Lazy God Possession

Chapter 535: :track

On the afternoon of the thirtieth year of the New Year, Chen Haocong knocked on the door and shouted, "Open the door! Open the door!"

Nanma smiled and ran to open the door. Chen Haocong gasped and slapped the snowflake on his shoulder and came in, saying, "It's snowing, it's frozen to death! Auntie, will I be happy with you this year?"

Nanma quickly asked what was happening, while Chen Haocong took off his clothes and gasped, "My dad is busy with work and will not return to his hometown this holiday season. He took me Nai Nai and Uncle to live there. A few bear children from the uncle's family, come and find Uncle Ming! "

Nan Ming was lying on the side of the sofa staring, your kid came to me? no way!

When he raised his hand, he wanted to catch someone. When Chen Haocong saw Nanming wanted to catch someone, he quickly said, "Auntie, what else is there to live with? Let me come?"

Having said that, I will take the rolling pin in the hands of Nanma and prepare dumplings. [Read the latest chapter ..]

Seeing this kid so diligent, Nan Ming was happy.

"You came just right." Nan Ming stretched out his hand, "Just right, go with my dad to post the Spring Festival couplet."

Every year at the 30th year of the year, the Spring Festival couplet is posted. The Nanjia process is a bit more special. It first puts fruits and fruits for the grandfather Nan Ming who died, and then spreads red paper and polishes ink. So every year, it gradually became a ritual.

Nan Da is very good in calligraphy and painting. Every time he writes, he has to teach Nan Ming something, and he is very dissatisfied with Nan Ming's hand-crawling characters.

For Nanming, such a lazy egg, posting Spring Festival couplets is really superfluous. I really want to get the two LED displays at the door and display them directly. Just move your fingers every year, lest I have to expose it again.

Nanming can't be allowed to listen to his church, Nan Da is a bit sorry, but Nan Da is not very picky, as long as a living person can listen to his show, it doesn't have to be Nan Ming.

Chen Haocong ran obediently to help, while listening to Nan Da's teachings while he was busy. From time to time praise: "Auntie and Grandpa's words are so good! Big calligraphers are different!"

Boasting Nan Dad's heart was full of energy, and even boasting that Chen Haocong was diligent.

Nanma sighed and said, "Well, when can our Xiaoming be as diligent as Cong Cong?"

After posting Spring Festival couplets, Chen Haocong was busy cleaning again. The northern winter heating is sufficient. When Chen Haocong took off his jacket, he showed a tendon r. He ran up and down to help, and Nan Da couldn't help nodding. To Nanma: "Someday, Xiaoming and Cong Cong will be changed!"

Chen Haocong said: "Then my dad must not be happy to die! Now I come home and train me every day!"

"Your dad didn't have time to discipline the child. Like Xiao Ming, give him a sofa and let him lie down. Just starve for food and feed him," Nan Da said.

Nanma also said: "It doesn't matter, just take what you need."

Nan Ming is speechless, the parties are still here! Watch your words!

So as not to hurt my young soul!

"Cong Cong, stay a few more days! Anyway, you can't live in your home anyway!" Nan Ma immediately invited Chen Haocong to see how useful he was.

There are not many people in the Nan family, and the room is always free.

"Okay!" I got a reasonable meal ticket. Chen Haocong grinned at Nan Ming and was very proud.

Nan Ming looked at his expression, and thought that the boy was slowing down, knowing that no matter how great the sniper was, he could not be more powerful than nuclear fusion, and he was very satisfied.

He was ready to do some tricks and ask this guy to ask himself before he joined the nuclear fusion project.

Who would have thought that this bear child did not come for this purpose.

"Uncle Ming, I heard you want to buy a boat?" Chen Haocong sat next to Nan Ming, lowering his voice.

Nan Ming stared. This Fengtianyou, there is nothing to open the door, why did you spread the news so quickly?

"Buy a warship! Buy a warship!" Chen Haocong grabbed Nan Ming and shook him, almost shaking Nan Ming from the sofa.

It turned out that this kid came for this purpose!

Nanming was completely shaken. Quickly surrendered and surrendered: "Buy buy buy!"

"Creating an aircraft carrier! Creating an aircraft carrier!" Chen Haicong yelled again when Nan Ming was shaken.

"Make it! You let me go!" Nan Ming felt like he was about to be shaken to death.

Chen Haocong was so pleased that he jumped up and raised his hand and shouted, "I am the man who wants to become one!"

Nan Ming rolled his eyes and really served the bear child!

When the sale was over in front of Nan Ma, Chen Haocong sat next to Nan Ming and watched Nan Ming on his mobile phone. Asked, "Uncle Ming, what are you doing?"

"Well, playing rpg ..." Nanming was bored. He is actually chatting in none right now. It is the New Year. According to the conventions of the game, he should send out a Chinese New Year gift. "

In this case, Nanming was kind of embarrassed because Chen Wei was helping him.

And, as Nan Da said, he lay down on the sofa and ate.

"I don't know." Chen Haocong didn't know what was strange about the case. How did his dad take it so seriously, but it wasn't the first time that Dad hadn't come home during the Chinese New Year. He didn't care. Handed it to Nan Ming and said, "My dad asked me to give you this."

According to Nan Ming, Chen Wei collected all the videos along the way and gave them to Lazy to analyze. The Lazy analyzed the trajectory of the Volkswagen Jetta from the massive video data and intercepted some videos.

In fact, the current lazy bug analysis process is based on algorithms. It is better at facial recognition and tracking, and analyzes and calculates possible targets without specific information. It is not good at it. Nanming is teaching it.

The analysis results of the lazy worm and some key data were originally given to Chen Wei by Nanming, but now Chen Wei runs out of these data and returns the plate to Nanming.

"My dad said there was a suspicious video, and he marked it inside." Chen Haocong said again.

No matter how powerful the program is, there is currently no way to replace human scrutiny, especially Chen Wei's extraordinary ability. These results are re-introduced to the lazy worm, which helps the lazy worm to learn and improve the algorithm.

Nanming recruited Dabai, put Panc into his sb mouth, and Dabai shrank next to Nanming. The indicator light flashed, and the news was quickly passed back to the lazy worm.

At the same time, the lazy worm transmitted a video to Nanming, which was the one marked out by Chen Wei.

This video was recorded by a surveillance camera at a crossroads. From the video, it can be seen that a blue Chevrolet parked there waiting for a red light. The driver suddenly stared and looked forward, and the entire person shrank in the driver's seat. Into a ball.

Then a hand appeared on the top edge of the screen, swinging it, and the car continued to drive forward.

Chen Wei thought it was a scene where someone had witnessed the murderer killing the taxi driver, so he marked it out.

Nanming agrees with this analysis.

But what happened after that? The owner of this car must be found to find other clues.

This doesn't require lazy bug tracking, because the camera captures the car number and it becomes much easier to find someone.

While Nan Ming was lying lazily at home, Chen Wei was carrying his two capable subordinates, braving the wind and snow, and following the track of the car.

The owner of this car is an ordinary tourist who intends to return to the Chinese New Year. At this time of the year, there are not 10,000 or 8,000 people who drive to this hometown.

It's already the afternoon of the 30th year of the New Year, and it's going to be dark soon, but he didn't return home as planned, instead he disappeared.

Chen Wei felt that something was wrong, and he accelerated the tracking speed. According to the trajectory provided by the traffic police department, he found that the car drove all the way to Dongbin City, and immediately chased after it.

At this time, Chen Wei had entered the boundary of Dongbin City and had just entered a small dock.

On the dock, there are fishing boats of all sizes, this is a fishing boat dock.

The snow is getting bigger ~ ~ The fishing boat is covered with a layer of white snow.

Blue Chevrolet stopped on the side of the dock, a figure crouched on the side of the door, and snow had accumulated a thin layer on his back.

Chen Wei and the two assistants looked at each other, stopped the car, covered the figure by the snow, and slowly walked towards the man.

Just then, Chen Wei's cell phone rang and it was a call from Nanming.

Chen Wei bowed his head to answer the phone, and Nan Ming's voice came from inside: "Brother, the killer is in the car, don't chase after you!"

The lazy worm calculated the difference between Chevrolet's starting speed and the time to reach the next intersection, and concluded that Chevrolet stopped in the middle to get the car in.

If a person has witnessed a killing, why should he let the killer sit in his car?

Unless this person is an accomplice, ordinary people will immediately drive away from right and wrong, why would he get him in the car? (To be continued.)



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