Lazy God Possession

Chapter 334: : Owe me 1 genius

The war between "lazy life" and "slow life" has intensified on the Internet. However, in reality, the competition between lazy life and slow life has already ended on the second day of Li Chenggong's detention .

Slow Life officially ended the subsidy. The slow life that lost the subsidy just maintained conservative operation and basically no longer expanded the market. This basically lost its competitiveness. It is said that the Royal Shark Fin Hotel came to take over the success of Li Cheng. Began to sell to several group-buying websites and ordering giants.

However, these group-buying websites and ordering giants have evaluated the "slow life" brand and surviving users, and found that slow life users and lazy life are highly overlapped, and there is a dark history, so there is no acquisition value.

"Slow life", which was originally a sub-brand of the cottage "lazy life", has not become an opportunity for the Royal Shark Fin Hotel, but has become a stain.

At this time, some media broke the news that the Royal Shark's Fin Hotel used fake shark fins to deceive consumers. Various investigation agencies also began to inspect. A large number of fake shark fins were found in the warehouse of the Royal Shark Fin Hotel. It caused a great uproar, and it can be said that the house leak happened to be rainy.

The Royal Shark Fin Hotel Group, which was once the star of the domestic restaurant industry, has seen its stock price fall and fall, plus the crazy subsidies of Li Cheng before, which consumed a lot of their cash flow, which put the entire group into trouble.

In this case, Li Feifan could not continue to survive, and reached an agreement with an acquirer at almost lightning speed, transferring all of their hotel ownership and employees in Qingyang to a third-party acquirer. .

Li Feifan only has one additional condition, which is that he hopes that the acquirer can take over the "slow life" sub-brand together.

When Li Feifan signed the transfer agreement, he felt his heart was bleeding.

Although this royal shark fin hotel in the high-tech zone is only part of his industry and can survive after a broken arm, this royal shark fin hotel in the high-tech zone was originally built from scratch. Starting from a small restaurant a little bit, he concentrated too much effort.

Selling the Royal Shark Fin Hotel was the last thing he wanted to do. After the sale of the Royal Shark Fin Hotel, it basically represents it. His foundation in Qingyang has been completely shaken.

Later, it is said that he sold his villa in the south of the city and left for other cities.

In this incident, there is another episode, that is, the principal of Qingyang University Bai came to Nanming to intercede, hoping that Nanming can raise his hand and let Li succeed.

after all. Li Chenggong is a genius who became a cns author at the age of twenty. Such genius can be met but not sought, and each one is a valuable asset of Qingyang University.

Nan Ming shook his head: "Now it's not a problem for me to let Li Chenggong go. Li Chenggong violates the law and will be punished. This is his fault."

Nanming asked himself that Li Chenggong was not even given a suit. He did nothing but retrieved the intellectual power from Li Chenggong. It is Li Chenggong who has trapped himself in this situation, who can blame him?

Old Bai sighed, not knowing what to say.

He still remembers when Nanming found him. He was asked not to support Li Chenggong, and at that time Nanming said a word that unless Li Chenggong withdrew the paper, he would only defeat Li Chenggong positively.

Now, Li Chenggong has been completely defeated, and Nan Ming once again stood on the winner's platform.

From Nanming's enrollment, too much has happened in this school, and almost everything has to do with Nanming.

Is this a coincidence or something else?

"Old white. Don't get tangled." Nanming said, "I lost you a genius. I promise to give you another genius and won't make you lose."

In fact, Nan Ming refers to Li Xiang. I have known Li for a few days. Except for Li Xiang's poor communication, it really makes people want to spit out madly. Nanming's perception of Li Xiang is still very good.

Although Li Xiang was autistic, he was kind in nature, especially in his academic field, and was very solid in his knowledge. He was completely different from their "geniuses" who were halfway monks. One time Nan Ming saw Li Xiang and "Primary Three" Communication, seeing that he taught Xiaosan some abstract concepts and very complicated mathematical algorithms, which made Nanming's eyes wide open.

For a program that is capable of self-learning for Primary Three, this fundamental change may be the most fundamental reason for the rapid advancement of the Intelligent Primary Three, and even for the entire main program, "Lazy".

Seeing Li Xiang and Primary Three studying mathematics together, they can be shocked by others. The combination of Primary Three's supercomputing ability and Li Xiang's own mathematical knowledge and association ability is just a super powerful mathematical machine.

What about man and artificial intelligence studying mathematics? Nanming is full of curiosity.

Nan Ming has a feeling that perhaps Li Xiang will be the core figure of Lazy God Technology in artificial intelligence and even many disciplines.

Therefore, Nan Ming intends to focus on training Li Xiang. Li Xiang's introverted personality makes it easier for Nan Ming to trust him. Li Xiang has quickly entered Nan Ming's core team.

"Really?" Nan Ming may just say, but Bai Bai was thinking too much. He squeezed the beard on his chin and said, "Several colleges such as the School of Architecture, School of Agriculture, School of Oceans, etc. have been weak It would be better for you to think of a way for me. "

Nan Ming's eyes were almost going to the back of his head. It turned out that the old white guy was waiting here.

It is said that **** is old and spicy, but Nanming has seen it.

"Why? Just bragging, now you want to deny it again?" Old White stared.

Nanming was speechless. He was taken by Lao Bai.

"Anyway, you owe me a Li Chenggong, and I can't end up with you if you can't cause an international sensation." Lao Bai uttered this sentence and patted his **** and left.

In fact, though, Lao Bai is mostly joking, how can it be so easy to revitalize a department?

Of course, deep down, he still hoped that a miracle would happen.

And Nan Ming, so begged by Lao Bai, was a little distressed.

He was a little sorry for Li Bai when he succeeded. He really had to think of a way.

All along ~ ~ his development direction is concentrated in the service industry, it-related industries, and he is really not good at other aspects.

"It's a big deal to strengthen something casually, and find someone to plug it into him." A person of Nanming's personality, after thinking about it for a while, was more lazy and decided to choose a simple and rude way.

But who deserves his support and deserves his training?

Nanming thought of the Cowman Club almost immediately.

In fact, Nanming hadn't taken much care of the Cowman Club before.

I think some college students have a limited number of cattle, even cattle.

But after contacting Li Xiang, Nan Ming realized that maybe there are some very powerful people in the Niu Ren Club.

Since Cai Wendi became the director of the Bulls Club, he has not done anything for the Bulls Club.

So what to do? Nan Ming gradually got an idea. (To be continued)

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