Lazy God Possession

Vol 2 Chapter 1110: :serious person

(As a serious person, I finally understand why everyone talked about my chapter number ...)

The shot of the bird, the self-proclaimed expert Liang Xu, and the small robot named artillery battle did not survive the last wave, and were overwhelmed by the turbulent army of small robots.

When the last big fireworks descends from the sky, the grandfathers who can be called artillery madmen can only look at others with tears.

In the next few days, Liang Xu took a small book and wrote and wrote.

The gunfire squatted on his lap, and the small camera swung around with his paintbrush. It was rare and quiet.

The colleague sitting next to him wondered, "What are you doing?"

"Go, don't bother me, think about tactics." Liang Xu thought deeply: "I am now, these guys don't have a fuel-saving lamp, they respond quickly to thieves, and if they are too good at first, they will be easily targeted. "

"Well, isn't it just a firework battle?" A colleague next smiled and said, "As serious as this? People who don't know thought you were on the national team."

Liang Xu didn't speak, and soon arrived at the first delivery place, the family area of ​​Lazy God Shipyard.

Although the Lazy God Tower and Dream House have gradually begun to spread, many people still do not get their dream house, or are used to neighborhood neighbors, and do not want to move.

Moreover, the family area of ​​Lazy God Shipyard and Lazy God Shipyard are two steps away, and many people still live here.

Decades of old community, the community is shaded by trees, without deliberate planning and repair. The old lady, wearing an undershirt, shaking a fan, sitting in the shade of the grapevine, watching her grandchildren, talking loudly, But don't have a warm atmosphere of life.

When the car stopped, the driving colleague greeted each other, and the two got out of the car, unloaded the things to be transported, wore a powered exoskeleton, and carried the heavy object towards the back.

Within a few steps, I saw an old man, with a few half-big bear children, shouting and screaming.

"General Manager Hu, what are you doing?" Liang Xu asked, wondering.

"Hey, isn't this training!" President Hu pointed to the road ahead.

Liang Xu fixed his eyes and almost burst out laughing.

Not far ahead, a little robot was wearing a battle suit, and was shrinking there.

Hu Gong was surrounded by various debris stones, marbles, paper balls, plastic tubes ... Several bear children were hurriedly littering to the little robot. And the small robots just dodged in these sundries with different degrees and directions, so they weren't embarrassed.

I didn't know that this was abusive little robot yet.

"This training is useful?" Liang Xu stared, can a small robot train?

Mr. Hu is a tall man, full of silver, and stunned. He is a retired old engineer of Lazy God Shipyard. He has retired for several years before Lazy God Department bought the shipyard. His son is also now Lazy God Shipyard and is a workshop supervisor.

Although the old man is a scholar, he loves sports very much. In the museum of Lazy God Shipyard, there are pictures of them leading the staff basketball team to win the national championship of the same system.

When I heard Liang Xu asked, the old man patted his head: "Hey! Training is better than not training. As long as you cheer for training, you can always get results. I tell you that our basketball team was going to dissolve at that time. I took the lead A military order was issued, and he won't go home without a championship ... "

"Uh ..." Liang Xu didn't know what to say, but seeing that the spirit of the old man was high and the little robot was also training very hard. I don't think I should say anything, just like that.

After the delivery, they went to a nearby neighborhood. Many young people of Lazy God are renting in this neighborhood. Recently, there has been a wave of moving, because many people have moved to Lazy God Tower.

There are two or three hours a day and they will come to help move.

The man who moved today is also a lazy **** shipyard. In fact, he is worthy and young, but he has no time to buy a house.

When I reached the third floor, I knocked on the door, and there was a voice: "The door is not closed, please come in!"

Liang Xu went in and saw a young man with a messy head typing at the keyboard in front of the computer.

"Qigong, let's help move."

"Ah! So early ..." Qi Gong patted his head, "Look at me, forget to pack up in advance!"

"It's okay, let's just clean up." Liang Xu has been accustomed to such things for a long time, and these technology madmen often have a mess in their lives, and they can't survive without lazy life.

Lazy service staff is used to doing everything. It ’s easy to clean up and throw away garbage. It ’s not a big deal. It ’s common to help others clean, wash their face, and shave while they are asleep. Liang Xu even helps others Took a shower ...

"Okay, thank you, thank you, wait for me to finish this code ..." Qi Gong said, and then drew his head and started banging.

Liang Xu was busy for a while, and he was almost packed, saying: "Qigong, and some personal belongings, see how to deal with it."

"Oh, oh, wait for another five minutes." Qi Gong's eyes widened, and the sound of typing on the keyboard with both hands was like a storm.

Five minutes later, Qi Gong exhaled and said, "Finally done."

"Qigong, what are you busy with?" Liang Xu stared, still unable to understand.

In fact, not all lazy gods will become very good at code. Liang Xu feels that he is the kind of person who cannot learn these things, but he knows that his boss, Iron Egg, is an intermediate master, so he will write code. People feel particularly revered.

"Oh, this is a real-time feedback system for ballistic detection, which can automatically monitor and analyze the trajectories of up to hundreds of trajectories, and make timely measures. I have now set up the framework, and the next step is to fill the data ... If there is no problem with the model, it can even be done like a master of martial arts, passing through the flowers, and the leaves will not stick! "

"Wow, that's great. It won't be used on aircraft carriers!" Liang Xu has a respectful face, a cultural person!

"For this little guy." Qi Gong pointed to the corner, crouched on the charging base, and looked at the frustrated little robot.

Don't ask Liang Xu how to see that this little guy with only a camera is frustrated. He now knows more and more about the body language of small robots.

But when Xu Gong said so, Liang Xu was sweating.

"Listen to you ... it may be used on aircraft carriers, but the aircraft carriers do not have such good maneuverability to avoid it. By the way, I will set up an interception mode. As long as one, you can bounce off all attacks!" Qi Gong was excited.

Liang Xu began to fantasize about the kind of bullet that bounced back and forth in the movie, and opened up all the fragments of the other bullet ...

What a special metamorphosis!

how can that be!

But Qi Gong immersed himself again.

The two looked at each other: "What can I do?"

"Lift away." Liang Xu waved.

That's not a lot of weight for a person wearing a powered exoskeleton.

So they lifted people off the table.

After busy working in the morning, the two finally took a breath and returned to the lazy warehouse area. They heard a crackling sound in the warehouse area ~ ~ They thought the little robot had rebelled again and ran over , And then I watched.

In the corner of the warehouse area, in front of the "doghouse", several small robots are wearing strange red shells with many sensors, and are throwing fire at each other.

In the kennel, countless small robots protruded out of the camera, screamed in astonishment, and swung their heads back and forth to chase several small robots: "a ~~"

A young man was recording data and saw the two come over and explained quickly: "I am a classmate of General Manager Tie, I am working in the Lazy God Lab, just call me Xiao Li, today I will borrow a place to test various fireworks Mr. Iron has agreed on the parameters of the firecrackers, so don't bother. "

I heard that Iron Egg agreed, and the two said they wouldn't bother, then stared and asked, "What are you testing?"

"Oh, I'm testing the explosion power, flight, air resistance, and the impact of different explosion methods on the trajectory of various fireworks ..."

"I guess you are not for an aircraft carrier, is it for a firework battle?"

"Yeah, you also participated, I've tested the data, and then find a program that will help me write an algorithm ..."

"I seem to ... know someone who has this algorithm ..." Liang Xu said.

After dark, Liang Xu, General Manager Hu, Qi Gong and Xiao Li gathered in an open space in the warehouse area.

Looking at the piles of fireworks and fireworks around him, and four very serious people, colleagues Liang Xu said ... a little bit unintelligible.

Isn't it a firework battle?

Why, so serious?

Tactics, training, algorithms, data ... this seems to be all there is to it.

And these serious people ... seem to come up with something extraordinary?

"For the champion!" The four men who differed greatly in age and background also shouted in unison.

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