Lazy God Possession

Chapter 476: : The wise and brave general manager Nan

"Say, where did you hide the money!" In a rotten basement, the liar Nan Ming was tied to a pipe, her body was blue and purple, and her eyes were swollen. . Alas,

In front of him was the sniper wearing a camouflage uniform. After several hours of continuous pursuit, the camouflage uniform sniper finally grabbed the liar Nan Ming.

"Come on!" Seeing the liar Nan Ming didn't say anything, the camouflage man punched him again.

After taking a lot of punches in a row, the liar Nan Ming felt that his head was going to turn into a mass of paste, which swelled so badly that his brain seemed to be boiling.

"I really don't know what Novant is. You let me go!" The liar Nanming was helpless. The foreigner spoke with an accent. The liar Nanming took several punches before he understood what he was saying Norwant, but how does the liar Nan Ming know what Norwant is?

He said anxious, this camouflage suit murmured the bird's language. If the authentic Nanming is here, it may be understandable, but the liar Nanming has n’t even completed the nine-year compulsory education. .

The chicken talked to the duck for a while, but the liar Nan Ming took a good deal of his meals, and his throat almost shouted.

However, this is a hiding place where camouflage clothing has been found for a long time. There are no personal figures nearby. The liar Nan Ming really broke his throat and no one came to rescue him.

However, after so many punches, a little liar Nan Ming understood that this person, he was looking for a sum of money, and the sum of money reached billions of dollars!

Hearing the money, the liar Nan Ming immediately got excited, and it seemed that his head was not so bloated!

Money, that's money!

If you have so much money, you will have to eat fragrant and spicy, and marry Bai Fumei. To the pinnacle of life!

After tortured Nan Ming for a long time, when he heard some movement outside, the camouflage suit went out.

The liar Nan Ming began to save himself actively. His hands were tied by straps and hung on metal pipes. He saw a protruding metal piece in the corner of the pipe. Quietly moved his arm over and started rubbing on it.

The protagonists on TV are very easy to escape. It seems to break with a little rubbing. However, when it was his turn, Nan Ming, he found that the cable tie was much stronger than he thought. I don't know what to do, not only did not wear off. Ragged his hands instead.

After five minutes of grinding, the liar Nan Ming was so tired and panting that he heard the sound of ping-ping popping from the outside. Apparently someone and the camouflage clothing caught fire. A few minutes later, the camouflage clothing rushed in with blood. The dagger in his hand came out, and it was about to erase the liar Nan Ming's neck.

He can basically confirm. Liar Nanming's line is false.

"Wait! Wait! Don't kill me, I can give you money! I'm rich! Don't you want money? I give you!" Liar Nan Ming was terrified. Hurry for mercy.

The camouflage suit heard a word, he did not think about it, there is such a possibility.

Then he suddenly realized, yes, he kidnapped the boss of Lazy God Technology, if now he asks Lazy God Technology for a ransom ...

but. No matter how generous Lazy Technology is, he can't give him more than a dozen or two billion US dollars. The camouflage suit judges the priorities and weighs the harm caused by carrying a burden. And possible ransom.

Finally, still greedy, the camouflage uniform released the liar Nan Ming from the pipe, pushing him out of this small basement.

Outside the underground, the liar Nan Ming saw two people lying in a pool of blood, both of whom tracked down the camouflage clothes, but were killed by the camouflage clothes. The camouflage clothes sneered: "Be honest, otherwise this is the end!"

The liar Nan Ming shuddered, and his heart was a little shaken, but after thinking about the money, he finally decided to continue.

Pulling the liar Nan Ming out of the rotten tailgate, he lifted the camouflage on the car. The camouflage uniform threw the liar Nan Ming into the trunk, closed the trunk, and then drove away.

After the camouflage uniform and liar Nan Ming left, Johnson turned out of the shadows. After coming out of the conference site in Jinshan County, he went straight to Nanjia Town, but when he arrived, the camouflage uniform had been ambush for a long time. He knew that if he came out, he could only become a live target for camouflage clothing, and he would always hide nearby.

In fact, he also took this place as a hiding place before, so long before the camouflage uniform came back with the liar Nan Ming, he had set up eavesdropping and monitoring devices here, and the camouflage uniform did not even realize that he was being monitored. Already.

When the camouflage uniform interrogated Nan Ming, he was always listening.

According to his understanding, Nanming, the lazy **** technology, has not been trained. It is absolutely impossible for him to keep secrets of this intensity of torture, especially when the human brain is continuously under severe blows, and sometimes he is faint. Deep down, say what you didn't intend to say.

So, if Nanming doesn't know the whereabouts of the money, then who knows?

Johnson frowned for a moment, then suddenly came up with an idea.

If Nanming didn't know it, only the old-time administrator Lao Qi knew it.

Lao Qi was dead and could not speak for a long time, but he must have left something where he lived before.

There must be clues in it.


Qing Zhongtang was busy working all night, and almost didn't close his eyes.

After Nanming left, they were naturally kicked out of the inflatable room. Qing Zhongtang was not Ma Liang. He dragged Wei Jiazhi to run wild all night and tracked the whereabouts of other spies. In the morning, Wei Jiazhi It's gone.

On the contrary, Qing Zhongtang, because he can often exercise in the lazy **** gym, just staying up all night just for leisure.

In the morning, Wei Jiazhi is going crazy. He is just a person who has no ability and spends his days in the system. He doesn't know how to get the superior's appreciation. He got such an opportunity. He was very happy at the beginning. It means that his importance has increased greatly, and his power has also risen to high levels. However, after Qing Zhongtang came, he was tormented. One million hearts in his heart hoped that Qing Zhongtang could get away quickly, but Qing Zhongtang still did not leave. Now, he doesn't seem to be finished without tossing.

At this moment, Qing Zhongtang was pulling him, patrolling with some other colleagues, looking for clues, Qing Zhongtang demanded that he must stare wide, and miss a clue to make him look good.

And whether he threatened, begged or promised, Qing Zhongtang didn't leave, and he couldn't wait to pull a gun to commit suicide or kill Qing Zhongtang with a single shot. At this moment, Qing Zhongtang received a The phone call was from Nan Ming. He asked Qing Zhongtang: "Do you remember the proposal?"

"You mean ..." Qing Zhongtang was overjoyed.

"Yes, the authority belongs to you, the money belongs to me." Nanming said.

"Deal." Qing Zhongtang was overjoyed, opened the door, and carried Wei Jiazhi down. The car flew directly and disappeared.

"My coat!" Wei Jiazhi ran after him for a long time, watching Qing Zhongtang's car disappear.

"Bless me, let your car go over the ditch!" Wei Jiazhi jumped in vain behind him. In the snow and ice, Qing Zhongtang took him off. His clothes and his mobile phone were still in the car !!

Qing Zhongtang drove all the way, went straight to Jinshan County, and talked with Nanming on the phone to discuss what to do.

When these people are following Nanming, they must find that there is no clue to the liar Nanming.

So where is the clue?

On both sides of the phone, UU reading two people suddenly flashed: "Red. Qingyang!"

"I'll get a search warrant and search at Red. Qingyang!" Qing Zhongtang said.

This is the advantage at home. If others want to search, they must break in illegally.

"Where do I use a search warrant?" Nan Ming laughed. Just yesterday, Lazy God Investment just bought Hong Qingyang, and was anxious to let go. The final transaction price was 780 million.

After initialing the agreement, the keys have been handed over to Lazy God Investment. Theoretically, the current red Qingyang already belongs to Nanming.

Just yesterday, Nanming was still annoyed why he bought this daddy's red Qingyang, wasting 800 million.

Today, Nan Ming is proud of it.

"Sure enough, my wise and uncle Ming, how can I invest wrong?" Nanming boasted, he decided, even if he picked the red. Qingyang, he must find clues! (To be continued.) U

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