Lazy God Possession

Chapter 413: : Little Bunny

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Qingyang University Teaching Building No. 3, in a small classroom, more than thirty young and middle-aged people, sitting at school desks as if they were elementary school students, stared at their eyes, chinked their ears, and listened to the podium. Young teacher attending class.

Wang Wanqiang sat in the fifth row, clutching a pen, scratching his ears and taking notes.

He originally occupied the first row of seats, but several people reported that he was too tall and blocked his eyes and had to move to the back.

Wang Wanqiang is in his forties, a junior high school education, he has n’t touched the pen for many years, let alone sitting in the classroom to listen to the class, but he listens very carefully, and he still writes down something in the small book in front of himself, although first hand The writing is pretty good, but when taking notes, there are still a lot of white typos.

Today this class is a theory class. Most people can hear it in the clouds and fog, and Wang Wanqiang is no exception. When the lecture on the podium is finished, everyone starts to talk. Sitting next to Wang Wanqiang was Wei Caiming, who poke Wang Wanqiang next to him: "Did you understand?"

Wang Wanqiang blinked and said, "Probably ... didn't understand ..."

"What was said about the review of the drawings before construction just now, what's left for the survey control point ..." Wei Caiming asked, he was engaged in automobiles, and knew nothing about architecture, which was painful to learn.

"I'm dizzy, you ask President Zhang ..." Wang Wanqiang was ostrich-like.

Wei Caiming turned and asked Zhang Qinghang next to him, who was dismissed by Zhang Qinghang: "Why don't you ask Teacher Xiao Wei directly?"

That's right, we were given a lecture by Wei Ke, as one of the inventors of the lazy God ’s new architecture, the new prototype, and the designers of most of the architecture, such a brand-new course is only Wei may have spoken.

This is a new building construction course, which summarizes the new construction process. All the people in this room are the main staff of "Heqing Creation" and have management responsibility. There are also responsible for construction.

When Nan Ming invited Wang Wanqiang to join "He Qingchuang", he thought that he would still be wearing camouflage clothes and a towel as before. Wearing a hard hat and carrying various tools, he was busy on the job site, he thought, even if exhausted. You have to work for Nanming. If it wasn't for Nanming, he would have died.

But when he promised, he never expected that his first job was to sit in the classroom to study, which was even worse than death.

No matter how difficult it is, he still has to persist, not just to repay his favor, but also to give his family a better life.

Speaking again for a while. After the bell rang, Wei Ke brought out a stack of test papers on the stage and said, "This is the result of yesterday's test. Generally speaking, it is not bad. Most of them passed, but there are some students who have not done well , All failing students should stay in the evening, I will provide individual counseling, and ask the monitor to curl down the test. Okay, after class ... "

Zhang Qinghang farted and ran up to pick up the papers, sending them down one by one.

Wang Wanqiang got the paper in the midfielder with 64 points. Not high, but it is already the result of Wang Wanqiang's all-out effort. After returning at night, he will continue to learn until 12 o'clock in the evening, and sometimes he will take Wang Shihao to study with him. Wang Wanqiang has always said that the heads of their old Wang family are stupid. Therefore, it is normal for Wang Shihao to study poorly. However, after this time, Wang Wanqiang can't wait to go back and beat Wang Shihao again. Who said that the old Wang's head was stupid? No matter how stupid your head is, can you still learn it?

Now he has no bottom, isn't that the best evidence?

At this moment, Wei Caiming's paper was also issued. Wang Wanqiang squinted and glanced, and saw Wei Caiming's face turned red, and he stood up suddenly: "This little bunny!"

Wang Wanqiang can clearly see that it has a large "59" point, it seems that these words are also larger than others.

"This little bunny, he did it on purpose!" Wei Caiming was so furious that he would die, 59 points, and he would stay to make up lessons. This must be intentional!

"Xi angry! Xi angry!" Seeing Wei Cai's fame, he would rush out, Pharaoh hugged him quickly, "Don't be impulsive! Don't be impulsive!"

"This little bunny, don't give a face!" Wei Caiming growled, "seeing Lao Tzu go home will not kill him!"

This is really not giving a penny, even if the pen tip is crooked, give him a penny!

"Speak quietly, be careful Teacher Xiao Wei to wear small shoes for you!" Zhang Qinghang quickly held him, Wei Ke's small shoes were uncomfortable to death, whoever tried it would know.

"He dares, this little bunny, and I still need to wear him small shoes ..." Wei Caiming still broke free of Zhang Qinghang's restraint and ran out.

However, where there was Wei Ke outside, he had hummed the small song and speeded up, rushing into the stairs and disappeared.

Don't run away at this time, stay here for exploitation?

Xiao Wei can't be so stupid.

After the theoretical class, it is a practical operation class. This course was given by Mr. Qin, the lazy **** technology. Among the people of the lazy **** technology, Qin Ye's personality is relatively mild and patient, which is suitable for this kind of operation. Teach classes many times without wanting to smash machines.

This kind of full specialization involves the operation of on-site modeling and on-site adjustment of various complex parameters. It is too difficult for these middle-aged people to have a high average education.

But on the opening show on January 15, it was these people who needed to operate a full set of equipment and perform a live performance. The people of Lazy Technology were only responsible for training and technical support. If the live demonstration failed, it would be troublesome. .

The actual operation today is to build a small greenhouse.

Compared with the theory class, the operation class is also difficult, but the atmosphere is much warmer than the theory class.

It was just that various mistakes were made during the period. Jiang Ming was still watching. Later, he couldn't stand it anymore. He shook his head and turned away with a sigh.

He really couldn't bear to watch these guys do evil.

Fortunately, in the end, they succeeded. Under their operation, they watched a greenhouse from scratch. Although these times, they rolled up their sleeves and picked up tools, they were able to set up several greenhouses, but for the first time they succeeded. Let everyone's face show a heartfelt smile.

Looking at them, Qin Ye frowned. This kind of learning progress is really difficult to meet the requirements of actual operation. Of course, during the on-site exercise, it can be remotely operated by other people. Or it can be controlled by Xiaobai, but this company is really responsible for the construction task. If it can't be done by themselves, it won't make sense.

After Qin Ye returned, he reported to Nan Ming. Nan Ming frowned.

"Nanming, you should just help them. It won't work like this." Qin Yedao said.

In the evening, Wei Caiming came to the classroom gritted teeth, and received Wei Ke's tutoring with four other people who failed. These days, it is really too painful for Wei Caiming to swap with Wei Ke's identity. He recently lost his father's authority at home, which also led to two people getting into trouble again at home. Before finishing three words, they started arguing. They couldn't stop eating a meal, leaving Wei's mother helpless.

When Wei Caiming entered the classroom, he pulled a big long face that others owed him 1.8 million. He planned to calm Wei Ke first. Whoever thought that the phone would ring when he entered the classroom, he just planned to shut down and take it out. one look. His hands trembled, and he quickly picked them up, with a brow on his face and a smile on his face: "Mr. Nan, what do you tell me? Let me go there? OK. I'll go!"

Then Wei Caiming shook his cell phone to Wei Ke and said, "Mr. Nan called me, so I'll go first."

Wei Ke hummed, and when Wei Caiming thought he had escaped, he quietly said, "I'm waiting for you here and coming back from the president. I will give you counseling alone."

At the foot of Wei Caiming's footsteps, he almost tripped over and couldn't beat him up. He turned and pointed at Wei Ke's nose. You and you stayed for a long time, and finally turned around without you coming out.

The next student said, "Mr. Wei, you always aim at President Wei. This is not good ..."

"Well, who made him object to my report to the Architecture Department!" Wei Ke hated, but he was super vengeful.

The student shook his head and laughed. The way the father and son expressed their feelings was really awkward, but in some ways, it was also enviable. Although President Wei gritted his teeth all day, he was proud of his child ’s achievements. .

Wei Caiming arrived at Nanming's office, knocked on the door, and saw that besides him, Zhang Qinghang and Wang Wanqiang were also there, and Nan Ming was standing beside Yang Ji and Zhao Fengfeng. The stance of the court hearing suddenly murmured in my heart.

"Please sit down." Nan Ming pointed to the seat in front of him, and nodded to Yang Ji, Yang Ji took out three envelopes and said, "Though the three haven't been in the lazy gods for a long time, they can be regarded as passing by. After the test, although none of them have fully passed my assessment, President Nan trusts you, so today ... "

Nan Ming lowered his head, and in front of him there were two thick books, a construction manual and an operation manual, which were temporarily prepared by Xiaobai.

With regard to various specific matters of Lazy God Technology, with the deepening of Xiaobai's amazing computing ability, one person has almost covered 90%. For example, drafting a contract and writing a manual, Xiaobai can get it done instantly. .

Of the remaining 10%, the artificial intelligence groups whose core is the artificial intelligence system "little lazy" in Qingda Lazy God, also undertakes most of the vulgar affairs. Now Lazy God Technology has almost no need Worrying about paperwork, statistical work, and recording work, you only need to focus on creative work and technical work, which allows Lazy Technology to still operate effectively with such a small number of people.

The core of the development of Lazy Technology is to continuously research various new technologies and applications. Xiaobai has four aspects of perception, logic, analysis, and calculation. He has unparalleled advantages in auxiliary research and simulation operations, but he is creating In terms of ability, it is only the level of ordinary people. It can participate, but it cannot play a key role.

Although Nanming cherishes his energy, but the ability to use it can not be saved, he strengthened these two operation manuals and construction manuals.

There, Wei Caiming, Zhang Qinghang, and Wang Wanqiang all heard Yang Ji's words, all stunned.

"If you are willing to accept it, please accept this card. If you are not willing to accept it, you can leave the office now, but please do not bring it up to anyone." Yang Jidao was also helpless in his heart and the rules were well formulated However, there are times when you have to adapt. Fortunately, people who have accepted Nanming's Lazy God employee card have not made any mistakes.


When Wei Caiming hummed Xiaoqu back to the classroom, it was already more than two hours later. There were only one person left in the other four failing colleges, and the others had already left. Wei Ke was explaining for that person Seeing Wei Caiming coming in, he said, "Why did you come back, and if I fail the next time, I will have to punish the station ... what's the matter with President Nan?"

"Mr. Wei, what do you want me to do if you want to ask me?" Wei Caiming smiled at Wei Ke and stabbed his son.

Wei Ke gave him a white look, and Wei Caiming raised his eyebrows, and said, "Just now, Mr. Nan opened a small stove for me and helped me make up lessons. I can now graduate directly."

"Cut ..." Wei Ke didn't believe it. Let me say that President Nan doesn't know the building very well. He just said that Mr. Nan was lazy ...

"I don't believe it, I'll show it to you." Wei Caiming picked up a paper next to it and wrote it down. This is what I will talk about tomorrow, but Wei Caiming did it without blinking his eyes. .

What he saw today is already deeply in his mind.

Wei Ke stretched his neck and looked at it. The more he looked, the more he stayed. He looked at Wei Caiming several times. This is still his elm-like old man who is slow to learn anything? It feels like he has completely changed his personal content. He has done everything right without any stumbling.

The failing student next to me was dumbfounded ~ ~ Well, it ’s Jin Carat.

"Look, right!" For more than ten minutes, Wei Caiming threw the paper to Wei Ke. "There is something wrong, I'm your last name!"

Shall we both have the same surname? Wei Ke is speechless, this kind of bet is not convincing, etc ...

Wei Ke watched it again, and his mouth couldn't be closed. It was only two hours before and after that. Wei Caiming even fully grasped all the points. In many places, it was even true. What did Nan always do? Do you have a craniotomy? Or put a liter of stem cells into his father's head to supplement his brain, otherwise how can he let his father know?

"All right? What's right?" Wei Cai famously said.

"All ... all right ..." Wei Ke dumbfounded.

"It's all right, hey ..." Wei Caiming stood up, grabbed Wei Ke, and his palms raised: "Little bunny, I have endured you for a long time! Don't run, I think you can Where to go ... "(To be continued.)

PS: Bear children ... You also take your time. Do you want to exhaust 40 uncle tickets?

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