too lazy to move.

Diligent permissions have grown a lot, and they are more active than before. They slip around constantly, lazy permissions are dragged constantly and cannot stop.

The lazy **** is these guys, the more they are forced, the harder they are!

It is said that our people are hardworking and kind, but now this racial talent is really too strong!

Now, only by looking at the jokes of Lu Xingcheng can he make him happy.

When Lu Xingcheng's chicken fell from the sea, Nan Ming sighed again, and then Zhao Gaofeng kicked Lu Xingcheng down again.

Lu Xingcheng simply couldn't come up. He showed his swimming skills fancy in the sea, while backstroke, breaststroke, butterfly, and diving for a while.

"This boy, swimming skills are pretty good." Song Shengbo laughed. He is an air force, basically a dry duck ~ ~ Now he can swim, but it is far worse than Lu Xingcheng.

"Technology ... good?" Nan Ming squinted, an idea became clearer.

Nan Ming discovered that it is almost impossible to use lazy methods to make everyone lazy.

Compared to the name "lazy god", this is really ironic.

But where is the best place for lazy gods?

Not system, but technology!

To be honest, the system of the lazy gods system is a mess, not to mention the existence of Nan Ming, a messy messer that exists all day.

His recent inspections have caused the entire lazy system to become chaotic.

But in this world, there is nothing that lazy gods cannot solve with technology!

It seems a lot simpler to "get lazy" as a purely technical problem.

Just divide "getting lazy" into 1/2/3/4 steps, and then go step by step.

In the world, there is no political party that can use the decree to stop the people from writing letters, but when the Internet is popular, people will naturally stop writing letters because there are better ways to replace them.

"Dream House" is obviously a good start. Originally, Nanming only regarded Dream House as one of his two major steps. Now he found that this step is the really important step. Others, such as one day a week, or inspecting everywhere, just waste energy ...

"I have an idea! I have an idea!" Nan Ming turned suddenly and ran to his room.

"Wait, I'm not mistaken." Lu Xingcheng climbed up from the gangway and saw Nanming ran back, surprised: "Surely it is the fake President Nan!".


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