Lazy God Possession

Chapter 275: : Re-Angle

"Little aunt, please rest assured, Uncle Ming's life in school is good, his studies are good, and his friends are many." On the second floor of the Institute of Vision, in his own office, Xu Yafei was giving Nan Ming Mother called to report the situation.

It's been a week since I came here, and Xu Yafei has become the disciple of his dream Daniel, joined the Institute of Vision, and has now started to do some auxiliary research.

Moreover, he is an ordinary master student who has not had a PhD and can have his own office, which is simply crooked.

"Ah, do you think he's still so lazy ..." Xu Yafei rolled his eyes, why is Nanming so lazy? Is he lazy? Going out is either stepping on a balance car or riding a car and never seeing him walking by himself.

If you can lie down, you do n’t sit. If you can sit, you do n’t have to stand. You do n’t even have to worry about eating.

How can a person be so comfortable!

Xu Yafei was simply envious of jealousy and hate, can't wait to report it to Nanma immediately.

Shouted: "Auntie, come and see, Uncle Ming is already lazy!"

But he still had to help Nanming cover up unintentionally: "Uncle Ming is much more diligent now ..."

Xu Yafei felt that his conscience was crying, and it was dead soon.

If Nan Ming is also called diligent, then he can be regarded as a model worker.

After hearing his report, Nanma was satisfied, and after a while, Nanming never called home, and then hung up.

Xu Yafei touched his head, sweating profusely.

Then, he turned to the material in front of him, which was some ideas for his follow-up research direction.

Polymer materials, supramolecules. dna ... Xu Yafei planned an ideal and complicated roadmap for himself. Some part of this roadmap was disclosed to others. But the rest is only known to him.

And now. He is considering what kind of research will be carried out next.

In fact, there are not many directions to choose from. Most places on this roadmap are just blank and dreamy.

Nan Ming said that at the Institute of Vision, he studies what he wants, and buys whatever equipment he needs ... except he can't afford it.

As a young man in his twenties, Xu Yafei sometimes feels a little embarrassed. He was spoiled by a guy who was ten years younger than himself.

However, Nan Mingyue didn't ask him much, and Xu Yafei felt that he had to be cautious, choose a research direction, and have to produce results, which must not disappoint Nan Ming's good intentions.

God knows that this pressure is really great. Xu Yafei didn't think about tea in the past two days, and the whole person lost a lot of weight.

Thinking about it, Nanming walked in from the door and sacked a bag of snacks that he didn't know where to get it and passed it to Xu Yafei.

Xu Yafei was speechless. Did he completely treat him as a junior?

Seeing Xu Yafei's distress, Nanming asked, "What are you distressing? Speak up, let Uncle Ming help you solve it. Is it a marriage at home?"

Xu Yafei was speechless. Rolled my eyes, it was a good marriage at home, but can you solve it?

Seeing Xu Yafei's disbelief, Nanming said: "You can let them recruit more beautiful female graduate students! What age range do you like?"


Xu Yafei didn't even vomit. Is it really good to abuse private rights in this way?

Worried about Nanming's random divergence, Xu Yafei expressed his distress.

"I also came to you for this matter." Nanming said, "If you can, I hope you can conduct stem cell research."

"Stem cells ..." This is indeed his research direction, but stem cells are also the crown in cell research. The use of stem cells in humans still exists in the laboratory. In addition to the preparation method, in addition to extracting embryonic cells and umbilical cord cells, there is only an artificial induction method.

And the future development direction. There is no doubt that it is an artificial induction method. Which method is used for induction will require lengthy research and experiments.

The 2012 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine was given to the team of Professor Yamanaka Yamanaka who had been at Kyoto University in 2006.

At present, there is still no safe, harmless stem cell that can be completely used clinically.

"Two reasons." Seeing Xu Yafei a little puzzled, Nan Ming put out two fingers: "The first reason, Brother Bin. The second reason, Li succeeded."

Xu Yafei immediately understood.

Stem cells can treat nerve damage and can be used to treat Qi Bin's eyes.

The name of the visual research institute is not idle and boring. These days, although Nan Ming is busy and busy, his plan to care for the blind has not stopped at all.

The second reason is simpler. This is because Xu Yafei said to Li Chenggong last time.

And Nan Ming did get the news that Li Chenggong was doing research on stem cells.

Since it is necessary to suppress Li's success, it is natural to go head-to-head.

After the incident at the Niu Ren Club, Nan Ming found that Li Chenggong was not so easy to give in.

In the same field, Li can be really hit if he is successfully suppressed.

After a bowl of Meng Po Tang, Nan Ming knew what he wanted.


In the "rare encounter", Jiang Chaohua received a call from his wife, and hurriedly hurried back from the outside. When he entered the door, he wondered: "What's the matter to call me back, so anxious?"

These days, he has been running around with Iron Egg, and he has made some progress, which is the busiest time.

"Mr. Jiang?" A man waiting in the shop stood up and stretched out his hand, "My name is Xu Xianlong. I have contacted you before."

"Ah ..." Jiang Chaohua stretched out a finger ~ ~ He had an impression of the name, but he couldn't remember who it was.

"I'm the manager of the Royal Shark's Fin Hotel, and our executive chef has come to see you before." Xu Xianlong said.

"Oh, I remember, what are you doing to me?" Jiang Chaohua said.

"Our Royal Shark's Fin Hotel wants to invite you to our hotel, and you will definitely be satisfied with the treatment." Xu Xianlong said.

"Sorry, I'm not interested in joining someone else's hotel." Jiang Chaohua said, he glanced at his wife with a bit of blame. What kind of thing did this call him back?

Jiang Dayu is a little bit wronged. Isn't this Xu Xianlong pressing too hard?

Jiang Dazhen is a kind woman and is not so resistant to others.

"Please don't refuse so early. Our Royal Shark's Fin Hotel is the premier high-end hotel in Qingyang. Our chefs are famous from all over the world. After joining us, we can not only get rich rewards, but also learn from experts from all over the world. This opportunity is not always ... "(to be continued)

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