Lazy God Possession

Chapter 256: : 100% probability

"Do you really want to say that?" Xu Yafei's careful fluttering of his liver was irritating on one hand and nervous on the other.

"Of course!" Nanming said, "otherwise I will!"

"No, I said!" Xu Yafei picked up the phone and heard the deafening roar over there: "Xu Yafei, you bastard, where are you going?"

Xu Yafei had a little guilt just now, and he immediately flew away. He grinned and said, "I'm sorry, Professor Guo. My brother is uncomfortable. I will send him home first. I just saw how happy you were. Sorry to bother you. Thank you so much for your hospitality. I was originally a poor student. If you were n’t for your hospitality, I would n’t have the opportunity to eat in such a high-end place in my life. Then I will definitely ask back. I ca n’t afford the expensive ones. Just ask you to have a barbecue. What do you say? "

Nan Ming gave Xu Yafei a thumbs up, your boy, it is indeed my eldest nephew, my son is bad!

It was so pure just now. I opened my mouth and it was slipperier than anyone else.

"Xu Yafei, this doctor of yours, I don't think you want to go on!" Guo Zhixun was blasted.

He had a good time just now, but he didn't notice how the two of them were still stunned.

When he looked up and saw that no one was there, he felt that he was not right. He sat there for a moment and asked the waiter to ask, and then he knew that Nanming had already left.

Guo Zhixun exploded at the time. In fact, he wanted to drive away, but the waiter was staring closely. He couldn't run anymore, so he could only call Xu Yafei.

"I don't deserve a Ph.D. You don't count." Xu Yafei said coldly.

"I don't believe it, I can't control you even a little master, I think which professor of Qingyang University dare to accept you!" Guo Zhixun said harshly.

Nan Ming pouted his lips. Which onion do you count? Can you still be the home of Qingyang University?

It's useless to say more, Xu Yafei said, "Teacher, eat slowly. I'm on the phone."

eat slowly. Eat all you have to eat, otherwise how can you afford the food of 10,000?

"Don't you really want to confuse me. Be careful I call you a scam!" Opposite, Guo Zhixun was furious.

Nan Ming laughed, called the police?

You should call me and see!

Xu Yafei was a bit tangled. If he did report to the police, would he really be caught or what trouble would Nanming bring?

"Don't worry about him, he bluffs." Nan Ming said.

Guo Zhixun dare to call the police? He hasn't called the police yet.

Nan Ming took out his mobile phone and opened a video. Show it to Xu Yafei. The scene where Guo Zhixun asked Xu Yafei for 100,000 yuan was recorded by him.

Nan Ming intends to wait for the right time to give this thing to the principal's old man. As of now, the principal has done enough in these days. Let him rest for a few days.

By the way, let the teacher Guo Zhixun jump for a few more days to see what tricks he can come up with.

Xu Yafei was relieved. He said goodbye and hung up.

Seeing Xu Yafei's emotions were not particularly high, Nanming comforted him: "Relax. The two-legged toad is hard to find, and the two-legged professors are not many ... wait, this sentence doesn't seem to be very Correct……"

Xu Yafei burst out with a laugh.

"Relax." Nan Ming patted his chest. "In Qingyang, Uncle Ming helps you decide."

"It's all up to you, Uncle Ming!" Xu Yafei echoed.

To be honest, before he came to Qingyang, he never thought that this would be the case in Qingyang, and someone would help himself in everything, and it felt like ... it was actually great.

Nan Ming looked down at the phone again, and suddenly remembered where he had heard the name Guo Zhixun.

He opened a text message on his phone. It happened that Guo Zhixun's name was in it.

This is the name of everyone who applied to join the Vision Institute.

Qingyang University wants to take this opportunity. Expanding the Vision Institute into a comprehensive laboratory was originally just a "Vision Institute". The classification is really too narrow.

The original plan was to start from three closely related disciplines in biology, chemistry, and medicine, set up several high-level laboratories, solve several issues, and make the Institute of Vision a brand of Qingyang University.

If it goes well, continue to invest in the future, add more topics, and eventually become a comprehensive laboratory.

Do you want to submerge me? I really don't know who is going to rule.


"Hello, hello? Talk! Talk!"

Opposite, Guo Zhixun called into the phone for a while, then it was confirmed that Xu Yafei really hung up the phone.

"You can't do this! It's time to treat you!" Guo Zhixun dialed Xu Yafei's phone again, but it couldn't be reached at all.

Xu Yafei has blacklisted him.

Guo Zhixun looked up again and saw the little waitress. He suddenly blessed himself and recalled some previous clues. I don't know why. Nan Ming's words suddenly jumped into his head.

He suddenly stunned, shouting: "I want to complain! Your shark fins are fake! Not true!"

"Guest, if our shark fins are fake, why did you eat all of them?" The waitress sneered and pointed at the very clean several shark fins as the main course.

Guo Zhixun gaped, when did he eat all the shark fins? Isn't this the elimination of all the evidence?

"Sir, if you don't have cash on us, we can swipe the card."

"Do you know who I am?" Guo Zhixun shouted.

"Sir, no matter who you are, you can't eat overlord meals. This is a society ruled by law." The waitress said, taking two steps back, two big men in security uniforms strode in, staring at them Looking at Guo Zhixun.

After Guo Zhixun swiped the card with tears to pay, the waitress smiled and sent two delicate packing boxes to Guo Zhixun: "Sir, here are two packed shark fin rice you ordered ..."

Guo Zhixun did not know how he came out of the hotel. When he came to his senses, he found that he had already walked on a small road outside the hotel.

"Asshole!" He shook his hand suddenly, and the shark fin rice in his hand flew out and hit the wall.

"Oh, my shark fin rice!" He hurried over to pick up the packing box that had been scooped out.

Regardless of whether it is real or fake, there are hundreds of copies, and it is a pity to lose them.

"Can still eat, take it back to Li Chenggong asshole." Guo Zhixun waved his fist fiercely: "Eat him! Hey!"


In the laboratory of the Chemical Engineering Department of Qingyang University, Li Chenggong was wearing protective clothing and was doing his experiments intently.

There were a few graduate students around him, and they were a little confused as they watched Li Chenggong's operation step by step.

"I have already done this matching experiment. Spectral analysis has initially proved that this matching ratio has not yet reached the most appropriate effect." A graduate student said.

Li successfully turned a deaf ear, completed the last step of the experiment, waited a moment, and said to a graduate student: "Go and analyze it, and give me the analysis report later."

The graduate student muttered, but went obediently.

Just then, a student in charge of experimental equipment came over, looked around, and asked, "Well, I just put a petri dish here. Who took it?"

"It's here? Right, didn't I take out this petri dish? Well, no ..."

Everyone's complexion changed. The experiment just took the wrong sample!

Fortunately, there are very few explosives in their laboratory, or something went wrong just now.

But even so, this is a serious experimental accident.

"That experiment just now ..." Everyone looked at each other and looked at Li Chenggong together.

"Continue testing ~ ~ What are you panic!" Li Chenggong was very calm.

After nearly an hour, the test results finally came out.

Everyone was staring blankly at the detected results.

Wrong sampling, but the experiment was successful in the end? What is the probability of such success? One millionth? One billionth?

In short, the probability is almost impossible!

"The experimental steps have been written down just now, and the recurring experiments are entrusted to you. I am tired and go back to rest for a while." Li Chenggong yawned and stood up indifferently.

Enjoying the shocked and even awed eyes around him, Li Chenggong was full of a sense of accomplishment.

I do n’t know when it started, he found himself different. No matter what he did, there was a power in the meditation that would make him successful, as if the “probability” thing was completely ineffective in him, as long as he thought It must be 100%.

And this difference can make him omnipotent and unfavorable! (To be continued)

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