Lazy God Possession

Vol 2 Chapter 1137: : 1 person decorated 2 corners

"Because your grades are very good, I can give you some extra rewards, such as your satellite technology or something. Would you like me to provide you with a technical document?" Nan Ming opposite said very casually.

With this technical document, various difficulties facing Xinghui Aerospace can be said to be easily solved.

Waiting for Xinghui Aerospace will be an endless bright future.

At that moment, Ding Yihui almost reached out a small hand in his throat and wanted to write this technical document in his hand.

But after a few seconds of silence, Ding Yihui laughed suddenly: "No, I want to ... try it for myself!"

The parts were given, and various technologies were also available. But just integrating them, couldn't it be done?

How does this work!

They are lazy gods phase two!

"After all, lesson 3 has not been completed yet, become a better self!"

Hanging up the phone, Ding Yihui turned his head, took a deep breath, and came to: "Everyone cheer! Come again 48 times!"

On the other side of the phone, several giants of Lazy God are in the office.

When Nanming called, several people were silent. After hanging up the phone, Feng Tianyou shook his head and sighed: "General Nan, have you forced these children too tightly? This is another lesson. The requirements are too high! I feel scared when I hear them. "

"It's amazing! It's amazing!" Wang Ziyang shook his head again and again. "Can you do better than Xiaohui?"

"Honestly?" Nan Ming shook his head again and again: "No! I think when our lazy technology exhibition started, it was ..."

"A mess." Everyone laughed.

Only because the lazy **** has absolute leading technology can it be crushed all the way.

But the mistakes made this way are almost beyond description ...

Looking back, it is estimated that the negative textbooks of the business school cannot run.

For example, until now, lazy gods have ignored the capital.

"Mr. Nan also said that you should let me be a teacher, I dare not be a ..." The other people were even more worried.

Compared with Ding Yihui, they rethinked themselves, and they sighed.

"Being a teacher is n’t necessarily better than students, or is it necessary to be a world champion to teach a world champion? Xiaohui is particularly talented and is the best one in the second phase of Lazy God. Maybe one day, he will pick us up I ca n’t help but want to see the banner of the gods, what else can he surprise me ... ”Nanming sighed.

It feels that someone will soon be able to carry the banner of lazy gods, and the day when they can really retire is not far away!


Getting Nanming's affirmation is like turning away the clouds and mist to see the sun and the moon, and blocking Ding Yihui in front of them, but it is a chicken and a dog.

Perhaps it is a change in mentality and thinking. When the mentality is relaxed, it is technically an obstacle like ice, and it gradually loosens.

In less than half a day, four people have made great progress.

Everything is difficult at the beginning, and everything really goes smoothly after you really begin to overcome the technology.

However, Xinghui Aerospace is not just a technical issue that requires human care.

After all, it is a start-up company. It has various tasks to deal with. Ding Yihui closed the door and delved into the technology. The first two days were mainly divided into the Second Division. The leaders of the two institutes have left, and Xinghui Aerospace started to run by itself, but without OSS, who would dare to decide?

Everyone's eyes darkened, and finally they were sent to Ding Jun.

After all, it is "the emperor", and you can always bear the responsibility.

Ding Jun has been a security guard for so many years. Where can I manage this? Even if Hu Xiaojun was there to help, Hu Xiaojun was just a young man from the "Lazy On Fourth Period". It didn't take long for him to stand on his own, and he could barely maintain it.

The two accumulated a wave of affairs, wandering around the door of the conference room, watching four people who came out to the toilet, just went up to ask a wave.

But four people, who have never dealt with this kind of transactional work, are also obscured with two eyes, feeling headache than technical problems.

Vice President Gao came around in the morning, and sat in the aftercare office next to the conference room. After seeing these people scratching their heads because of a simple problem, they couldn't help but give two pointers. They were still confused. , Helplessly sighed: "Okay, I'll help you stand first! Right, the negotiating team is coming to Changxi, you must be ready to prepare, let me come if you can't negotiate!"

The trajectory of Vice President Gao's promotion all the way started from the Institute. He has been the director of the Institute. Although he has not done this job for many years, it is also easy to handle.

Now is the separation period of Xinghui Aerospace and the Second Affiliated Institute. As a high-level executive of China Aerospace, it is natural that the vice president must find a way to help China Aerospace retain talents as much as possible.

The staff helped the employees to go through the transfer procedures and the resignation procedures. The vice president always talked to the employees first: "Are you sure you really want to leave the No. 2 Affiliated Office ~ ~ Leave our China Aerospace and join Starlight ? "

"I don't deny that Xinghui Aerospace is very promising, but the two companies attached to us are national companies with the prefix, and they are a manifestation of national strength. In China Aerospace, there is also a place where you can display your talents and serve the motherland better. Would you like to be careful Think about it? "

"Considered? Okay, I'll stamp it for you," snapped a stamp, and then said, "Go, take the file, find someone from Xinghui Aerospace to join the post."

"Where to join?" Vice President Gao stood up and looked at him. Both Ding Jun and Hu Xiaojun had disappeared. I wondered whether they were preparing to negotiate or had run away. Helplessly patted their heads and said, "Sit down, I'll talk to you Uh ... "

"This ... Xinghui Aerospace, although it is a new company, but backed by lazy gods, and there are a few years of strong and highly motivated leaders, so the future exhibition is unlimited."

"Although Xinghui Aerospace is not a state-owned enterprise, it is also our Chinese enterprise. Working for Xinghui Aerospace still wins glory for the country."

"Now is the time for Xinghui Aerospace Exhibition. As long as you work hard, your position, treatment, and even the original shares are not a problem, you must believe that there will be a great future in Xinghui Aerospace."

"What about your work? Before the continuation, the office and the like will remain unchanged for the time being, but I hope you can play a little more subjective initiative. Now the company is starting up and there is a shortage of people everywhere. You need this kind of experienced and enthusiastic Employees, if there is any need to check for defects, you need to raise it first. "

"Okay, I'll stamp it for you, and then I will enter your file. You are now officially joining Xinghui Aerospace!"

"Well, work hard, work hard, lad, work hard, I look forward to you!"

In this way, Vice President Gao was sitting in the aftercare office, and one person decorated the two corners without any sense of disharmony.

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