Lazy God Possession

Chapter 300: : Speaking Opportunities for Academic Conferences

"Finally, I can go to take a nap ... し w0. [Feng \\ / huang \\ / please search for updates soon]" Nan Ming finished his phone call, stretched himself, said.

It ’s good to release a new product, just to influence his pace of life.

Just then, Lazy God suddenly emerged: "Nanming, Li Chenggong he shook."

Nan Ming stunned. At this time, Li Chenggong was shaken?

Obviously his total offense has not yet begun.

"So, can you revoke your authority now?" Nanming asked quickly.

Hearing that it wasn't working for a while, Nanming was a little disappointed, but soon got excited again and was about to succeed!

While he is dying to kill him, in this case, then continue to make a series of blows and kill him!

He called Xu Yafei and said, "You and Teacher Liu should work harder and advance your progress!"


Old Bai has been tangled recently.

The successful confrontation between two new biochemical rookies emerging from Qingyang University, Xu Yafei and Li, has shown an upward trend.

The battle between Li Chenggong and Xu Yafei — to be precise, the academic battle between Xu Chengfei and the forces behind him supported by Li Chenggong and Nan Ming has reached a fever pitch.

In the study of stem cells, both of them put forward very excellent and influential theories, and then held each other's words, and argued that both sides' methods were wrong, and their own was correct.

Immediately after that, teachers from both sides came out to endorse and support their disciples, and it was another round of war.

Regardless of who is right and who is wrong-in fact, Lao Bai has no way to judge who is right or wrong. This state of academic contention is something that Lao Bai loves to hear, just like the hundred scholars and academic contentions of that year.

But the real problem is that there is only one remaining speaker in the academic conference.

In terms of pedigree, Li Chenggong is a young man born and raised in Qingyang University, and a student cultivated by Qingyang University himself.

And Xu Yafei is just a halfway monk, just joined the Vision Institute. If you don't worry about others and consider supporting one, maybe Bai will consider supporting Li to succeed.

But Lao Bai had to consider Nan Ming's attitude.

Sometimes, Baibai would think. This Nanming is really too evil.

It is said that the train runs fast, all relying on the headband. A Nanming, brought out a lot of eye-catching genius.

Not to mention anything else, the exoskeleton released by Lazy God Technology. Makes people startled. In this process, the student Su Hongyi who played an important role, just two months ago, was only participating in the school programming competition, it is difficult to get good grades, now he is a Daniel level person.

After much contact, Lao Bai knew that even Liu Minzhong was brought out by Nanming.

How does Nanming train people?

When Laoshen Technology's exoskeleton was released, Qingyang University also contributed some human and material resources. Helped the lazy **** technology, especially the medical school, support in this area.

In fact, this is also a consideration of Lao Bai. In this aspect, the lazy **** technology is balanced, and then ... should I support Li Chenggong?

After all, Xu Yafei is a member of the Institute of Biology and Medicine, and as the most fundamental reason for this academic conference to be placed at Qingyang University, Liu Minzhong's speech was a matter of nailing, and the remaining two places. It's better to let it out.

Dominating one party is not a good thing, it will cause the tilt of school resources and severe partial subjects. Many departments are afraid that they will not be able to get up.

A balance must be considered by any organization.

Although personally, Lao Bai prefers Nanming, but as a principal, he sometimes considers more.

But Nan Ming, this boy, sometimes has a bad temper. What to do when I tear my face?

Angrily, I dragged the people from Lazy Technology and the Institute away from playing with Qingyang University.

When Lao Bai was tangled, he called to report and Li Chenggong came to visit.

"Let him in." Lao Baixin said, saying Cao Cao, Cao Cao arrived.

"Principal." This time, Li Chenggong was very humble and respectful to Lao Bai, and when he came in, he bowed first, with grief in his face.

"Principal, I think this biological and medical research has been done too much!" Li Chenggong expressed his grief. "Why do they keep aiming at me? Why do they have to pour dirty water on me? They united the whole institute. Relying on my own human and material resources, suppressing a poor student, why is this? This is an academic gangster at all! "

When Laoshen Technology released a new product, Xu Yafei was not idle and broke a few more materials in a row.

This successful battle between Xu Yafei and Li has already attracted the attention of all industries. It can be called the opening ceremony of an academic conference.

Even ordinary media have started to report on it, calling it: "The Battle of the Prodigy".

That's right, Li Chenggong and Xu Yafei can be called prodigies in academic circles.

However, the forces on the two sides of the battle are indeed a bit unbalanced. Lao Bai is a good old man. It is indeed a bit of a disappointment to hear this.

"Principal, you have to decide for me, and only you can help me decide!" Li Chenggong continued to play a hardship card.

To a certain extent, Li Chenggong is right. Although Li Chenggong cannot be said to be alone, his teachers Guo Zhixun and Liu Min are not at the same level. He has no influential brothers and sisters to help him. He stands on the platform, and he does not have the financial support of lazy **** technology.

Not to mention that the entire Institute of Biology and Medicine has gathered the top domestic first-class experts and professors and researchers, and one of them is no worse than Guo Zhixun.

"This, academically, we still have to speak academically ..." Lao Bai groaned, circuitous.

"Principal, my theory is correct, and my experiment is absolutely free of errors. If you want, I can repeat the experiment and show it to you. It will definitely succeed!" Li Chenggong said, "They accused me of experimental fraud. I just don't look good on others and worry about competitors! This kind of academic gangster and academic monopoly is too arrogant! Principal, you can't listen to partial faith, because they have a lot of people, believe them! "

Truth is often in the hands of a few!

"Success ..." Lao Bai sighed in his heart, and said, "The number of speakers in this academic conference, personally, I still prefer you."

"Thank you, Principal! Thank you, Principal!" Li Chenggong was overjoyed, bowed and thanked quickly, with a look of gratitude, so that Lao Bai couldn't even speak the words behind him.

What old Bai could only say with a smile: "Come on!"

Li successfully exited the old Bai's office, suddenly waved his hand, and it was done!

These people are so easy to be manipulated, so easy to find weaknesses and conquered.

Since the last use of Qi Chen, Li Chenggong has tasted the sweetness of manipulating people. His ability seems to have some effects on manipulating people. But it is also normal, human is just a series of chemical reaction polymers.

When Li successfully left, Lao Bai even hit his head several times, but he said everything, and that's all he can do.

If Nanming and Li Chenggong chose one, perhaps Lao Bai would choose Nanming even if he didn't care about the balance, but Xu Yafei didn't have such weight in Lao Bai's heart.

Nanming will give him some compensation, I believe Nanming will understand, after all, Nanming is a reasonable person.

Unconsciously, Bai also made a common mistake, which is to bully honest people.

People who always feel good-tempered ~ ~ can be aggrieved.

On the way back successfully, Li couldn't help but get excited, he didn't realize it.

Facing the pressure from Nan Ming, he did not choose to use the academic method to fight back, but instead used the evil way to fight back.

In other words, he flinched.

With four days left, the academic conference will begin, and nothing will change!

It was midnight again, and Nan Ming was awakened by the phone. He stumbled and touched the mobile phone. When he saw Xu Yafei, he scolded: "This dead child, I woke me again in the middle of the night!"

Pressing the answer, before he scolded someone, he heard Xu Yafei's excited voice: "Uncle Ming! Success, we succeed! We built the machine, and then used the first experiment to cultivate stem cells!"

"Oh, are you? You dead child, wake me up in the middle of the night, you wait for me!" Contents that are inconsistent with national laws should be deleted. The position is only to provide a healthy and green reading platform. 【】,thank you all!

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