Lazy God Possession

Vol 2 Chapter 1124: : Change the world first, then change yourself

For the first time, Ding Yihui felt that his parents were weaker than being bullied and discriminated against.

"Out of control", this is Ding Yihui's biggest feeling.

Why is the exhibition of one thing different from what they think?

"Xinghui Aerospace" has not yet completed the acquisition of the Second Institute, and China Aerospace has already held a press conference there to lay out its own strategy.

I have to say that the conference of China Aerospace, although not luxurious, is well prepared, and it is much more detailed than his exhibition plan, which can only be regarded as a simple scheme.

Target groups, product models, commercial displays ... everything.

Idea has been robbed, the cloth will be robbed, and even future exhibitions seem to have been robbed.

The whole world suddenly appeared to them in full malicious intent.

This is how the four children felt.

Sitting in the conference room dumbly, listening to the voice of the conference in the TV, Ding Yihui wanted to turn off the TV, but felt that he was weak and his cell phone rang, and he stayed for a long time before responding, but didn't want to answer.

Fortunately, he glanced at him, and then a spirit: "It is Teacher Nan!"

After all, the bear children of Lazy God Phase 2 haven't had much contact with Nanming. They haven't been embarrassed to call it "Uncle Ming", but they must have answered the phone call from Nanming.

But picking up the phone, Ding Yihui didn't know what to say, and his mood suddenly dropped.

There is a sense of guilt that has failed the expectations of the parents.

Nan Ming's voice sounded quite happy.

"Congratulations, Xiaohui children's shoes, you did a good job in the second lesson. The students on my side haven't finished it yet, you are ahead!"

"Ah ... uh?" Ding Yihui wondered for ten seconds before responding: "Second lesson?"

"Yes, the first lesson is to learn how to spend money. You did a great job too. Give encouragement and give a little red flower!" Nan Ming laughed opposite.

"The second lesson ..."

"Xiaohui children's shoes, why did you start Xinghui Aerospace for the first time? Is it for making money?"

"No, I want to change the status quo of Aerospace Street ..." Ding Yihui subconsciously said that money was intended to make money, but it was certainly not the whole reason.

"So have you changed now?" Nan Ming asked him.

"Uh ..." Ding Yihui froze again.

He went to the window subconsciously, pushed open the window and looked out.

Outside the window, there is Space Street.

At this time, the Sky Street was completely deserted and busy.

Seems to return to the scene in his memory.

No, it's much busier than before.

He made a plan the day before yesterday. He arrived at the No. 2 Institute yesterday. Today I watched someone else grab his idea ... How did all this happen?

"But we ... haven't done anything ..." Ding Yihui said.

"Ding Yihui children's shoes, I can tell you very responsible that you have not only changed the space street, but also the world." Nan Mingdao, "Who said you did nothing? You did a lot, but you did not realize that you walked out Every step of the process has caused a change in this world. This is the second lesson of our lazy seminary. Change the world. You are doing well. Give you a little red flower! "

The second lesson of Lazy Divinity School ... is to change the world?

I do n’t know why, Ding Yihui has a lot of vomiting, and the second lesson has changed the world. Teacher Nan, no, Uncle Ming, the difficulty of this course is a bit outrageous, does the Education Bureau know?

Unconsciously was given two small red flowers, should this be proud?

Listening to Nan Ming's voice, the indignation in Ding Yihui's heart gradually disappeared. He looked again at the sky street in front of him. This lively, hopeful, and crowded sky street became so active because of him. Is this ... also an achievement?

How many people in this world can achieve this achievement?

Gradually, an inexplicable pride rose, as Aristotle said, give me a fulcrum and I can lift the earth.

Now, he really pried the earth!

"Aren't you a little proud?" Nan Ming laughed again. "But don't be proud, get ready for the third lesson."

Lesson Three?

Ding Yihui raised his ears and Nan Ming said, "Although you have created such a situation yourself, it is still very uncomfortable to be robbed."

accurate! Of course it's bad!

Even if there are 10,000 reasons, being robbed is just being robbed!

Of course it will be unhappy!

Ding Yihui now regrets why he didn't punch him in the abominable face of Vice President Gao!

"But don't worry." Nanming said, "It's not because they did it, we can't do it. Isn't it competition, why, are you afraid?"

"No!" Ding Yihui said quickly, but a voice in his heart said, "That's China Aerospace."

Born in China Aerospace and raised in China Aerospace, Ding Yihui knew better than others what a behemoth it was.

One annex two is already so huge.

"I'm not afraid, because of this competition, we have never lost a lazy god." Nanming Road.

In a word, Ding Yihui's heart bounced.


Never lost!

"Go back and say that now that you've changed the world, you have to make yourself worthy of this world."

"Or to say two more, if you are unhappy with this world, then you can step on this world!"

Ding Yihui has a black line in his forehead. Uncle Ming, isn't that a bit too middle-second?

Ding Yihui fantasised that Nan Ming stepped on a stool with one foot on the table ~ ~ One finger to the sky, one finger to the ground, and the sky and the ground, only I have the respectable middle two ...

"So, the third lesson is to become a stronger self!"

When you have conflict with this world, do you change the world or change yourself?

Some people say they want to change the world, some people say they can't change the world, then they can only change themselves.

Some people say that it is difficult to change the world, and some people say that it is difficult to change themselves.

So, do you want to change the world or change yourself?

What is the answer of lazy gods?

Change the world first, then change yourself!

"Uncle Ming, will the world change the next lesson!" Ding Yihui finally couldn't help voicing.

Change the world first, then change yourself. Then change the world, change yourself ...

"When is this head ..."

"When everyone can't even look up to you! But you say the end ..." Nanming Road opposite, "Someone has been playing this way until one day he got tired and started a school……"

Ding Yihui felt that he wanted to hang up and panic for Nan Ming across the phone, boasting whether he could be so exaggerated, Uncle Ming, could you not be so sick?

"Okay, Sister Zhixin's conversation is over. Please find an agent to receive the book later."

In the post of deputy squad leader, in the friendly exchanges and competition between Chen Haocong and 6 Furry, 6 Furry was defeated by two panda eyes and fell on Chen Haocong.

After getting the book from Chen Haocong, Ding Yihui looked a little dizzy looking at the list in front of him.

"What is this?" Several other students came together.

"It seems like a set of ... technical lists?"

"Well, the textbook is entrusted to you. You should eat it thoroughly, understand it, and use it lively!" Chen Haocong explained.

Ding Yihui almost rolled his eyes and passed out.

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