Lazy God Possession

Vol 2 Chapter 10106: : President Nan has fallen

Lazy God Island, in the courtyard, a large group of people gathered around, watching the little robot in the center and Nanming.

This large and small seven or eight robots were caught only by a large number of lazy gods security. A few small robots were standing there, not very honest. From time to time, they looked up at their masters standing next to each other. In the second position, when he looked up to see Zhao Gaofeng's face, he raised his head and revealed a big smile on his own display.

"Smile! Also smile!" Zhao Gaofeng was not mad at one place. "What about good discipline? Our lazy **** security face has made you lose everything!"

The shield's smile turned into a bitter face, and he pulled his head down.

Both Lu Zhenguo and Nan Dad looked at Nan Ming and wanted to see what he would do.

Liang Xu and his co-workers also stood behind the little robots.

Seeing that the artillery battle caused such a big commotion, Liang Xu's feet had already softened, but he still had the courage to admit his mistake: "I'm sorry, President Nan! Please ... don't punish them! You punish me!"

Today is such an important occasion, with so many important figures present, he has made such a big mistake. If it were not for his hands to teach the small robots to fire a gun, there would be no such thing.

What are the consequences of a big mistake?

Liang Xu even saw himself fired and expelled from the Lazy Gods and Lazy God Tower.

Even more frightening is that he may even lose artillery.

This little guy is like his child and his best partner.

"Punish you? Why?" Nan Ming looked at the small machines in a daze, and hesitated.

"I ..." Liang Xu said, "I shouldn't teach firecrackers to artillery ..."

He saw that several colleagues around him were also very nervous and took a deep breath: "It's all because of me, and it has nothing to do with a few of my colleagues. Their little robots are all learned because of me ... and big Shield. I am willing ... I am willing to bear all the consequences. "

Nan Ming was silent for a moment.

Beside, the cultural people participating in this meeting are also whispering.

On such an important occasion, so many people watched it, but this kind of thing happened, and the lazy **** system can be considered as shame.

Although Nan Da was invited as the honorary chairman, and also sponsored by the lazy gods, many cultural people present here can't get used to the lazy gods.

To many of them, this enterprise is superficial and has no connotation. The upstarts are young and ridiculous, but they are rich and oily, which makes people jealous.

Moreover, this inexplicable jealousy makes them very happy to read jokes now.

More importantly, in their opinion, this matter is unsolvable.

Deal with it seriously. Unruly can't make a circle. I'm afraid it will leave a too harsh impression. I'm afraid it doesn't match the image that Nanming has continued.

Make it big, warn? This is not what a mature enterprise manager should do.

No matter what Nanming chooses, I am afraid it will bring bad results.

This question seemed really difficult for Nanming, so after a moment of silence, he ... continued to silence for several minutes.

Most of the people present were watching the reactions of Nanming, but Nan Da and Lu Zhenguo were watching the reactions of those present.

Gradually a playful smile appeared.

"Nan ... Mr. Nan?" A staff member looked at the time, and then looked at Nanming who was still in a daze, reminding carefully: "The meeting is about to begin."

"Oh ... I'm sorry, I'm thinking of something." Nan Ming looked up and looked at Zhao Gaofeng, who was beside him: "Did someone get hurt just now?"

"No." Zhao Fengfeng has investigated carefully.

"Is there something badly damaged?"

"No," Zhao Fengfeng said.

"Well, it doesn't seem to have caused any serious consequences." Nan Ming nodded.

When Nanming said this, everyone around him showed different expressions.

A few cultural people have already smiled. It seems that Nanming intends to make small things smaller and small things smaller. Sure enough, do you compromise for the sake of image? I'm afraid this will cause trouble to the management of lazy gods.

Then he heard Nan Ming smile and looked at Liang Xu who was standing there: "You are doing well."

"Sorry Mr. Nan, I ... ah, what?" Liang Xu's hometown dialect all came out.

"Playing with dangerous goods without causing casualties and damage ... artillery, do you know why you are not allowed to set off firecrackers?"

The small robot looked at Nan Ming with wide eyes, showing a cute expression of innocence.

"Relax, you did nothing wrong and you will not be punished." Nan Ming looked at the gunfire.

"Wa? WAAAAAALAAAAAA!" Hearing Nan Ming say this, the artillery battle immediately waved his small paw happily.

Other small robots are also happy, including the big shield.

"What are you happy about! You are accused of using explosive bombs without permission!" Zhao Gaofeng glared at it.

The shield's head pulled down again, stealing Zhao Gaofeng with the camera, it was a grievance.

Seeing the other person's face blank, Nanming smiled, "Actually, these artificial intelligences judge things differently from us. Every action they take will first determine whether it will cause damage, and if it will not cause damage , They will have the most freedom and follow their own personality. "

These little robots and big shields are all mischievous bear children.

"Human judgment is vague, that is danger." Nan Mingdao, "Danger is a vague state, which may or may not cause damage, so humans must avoid danger. But based on lazy gods Powerful computing power and algorithms, small robots are very accurate in judging the movement of objects, they can calculate the explosion range and landing point, so they can reduce the damage to zero, so the action of throwing firecrackers is nothing for them Harmful, because they do not avoid danger, but harm. "

For small robots, they have a high degree of freedom, and activities that do not cause damage are allowed, although these activities look to humans ~ ~ is really dangerous.

"But it was really dangerous just now." Someone muttered quietly. "What to do if I drop it on someone? It's scary."

"That's right, any algorithm may be wrong, and uncontrollable factors may affect the small robot's judgment of damage, causing the judgment to be wrong ... So during the evolution process, humans also found that everything is not absolute, only to evolve Fear this emotion. "Nan Ming squinted his eyes," So I was just thinking about how to introduce the fear mechanism to the little robot people, this idea is really interesting, everyone is unaccompanied, I am going to work ... "

Nan Ming patted Liang Xu's shoulder again: "Good job, come on!"

"Thank you ... Thank you, Mr. Nan ..." Liang Xu felt a sense of escape.

He never dreamed that it turned out to be this way.

People who were planning to read Nanming jokes just now are also surprised. What's going on? Shouldn't this be a dilemma? How did this end?

After little robots have self-awareness, then they add fear? This idea is very attractive to Nan Ming, he can't wait to write some of the code he just came up with in the core of the little robot people.

He hurriedly walked a small path, and suddenly stopped, like a basin of cold water suddenly fell over, making him all cold.

"Not good ... not good ..." Nan Ming gaped, why even he was infected by the Qin Dang, can't wait to work!

He touched his face behind him and asked Zhao Gaofeng who was behind him: "Fat, are you sure I am really Nan Ming? Didn't the alien change?"

Zhao Gaofeng was stunned and finished, Nan must have been blown to the end! .


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