Lazy God Possession

Vol 2 Chapter 1223: : Yingcong No. 1

There is no airtight wall in this world. As one of the most important dates in this world, Zhao Xiao fat's wedding date, after entering the US intelligence system, immediately looked like a leaky sieve, leaking everywhere.

Now everyone in the world knows that the time when the lazy gods landed on Mars is the 29th day of the first lunar month of the Chinese lunar calendar, which is March 7, 2016.

The latest Sun Mars, which is the closest day between Earth and Mars, was May 22, 2016, with more than two months to go.

This also means that the lazy gods did not care about the reduction in the distance brought by the Martian charge.

At the same time, it also means that if you want to land on Mars before the lazy gods, you must grab it before this time, otherwise there will be no residue left! Therefore, the time window of "Mars Rushing Sun" has lost its meaning of existence, and the difficulty of landing on Mars has suddenly increased!

If it can be cursed, it is estimated that the aerospace agencies of all countries will jump out and yell: "Sure, can't you be such a daddy! This is fun!"

Landing on Mars was already a very difficult task, but now I have given an additional question. Do you want to do this paper or not?

But the vast majority of people in this world have no ability to choose. When Lazy God Technology announced that it would undergo transformation, it was said that Lazy God Technology will focus on technology leadership, which means that it wants you to develop. Which aspect of science and technology, how fast is the development, and how much are you investing?

Because if you do n’t invest and do n’t bring out the technology within a limited time, I am afraid that it will be eliminated from the competition forever.

In the eyes of astronauts all over the world, the lazy system is like an abominable overseer, holding a small whip in his hand, to see who is not moving, or if he is not working hard, he throws the whip and snaps it.

Seeing that the United States and Russia have successfully carried out the first test run, and the countries that have not yet tested the Mars race-My Rabbit, the European Union, the United Kingdom and India, have also started to accelerate progress.

The structure of the Mars plan has changed again and again. In the face of the ultimate goal, some countries have begun to abandon their suspicions and cooperate closely.

The British Mars program was formally incorporated into the European Aviation Agency after two months of independence.

The Indian Space Agency announced the cancellation of the independent Mars program and joined the European Aviation Agency's Daedalus program.

Japan announced the cancellation of its independent Mars program, and the Orion spacecraft in the United States added a Japanese crew member.

In fact, Japan ’s independent Mars plan has always just stayed on paper, they have been busy trying to hold a thigh, but everyone did n’t take him to play much, this time they finally got to Dad ’s thigh.

In fact, they want to hug my rabbit's thigh, because both in terms of region and race, they are more similar. Japan and South Korea and other countries, after all, are just a branch of Chinese culture. In the future of colonization of the universe, people It is possible that this species will replace the state and become a natural dividing line.

Compared with the transparency of space programs in various countries, my rabbit's "stunning plan" is more mysterious.

At present, the outside world only knows that when the initial evaluation was carried out, the "Frightening Project" was only about 18% complete, far behind the United States and Russia, and also behind the European Aviation Authority.

After all, the Orion plan in the United States and the Mars plan in Russia are both perfect Martian plans as early as the Cold War, but I have to start from scratch.

But just at the end of the year, a shocking news came that my rabbit will conduct the first test drive of the "Frightening Plan" around New Year's Day!

In the official announcement, the experimental spacecraft of the "Frightening Project" was directly named "Fingering One", which is also a nuclear-powered spacecraft carrying research carried out by China Aerospace, a Seventh Institute, and Qingda Lazy God. The new generation of Long March nuclear power engine designed and manufactured by the Institute and 722 Aerospace Propulsion Institute ......

Seeing the four names of China Aerospace, a Seventh Institute, Qingda Lazy God Power Research Institute and 722 Aerospace Power Research Institute, people who knew the inside story laughed a little bit.

The Qingda Lazy God Power Institute and the 722 Aerospace Power Institute behind it mean… Lazy God Shipyard and Bear Kid Technology.

As we all know, Qingda Lazy God Dynamics Research Institute is Feng Tianyou of Lazy God Shipyard. A cooperation with his teacher was also a gift he gave to his mentor, pushing his mentor to the top authority in the engine field in one fell swoop. .

722 Aerospace Propulsion Institute is the cooperation between the youth and the military.

The Lazy Gods Department took a few turns, and basically used the name through the cooperation project of "Qingyang University" and military and political places.

With the technical blessings of Lazy God Shipyard and Bear Kid Technology, it is not surprising that my rabbit's enchanting plan has such a leap-forward development.

Over time, after more and more news was disclosed, the information of My Rabbit's Yinghuo No. 1 was gradually spread.

The biggest feature of Yinghao No.1 is that it is big!

Very big! Super big!

Because of the biggest convenience of the "Star Bridge", the United States and Russia need to use the space elevator to poke the parts of space a little bit. I can launch several cars at once!

The volume of Yingyue-1 is three times larger than the Orion spacecraft, 2.2 times that of the Messiah, and 4 times that of Daedalus in the information disclosed by the European Aviation Authority.

In shape, Yinghao No.1 is like a stick folded in half, or a "nunchaku", two pillars connected side by side.

Experts speculate that after Yingyou-1 reaches Mars, it will be divided into two halves, half of which orbits in Mars orbit to become a permanent space station, and the other half is for landing operations.

The test of Yingyue-1 ~ ~ also used the simulation method of landing on the moon.

Theoretically, this is the first time my rabbit has landed on the moon, but under the "mars exploration test vehicle" and the lazy gods before eating a side dish, the two words "landing the moon", whether official or private, have not been mentioned .

Mars is close at hand, what is it to land on the moon?

As the New Year's Day in 2016 gets closer, the astronauts are busy day by day.

But these things, and the relationship between the people and the people, don't seem to be particularly big. Many people don't realize that maybe they can go on Mars while on vacation soon. They also think that this will It is a sight that cannot be seen in his lifetime.

No matter how the world develops, there are still countless people living mediocrely. From nine to five, watch movies, games, novels, or YY.

But there are also many ordinary people who, because of this constantly developing world, have changed themselves and realized their dreams in life.

Dongbin Wistron, once a small humble company, ran a huge banner on New Year's Day.

The banner of "Celebrating Yinghao No. 1 Test Drive and Dongbin Weichuang Become the Appointed Supplier of Yingying Program" was flying in the wind.

Next to it, there is a big sign: "All the airtight parts on Yinghao No. 1 come from Dongbin Wistron! Made in Dongbin, Mars quality!"

This day, across the country, I don't know how many small and large companies that used to be inconspicuous all advertised banners. If anyone pays attention, they will definitely find that these companies are undoubtedly suppliers of lazy gods!

Silent has been quiet, no test drive, still running its progress bar silently.

But these companies on the progress bar have become the real backbone.

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