Lazy God Possession

Chapter 261: :Compared

"Have you returned from the interview?" When Guo Zhixun returned to his office, Li Chenggong greeted him, like a young daughter desperately looking forward to her husband's return.

Guo Zhixun's heart was very eager, but when he saw Li Chenggong, he froze a bit, then slowly shook his head and said, "No, I've been brushed down."

"Stupid!" Li Chenggong's complexion suddenly changed, he threw a stack of papers in his hands, and slammed into Guo Zhixun's face severely.

This idiot cannot do such a simple thing!

At that moment, Guo Zhixun was furious. He was caught by Nan Ming and threatened. He was already very upset. He would still be abused by Li Chenggong. Could he not be angry?

He was just very polite to Li Chenggong, but this does not mean that he can completely abandon his self-esteem and disregard his own face. On the contrary, he really values ​​his face.

He grabbed the piece of paper that Li Chenggong had thrown, and wanted to smash it back severely, but when his gaze passed, he was instantly attracted by the words on it.

"This ... this ... did you succeed?" It was like eating a bowl of shaved ice in the hottest summer, Guo Zhixun suddenly calmed down, "you ... this ..."

He couldn't help being calm.

"Discovering the relationship between a single stimulus and the reverse transformation of stem cells ..." Guo Zhixun's eyes widened. This will be a sensational, absolutely sensational discovery!

"Really ... really successful?" Guo Zhixun was so speechless that he just shouted.

Li Chenggong looked at him quietly, very indifferent.

What if it succeeds?

Guo Zhixun knew that Li Chenggong was doing a similar project before, but this project is too huge to be successful.

Moreover, this kind of research was originally more biologically oriented. Not chemistry, so he just paid attention.

"Yes, the experiments and repeated experiments have been successful. The spleen lymphocytes of newborn mice were exposed to a low pH solution for a short time. It can activate the reprogramming of cells and retransform the differentiated lymphocytes. Into stem cells. "

What are stem cells? Stem cells are the earliest undifferentiated cells in the human body. They can be differentiated into any kind of cell, any kind of tissue, skin, bone, neural tissue, brain, blood. If humans can make stem cells artificially, then humans can repair any kind of damage, can live forever, and can last forever.

It has always been almost impossible to make stem cells artificially. This can be said to be the crown of medicine and biological science.

Although the experiments are only mouse cells, since it has been proven that animal cells can do it, then human cells should also be able to!

If this discovery is published, the impact will be even more sensational than Liu Minzhong's discovery, even ten times more!

"For publication, I allow you to sign as the second author." Li Chenggong said.

"Really ... really?" Guo Zhixun was overjoyed.

"I don't believe it. With such achievements. The Vision Research Institute can still refuse you again!" Li Chenggong said.

"Why do you want me to join the Institute of Vision?" Guo Zhixun wondered. "If you publish this paper, Qingyang University will definitely set up a laboratory for you."

"You don't understand." Li Chenggong shook his head. He was attached to the Vision Institute because Nanming was also there.

He didn't actually understand why he was so attached to Nanming, but he had to prove that he was smarter than Nanming.

This is actually the effect of the intellectual authority on him. The reason why he can attract the intellectual authority is because he believes that he is smarter than all his peers in the world.

His intellectual power is not born in his own body like Nan Ming. His intellectual power is completely foreign, but only lodged in him. A piece of fleeing.

It's not easy to think who is smarter than Nan Ming.

Two people are different in age. Different grades have different fields. But if he also entered the Vision Institute. It seems that there can be a comparative reference.

Leaving Guo Zhixun, who was ecstatic and kneeling madly, returned to the laboratory, a fellow in the office ran over, holding several newspapers in his hand, and said to Li Chenggong: "Success, your interviews were sent It's up! "

Li successfully took the newspaper and saw his interview. The most advanced one is in the corner of the third edition. The longest article has a large interview manuscript and a small photo.

"A junior at Qingyang University has found a sensational result and has been recognized by the international academic community."

"Will he be the future Nobel Prize winner in chemistry?"

"Chemical genius, international sensation."

These words are more eye-catching than one.

Li Cheng smiled and tried to keep himself in control, but his heart jumped violently.

Sure enough, Sure enough I am the smartest, I am the biggest genius in the world!

Although this is a not so rigorous tabloid, the wording is exaggerated, but Li Chenggong looks very happy.

Then he turned a page, and saw the fourth edition, a huge report.

"Lazy God 'black' technology, Mr. Nan is naughty again."

"In these days, the start-up high-tech innovation team Lazy Technology has attracted the attention of many people. Their accomplishments in drones have caused international sensations, making people exclaim that newborn calves are not afraid of tigers. Lazy Technology A group of founders have always maintained good interactions with users on the Internet, especially President Nan, who is always willing to answer questions from netizens and wins the love of netizens. And just yesterday, Mr. Nan, the lazy **** technology, accidentally leaked A new drone usage, this usage is called "black" technology, and our reporters can't help but exclaim 'Chou Heda!' "

Above, there are more than ten photos in a row, all of which are photos of Nanming taken from different angles. It is just that each photo did not take Nanming's face.

"Everyone knows that Nanzong, the lazy **** technology, has always been low-key and does not like to leave his photos anywhere. Yesterday, when we interviewed at Qingyang University, we were fortunate enough to meet Nanzhuang. Then Nanzun made a joke to our reporter. Allow us to take pictures, then tragedy happens and everyone sees the pictures. "

"It is reported that President Nan uses a latest algorithm to calculate the direction of the camera, and uses the laser to illuminate the lens in real time to obscure some key details ..."

Li Chenggong threw the newspaper in his hands fiercely, and then opened another newspaper.

"Doomsday of paparazzi? Guardians protecting *?"

The gigantic topic is even more shocking and more eye-catching.

The content is even more inspiring.

"It is well known that drones have been accused of violations * since they were born, because drones can shoot you from high altitudes when you are completely unprepared. But today, this drone is used A tool for protection *. Before Laoshen Technology, the current chairman, Nan Ming, showed this new technology to reporters yesterday ... "

"Experts believe that this technology can not only play a huge role in civilian use, but also make a lot of difference in the military. This technology foreshadows ..."

Li Chenggong dropped the newspaper in his hand and grabbed another copy.

Most of his reports were from the school draft, which was dry and rarely contained.

Moreover, they are all side by side, and some are just a tofu block.

However, reports on Nanming are endless.

Some are full pages, at least half a page, and even a full page, or even a four-page feature report.

It has to be lamented that the new features of a drone ~ ~ can even report such a point!

To be honest, even Nan Ming was shocked when he saw it.

He didn't know that these days, Lazy God Technology has become the myth of getting rich overnight in China. There have been many analyzed posts and reports before, analyzing the current value of everyone in Lazy God Technology. There is even a "One month, these" People from penniless to billionaires are the charm of modern technology. "This type of post.

Starting from wealth, although this focus is vulgar, it is very easy to catch people ’s attention. Many news about lazy **** technology, people who do not understand see lively, people who understand understand technology, both audiences like News about Lazy Technology, this is a very topical company.

Topical, the media naturally likes to report.

"Asshole! I'm the best!" Li Chenggong tore the newspaper in his hands apart, and became manic.

He had a hunch that something was going to leave him, and he had to keep it, no matter what he was.

All will be necessary conditions for his great cause! (To be continued)

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