Lazy God Possession

Vol 2 Chapter 1118: : Lesson 1 of Lazy God 2

(Well, today is 5 more, right? Uncle Ha is not good at math ...

In fact, many children's shoes are rewarded by Uncle H, especially children's shoes such as Water, Air and Cold, Qingqiu Nian, Alpha Razor, Old Man Old Things 71, and Tae Hyun.

However, the code word is harder to write later, and the more you write the closer to the end, the less you want to write.

But no more, I'm sorry for the rewards of children's shoes ...

But if you think about it, Uncle Ha's turtle ... Hundreds of thousands of words should be a long time away, and it will burst out happily.

the above. )

With this crazy wave sweeping the globe, all kinds of public opinion are intensifying.

The students of Lazy God Phase II also feel very complicated at this time.

Suddenly worth hundreds of millions before entering school? Or dollars?

This is not a falsehood. Many students even received quotations in private and wanted to "purchase quota" from them.

This is a real "worth"!

The price of identity.

If the lazy seminary did not come out to clarify that lazy seminary was admitted under a real-name system and there was no such thing as "place", I am afraid that the students of lazy seminary would be in danger.

Even so, these rich people don't want to give up.

There is nothing in this world, but there are many people.

This year's lazy seminary has admitted more than 100 people. Who knows how many will be admitted next year?

And how will you be admitted? How to enroll? Will it even be accepted? Is it like some extremely special universities that enroll students only once every four years?

what is this? This is also scarce!

After this village, there is no such shop.

Rather than fight with countless people next year and fight hard, it is better to fight with others now.

In this world, many people are not bad money and are not afraid to spend money.

Because they think that a place in lazy seminary is worth the money!

This is the true pride of heaven!

When a message is passed around, it seems to be true.

When more and more wealthy people have joined this wave of prayers, when governments of all countries are contacting lazy gods, and want to communicate this matter, when ambassadors from various countries make repeated requests to the headquarters of lazy gods, when 6 Zhen Guo When they were commissioned as lobbyists, even lazy gods had to seriously consider this matter.

It's not a strange thing to spend money on the status of a prestigious school. In fact, there are such things as donating students, but in fact, the donation amount of lazy seminary is too high.

The first phase of Lazy Divinity School is for senior 6 candidates. Foreigners do not have this opportunity.

Without knowing how many countries, desperately wanted to plug a person into the lazy seminary.

In the end, even the old horse came to Nanming to plead.

"Ten places, just ten places, master, just nod your head!" This can win the support of many people for the old horse, so the old horse's petition is especially sincere.

In the end, Nanming compromised.

The fourth epic trip, each boat ticket comes with a lazy seminary place, and all the income from this epic trip will be injected into the lazy seminary account for all students of lazy seminary to study and start a business .

In many economics classes, there are often virtual accounts, allowing them to make various simulated investment and business activities with virtual money, and then judged and scored by professors.

In the future, in the economics class of lazy gods, this simulated business experiment ... will use real money.

When the news of the fourth epic journey finally came out, the whole world was really crazy.

The price of ferry tickets is even more crazy.

The average ticket price of 400 million US dollars, almost broke the record of the last moon landing.

This also means that before the lazy seminary officially started, it had already donated up to 400 million US dollars.

What does this money mean in education?

Say much, not much. After all, the tyrants in the education industry, King Abdullah University of Science and Technology in the Middle East, the funding for the establishment of the school came from King Abdullah's $ 200 million donation.

Compared with this huge sum, $ 400 million is nothing.

Say less, and definitely a lot. In the widely rumored rumor about the establishment of Stanford University, "dressing plainly" and being seen low by the president of Harvard University, and finally set up a Stanford couple by themselves-by the way, old Stanford is not only a railway tycoon , Even once the governor of California, there is no possibility that the president of Harvard University can see people low—the fund for school building is only $ 50 million. Now, it is $ 120 million and $ 4 billion. Dozens more than he did.

King Abdullah University of Technology, which received $ 200 million, is still a bad school.

Stanford, built by 5oo Wan, is now the world's top prestigious school.

It can be seen that this money does not represent anything.

Nan Ming didn't take this money very seriously, he had already figured out how to use it.


The Silence in late August and early September has been running around the country, picking up students everywhere.

And countless people all over the world have got a schedule of the Silencer, and they chase the Silencer everywhere just to see the glorious scenery of "Ten Days to Heaven".

Everywhere the Silence went, almost all kinds of black people crowded the streets.

For those admitted students, there are various police forces outside the home to control them closely, and they are almost given a silent number by the gongs and drums of various cities.

Seeing this scene, Ding Yihui couldn't help crying, complaining about Hao Cong Chen: "Worm, why do you want to be the first to pick me up ..."

If you can enjoy this kind of treatment, it is estimated that the parents will be happier.

"If you want to come, you can do it again." Chen Haocong patted his **** indifferently. "I'm going to tell Uncle Ming, this is not a problem!"

"You're good, we didn't take the Silent at the time!" The first phase of Lazy God has begun to gather again. Everyone rushed back from Tiannan Haibei. After a month, everyone seemed to have matured a lot.

Especially Zhao Zhuang and Hu Xiaoyang, who were originally black, are now as dark as iron eggs.

The little fat man Yuan Shang was envious of the treatment of their lazy gods Phase II: "My dad also complained about me yesterday, no wonder that I shouldn't have reported it so early ~ ~ he had wanted such a good look It's ... "

"If you want, we can do it again." Chen Haocong said, "Uncle Ming will definitely agree."

"Forget it ..." Yuan Shang shrugged shrugged, "It's nothing, you still give Xiaohui another chance ..."

"I don't want it either." Ding Yihui quickly waved his hand, just joking, he was already content.

"By the way, you came just right, come here to sign and sign the card." Chen Haocong waved to Ding Yihui.

"What card?" Ding Yihui wondered a bit, stepped forward and signed, and received a black bank card.

"The first lesson of Lazy Divinity School, spend money." Yuan Shang thief looked at Ding Yihui with a smile. "There is 50 million US dollars in it. This money should have been earned by yourself, but now that you have a donation to help you donate , Go straight to the last step. "

"Don't worry, it will be enough before the official start of school." Chen Haocong said.


Ding Yihui almost threw out the card in his hand. As soon as he entered school, he received 50 million US dollars?

And in a few days ... spent it all?

"You are so lucky." In this way, Yuan Shang still sighed. "Not only did we earn the money ourselves, but also spent it in one day, or in France! This is too difficult!"

"How to spend? This ... can you do anything?" Ding Yihui looked at the card and felt it was very hot. "What to do if you don't want to spend?"

"Buy a car, buy a house, buy anything, you can invest in anything, even you can reward the webcaster ... If you don't want to spend it, you can try money laundering, as long as you can hide the school's investigation." Chen Haocong laughed.

"By the way, in the end, you have to spend money to form a report and get credits." Yuan Shang warned Ding Yihui, "I urge you to be creative."

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