Lazy God Possession

Chapter 464: : You Jinshan

Early in the morning the next morning, Song Changlong arrived in the lobby of the hotel, waiting for Nanming and others.

According to Song Changlong's plan, today, in any case, take Nanming to take a walk around several places worth investing in.

However, his name is different, as the name suggests, taking Nanming to eat the characteristic early snacks throughout Jinshan County.

I have to say that in this time, Song Changlong has grasped the pulse of Nanming. Sure enough, Nanming is very enthusiastic about eating early, and happily took a walk around with Song Changlong.

I eat local noodles, lamb stew and other local foods. Although Nanming has a strange taste, it is better than other flavors. Nanming is also very happy.

When it was more than eight o'clock, Lao Zhu called Xiang Guoliang and said that he was ready for breakfast. When he asked Nanming to eat, he heard that Nanming had already eaten breakfast, and he suddenly blamed Song Changlong. "Dao Song, would you like to eat early, or go elsewhere?"

Song Changlong laughed: "Although your morning is good, it is too elegant. Besides, Nan Geer will have the opportunity to eat your food in the future. If these street stalls are not brought by my old Song, I am afraid that I will not The most authentic. "

After hanging up the phone, Song Changlong asked Nanming: "Nanger, where are you from? Is your family in Qingyang?"

In fact, after spending a day together yesterday, Song Changlong thought a lot after returning. Nanming was of this age, and he came from Qingyang again ... Is that the general manager Nan?

Song Changlong felt that there was no such thing as a coincidence. He had just gone after a liar, and then came true again.

But I couldn't help but think in this direction.

Nan Ming smiled and said: "Actually, my hometown is Nanjia Town, next door, and it is now in the provincial capital. Qingyang is just an elder, and I know I am picky."

"Oh, this way." Song Changlong said, "Nanjiazhen, I have been there many times. That place is good ..."

"What a good thing, you are so poor, oh ..." Nanming said a few words of his own words, and couldn't help but think of the grandmother's house where another liar Nanming had cracked. Sigh.

I don't know if the house is repaired now, it is better to call and ask.

Seeing that Nan Ming was right in several places, and the feelings were sincere. It didn't seem to be fraud. Song Changlong believed it. Says: "The poor is better off, and the better is the best. If Nan Geer has the ability, he will try his best to help the people in the hometown, and the people in the hometown will not forget you."

Nan Ming laughed and said, "Brother Song, do you want me to help my hometown people, or leave the investment with you?"

Nanjia Town is in the county next door, not Jinshan County.

"From my own standpoint, I hope Nangeer will keep the investment in Jinshan County, but it makes sense. It is Nanjiazhen that needs this investment more." Song Changlong said.

Hearing Song Changlong's words, Nanming was a little moved. The investment officer was quite upright, sincere and not slick. To be honest, Nanming had a good impression.

If it was said that Song Changlong was only used as a free guide before, at this time I really think about leaving some investment in Jinshan County.

"Seriously, if Jinshan County has a place suitable for investment, I will consider it. But for now, I haven't seen anything worth investing in for the time being, I'm really sorry." Nanming Road.

Song Changlong smiled bitterly, in fact, he also knew that such a place in Jinshan County. There is nothing outstanding, they have it, they have it elsewhere, they do n’t have it, they have it elsewhere, and their competitiveness is really low.

But now Song Changlong knows about Nanming. Knowing that Nanming's interests are mostly eating, drinking, and fun, the sidewalk said: "In fact, our Heyang County has a large temperature difference between day and night and arid climate, but is also close to the mainstream of the Yellow River and many tributaries. The water veins are rich, so there are many special crop specialties, such as red grapes For example, lotus root has unique tastes and is exceptionally worthy to be tasted. Furthermore, there are many beautiful places. Nangeer is here, so it's a pity. "

This poked at the point of Nanming, and quickly let Song Changlong lead the way and drove around Guoliang.

The entire Jinshan County's tourism industry is very underdeveloped. The scenery of the surrounding counties and cities is too high and is not particularly competitive, but for Nanming, this is a completely different landscape from Jidong Province. The first time I played, I was quite happy.

When Nanming saw the endless reed swings along the Yellow River and the various water birds inhabiting the reed swings, he couldn't help thinking of the one at his hometown Wenji Canal, where he met Xia Yiyao with Zhang Feilin Noon.

Taking a boat through the tributary of the Yellow River, looking at the yellow reeds on both sides of the bank, watching the wetlands that should have been deserted because of the yellow, but become vibrant because of various water birds, Nanming feels that the whole person has become peaceful. Up.

At this moment, he really hopes that Zhang Feilin is here, and these scenery will definitely become more beautiful under Zhang Feilin's lens.

It is a pity that this place is too far away from Qingyang, and it is impossible to come to enjoy it often. The tourism industry is also an industry with high investment and slow results, which requires a lot of conditions, not to mention, in some places, if the tourism industry is developed, Will destroy the natural appearance.

The ship continued to move forward, and some withered lotus leaves gradually appeared in front of it, like ink lines of varying thickness, reflected in the water.

"These are ..." Nan Ming felt that the line was very sensational, and took a few photos with his mobile phone and sent them to Zhang Feilin.

Song Changlong was silent, saying: "This is a local specialty of the nine-eyed lotus. It tastes very good, crisp and tender, pure green food. Unfortunately, it can only rot in the mud ..."

"Why?" Nan Ming asked for a moment.

"There are many reasons. The consumption of lotus roots is originally low ~ ~ The underdeveloped transportation in Jinshan County is also one of the reasons ... If these lotus roots can be sold, the income of nearby residents can quadruple, It will not be as poor as it is now. "

Nan Ming was also silent. Just now he saw several half-sized boys rowing past, and some people even wore patched clothes.

At this moment, Song Changlong received a call and smiled bitterly: "No, leader calls, I'm going back, Nangeer, do you continue to play here, or just go back?"

"Go back." Nanming Road, he suddenly lost his mood.

Song Changlong followed Nanming to Lao Zhu's farmhouse, and said two more polite words. Just when he was going to leave, his eyes suddenly straightened.

He saw a pavilion and a long corridor in the pond of Lao Zhu Farmhouse.

The corridors and pavilions are reflected in the water and are beautiful.

"It's a long sight today!" Lao Zhu sighed. "You haven't seen Lao Song, it's a pity!" (To be continued.)


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